
时间:2014-09-15 08:26:34

标签: c# parameters constructor

我得到了一个名为classList的类列表。此列表中的每个类都有一个带有字符串参数的构造函数,该参数包含有关该类的一些信息。我想迭代classList,然后将所有构造函数参数添加到stringarray。 我怎么能这样做?

public Main()
        classList = new List<class>();
        class1 = new class1("class1 information");
        class2 = new class2("class2 information");

public void getConstructorParametersToList()
        string[] myArrayList = null;
        for(int i = 0; i < classList.Count; i++)
            //Add the parameters from the constructors to a string array
            myArrayList[i] = parameterfromconstructor

public void doSomething()
        foreach (string s in myArrayList)
//Class1 information
//Class2 information

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public interface IParameterizedClass
   string ClassParameter {get}

public class class1 : IParameterizedClass
   public string ClassParameter {get; private set;}
   public class1(string someParameter)
     // do some work

     ClassParameter = someParameter;

public class class2 : IParameterizedClass
   public string ClassParameter {get; private set;}
   public class2(string someParameter)
     // do some work

     ClassParameter = someParameter;

public void getConstructorParametersToList()
    string[] myArrayList = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < classList.Count; i++)
        //Add the parameters from the constructors to a string array
        myArrayList[i] = (classList[i] as IParameterizedClass).ClassParameter;