NSArray - >找到最接近的价值 - 最快的方式

时间:2014-09-16 09:14:07

标签: objective-c algorithm

假设我订了NSArray NSNumbers的订单{/ 1}:

2, 4, 8, 15, 16, 20 // for simplicity let's treat it as array of int's instead of NSNumbers

现在我需要找到最接近的索引,让我们说value == 19

searchValue = 19;
minIndex = 0;
maxIndex = array.count - 1;
currentIndex = (int)floorf(maxIndex / 2.f);

while (maxIndex - minIndex == 1) {
    if (array[currentIndex] < searchValue) { // go right
        minIndex = currentIndex;
    } else if (array[currentIndex] > searchValue) { // go left
        maxIndex = currentIndex;
    } else { // exact value, rather low probability of happening
        return currentIndex;

    currentIndex = (int)floorf((maxIndex - minIndex) / 2.f);

// let's check values around, who has smaller difference
int leftDifference = (currentIndex - 1 >= 0) ? abs(array[currentIndex - 1] - searchValue) : INT_MAX;
int rightDifference = (currentIndex + 1 < array.count) ? abs(array[currentIndex + 1] - searchValue) : INT_MAX;
int centralDifference = abs(array[currentIndex] - searchValue);
if (leftDifference < rightDifference && leftDifference < centralDifference) {
    return currentIndex - 1;
} else if () {
    return currentIndex + 1;
} else {
    return currentIndex;


我已经查看了例如SOF question,但它搜索的是值而不是索引,并通过浏览所有值来完成。如果是索引,我们不必浏览完整数组。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


NSArray *array = @[@(2), @(4), @(8), @(15), @(16), @(20)];


NSNumber *myValue = @(17);

使用indexOfObject:inSortedRange:options:usingComparator方法查找与您值最接近的数组索引。二进制搜索具有O(log n)性能,因此非常快。

NSInteger searchIndex = MIN([array indexOfObject: myValue inSortedRange:NSMakeRange(0, array.count)
                                   options:NSBinarySearchingFirstEqual | NSBinarySearchingInsertionIndex
                           usingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(NSNumber *obj1, NSNumber *obj2) {
                               return [obj1 compare:obj2];
                           }], [array count] - 1);

然后检查myValue索引上是否存在与您searchIndex - 1最近的数字:

if (searchIndex > 0) {
    CGFloat leftHandDiff = ABS(((NSNumber *)array[searchIndex - 1]).floatValue - myValue.floatValue);
    CGFloat rightHandDiff = ABS(((NSNumber *)array[searchIndex]).floatValue - myValue.floatValue);

    if (leftHandDiff == rightHandDiff) {
        //here you can add behaviour when your value is in the middle of range
        NSLog(@"given value is in the middle");
    } else if (leftHandDiff < rightHandDiff) {

NSLog(@"The nearest value to %f is %d in array at index %d", myValue.floatValue, array[searchIndex], searchIndex);

