C#Linq to Entities方法将属性投影到字符串

时间:2014-09-29 14:30:10

标签: c# linq linq-to-entities projection


    public SiteLabelDto[] GetVendorSites(int vendorId)
        return Context.Sites.Where(s => !s.IsDeleted && s.Vendor.Id == vendorId)
            .Select(s => new SiteLabelDto
                Id = s.Id,
                Name = s.Name,                    
                Address = s.Address.StreetAddress + ", " + s.Address.Locality + ", " + s.Address.Region + ", " + s.Address.Postcode,
                Country = s.Address.Country.Name,
                Email = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email) != null ? s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email).Value : "",
                Phone = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Phone) != null ? s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Phone).Value : "",                    


public class ContactPointEntity
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Value { get; set; }
    public ContactPointType Type { get; set; }
    public bool IsDefault { get; set; }




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



 .Where(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email && x.IsDefault)
 .Select(x => x.Value)


private static Expression<Func<Site, string>> GetContactPoint(ParameterExpression siteParam, ParameterExpression cpeParam, ContactPointType type)
    // Where.
    var typeCondition = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(cpeParam, "Type"), Expression.Constant(type));
    var defaultCondition = Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(cpeParam, "IsDefault"), Expression.Constant(true));
    var condition = Expression.AndAlso(typeCondition, defaultCondition);
    var predicateExp = Expression.Lambda<Func<ContactPointEntity, bool>>(condition, cpeParam);
    var whereExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "Where", new[] { typeof(ContactPointEntity) }, Expression.Property(siteParam, "ContactPoints"), predicateExp);

    // Select.
    var valueExp = Expression.Lambda<Func<ContactPointEntity, string>>(Expression.Property(cpeParam, "Value"), cpeParam);
    var selectExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "Select", new[] { typeof(ContactPointEntity), typeof(string) }, whereExp, valueExp);

    // DefaultIfEmpty.
    var defaultIfEmptyExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "DefaultIfEmpty", new[] { typeof(string) }, selectExp, Expression.Constant(string.Empty));

    // FirstOrDefault.
    var firstOrDefaultExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Enumerable), "FirstOrDefault", new[] { typeof(string) }, defaultIfEmptyExp);

    var selector = Expression.Lambda<Func<Site, string>>(firstOrDefaultExp, siteParam);
    return selector;


private static Expression<Func<Site, SiteLabelDto>> GetSite(ParameterExpression siteParam, ParameterExpression cpeParam)
    var newExp = Expression.New(typeof(SiteLabelDto));
    var initExp = Expression.MemberInit(
        Expression.Bind(typeof(SiteLabelDto).GetProperty("Id"), Expression.Lambda<Func<Site, int>>(Expression.Property(siteParam, "Id"), siteParam).Body),
        Expression.Bind(typeof(SiteLabelDto).GetProperty("Name"), Expression.Lambda<Func<Site, string>>(Expression.Property(siteParam, "Name"), siteParam).Body),
        /* other basic information */
        Expression.Bind(typeof(SiteLabelDto).GetProperty("Email"), GetContactPoint(siteParam, cpeParam, ContactPointType.Email).Body),
        Expression.Bind(typeof(SiteLabelDto).GetProperty("Phone"), GetContactPoint(siteParam, cpeParam, ContactPointType.Phone).Body)
        /* other types */
    var selector = Expression.Lambda<Func<Site, SiteLabelDto>>(initExp, siteParam);
    return selector;


var siteParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Site), "s");
var cpeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ContactPointEntity), "cpe");
var selector = GetSite(siteParam, cpeParam);
return Context.Sites
    .Where(s => !s.IsDeleted && s.Vendor.Id == vendorId)





public class ContactPointExt<T>
    public T Instance { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }


private static Expression<Func<Site, ContactPointExt<T>>> GetContactPoints<T>(ParameterExpression siteParam, ParameterExpression cpeParam)
    var type = typeof(ContactPointExt<T>);
    var newExp = Expression.New(type);
    var initExp = Expression.MemberInit(
        Expression.Bind(type.GetProperty("Instance"), siteParam),
        Expression.Bind(type.GetProperty("Email"), GetContactPoint(siteParam, cpeParam, ContactPointType.Email).Body),
        Expression.Bind(type.GetProperty("Phone"), GetContactPoint(siteParam, cpeParam, ContactPointType.Phone).Body)
    var selector = Expression.Lambda<Func<Site, ContactPointExt<T>>>(initExp, siteParam);
    return selector;


var siteParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Site), "s");
var cpeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ContactPointEntity), "cpe");
var selector = GetContactPoints<Site>(siteParam, cpeParam);
return Context.Sites
    .Where(s => !s.IsDeleted && s.Vendor.Id == vendorId)
    .Select(s => new SiteLabelDto
        Id = s.Instance.Id,
        Name = s.Instance.Name,
        Email = s.Email,
        Phone = s.Phone



    /// <summary>
    /// Wraps up a each of a query's objects in a ContactPointExt&lt;T&gt; object, providing the default contact point of each type.
    /// The original query object is accessed via the "Instance" property on each result.
    /// Assumes that the query object type has a property called ContactPoints - if different, supply the property name as the first argument.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="query"></param>
    /// <param name="contactPointsPropertyName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IQueryable<ContactPointExt<T>> WithContactPointProcessing<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, string contactPointsPropertyName = "ContactPoints") where T : class
        var siteParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "s");
        var cpeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ContactPointEntity), "cpe");
        var selector = ContactPointHelpers.GetContactPoints<T>(siteParam, cpeParam, contactPointsPropertyName);
        return query.Select(selector);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


public static IQueryable<SiteDTO> MapToSiteDTO(this IQueryable<Site> query)
    return query.Select(s => new SiteLabelDto
                                Id = s.Id,
                                Name = s.Name,                    
                                Address = s.Address.StreetAddress + ", " + s.Address.Locality + ", " + s.Address.Region + ", " + s.Address.Postcode,
                                Country = s.Address.Country.Name,
                                Email = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email) != null ? s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email).Value : "",
                                Phone = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Phone) != null ? s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Phone).Value : "",                    


return Context.Sites.Where(s => !s.IsDeleted && s.Vendor.Id == vendorId)
          .Select(x => x)

答案 2 :(得分:0)

public SiteLabelDto[] GetVendorSites(int vendorId)
    return (from s in Context.Sites
         where !s.IsDeleted && s.Vendor.Id == vendorId
         let email = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Email) 
         let phone = s.ContactPoints.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ContactPointType.Phone)
        select new SiteLabelDto
            Id = s.Id,
            Name = s.Name,                    
            Address = s.Address.StreetAddress + ", " + s.Address.Locality + ", " + s.Address.Region + ", " + s.Address.Postcode,
            Country = s.Address.Country.Name,
            Email = email  != null ? email.Value : "",
            Phone = phone != null ? phone .Value : "",