django - 动态表格字段集

时间:2010-04-12 21:14:38

标签: django django-templates django-forms django-models



这似乎是一个适用于可迭代表单字段集的案例,可以轻松设置样式。但由于字段集 - 例如django-form-utils中的字段集被定义为元组,它们是不可变的......我找不到在运行时定义它们的方法。这是可能的,还是另一种解决方案?



formset不是答案 - initial_data仅允许为formset中的表单字段设置默认值。无法通过initial_data将项目列表发送到choicefield构造函数。


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

结帐formsets。您应该能够将N个问题中的每个问题的数据传递为initial data。这些方面的东西:

question_data = []
for question in your_question_list:
    question_data.append({'prompt': question.prompt, 
                          'value': question.value, 
                          'units': question.units})
QuestionFormSet = formset_factory(QuestionForm, extra=2)
formset = QuestionFormSet(initial=question_data)

答案 1 :(得分:1)



    from django.forms.formsets import Form, BaseFormSet, formset_factory, \

    class QuestionForm(Form):
        """Form for a single question on a quiz"""
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # CODE TRICK #1
            # pass in a question from the formset
            # use the question to build the form
            # pop removes from dict, so we don't pass to the parent
            self.question = kwargs.pop('question')
            super(QuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            # CODE TRICK #2
            # add a non-declared field to fields
            # use an order_by clause if you care about order
            self.answers = self.question.answer_set.all(
            self.fields['answers'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(

    class BaseQuizFormSet(BaseFormSet):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # CODE TRICK #3 - same as #1:
            # pass in a valid quiz object from the view
            # pop removes arg, so we don't pass to the parent
            self.quiz = kwargs.pop('quiz')

            # CODE TRICK #4
            # set length of extras based on query
            # each question will fill one 'extra' slot
            # use an order_by clause if you care about order
            self.questions = self.quiz.question_set.all().order_by('id')
            self.extra = len(self.questions)
            if not self.extra:
                raise Http404('Badly configured quiz has no questions.')

            # call the parent constructor to finish __init__            
            super(BaseQuizFormSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def _construct_form(self, index, **kwargs):
            # CODE TRICK #5
            # know that _construct_form is where forms get added
            # we can take advantage of this fact to add our forms
            # add custom kwargs, using the index to retrieve a question
            # kwargs will be passed to our form class
            kwargs['question'] = self.questions[index]
            return super(BaseQuizFormSet, self)._construct_form(index, **kwargs)

    QuizFormSet = formset_factory(
        QuestionForm, formset=BaseQuizDynamicFormSet)

from django.http import Http404

    def quiz_form(request, quiz_id):
            quiz = Quiz.objects.get(pk=quiz_id)
        except Quiz.DoesNotExist:
            return Http404('Invalid quiz id.')
        if request.method == 'POST':
            formset = QuizFormSet(quiz=quiz, data=request.POST)
            answers = []
            if formset.is_valid():
                for form in formset.forms:
                return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?a=%s'
                        % (reverse('result-display',args=[quiz_id]), ''.join(answers)))
            formset = QuizFormSet(quiz=quiz)

        return render_to_response('quiz.html', locals())


{% for form in formset.forms %}
<fieldset>{{ form }}</fieldset>
{% endfor %}

答案 2 :(得分:0)


def create_dynamic_formset(name_filter):

    -Need to create the classess dynamically since there is no other way to filter
    class FormWithFilteredField(forms.ModelForm):
        type = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=SomeType.objects.filter(name__icontains=name_filter))

        class Meta:

    return modelformset_factory(SomeModelClass, form=FormWithFilteredField)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

Here is what I used for a similar case (a variable set of fieldsets, each one containing a variable set of fields).

I used the type() function to build my Form Class, and BetterBaseForm class from django-form-utils.

def makeFurnitureForm():
    """makeFurnitureForm() function will generate a form with

    furnitures = Furniture.objects.all()
    fieldsets = {}
    fields = {}

    for obj in furnitures:
        # I used a custom Form Field, but you can use whatever you want.
        field = QuantityFurnitureField(name =

        fields[] = field
        if not in fieldsets.keys():
            fieldsets[] = [field,]

    # Here I use a double list comprehension to define my fieldsets
    # and the fields within.
    # First item of each tuple is the fieldset name.
    # Second item of each tuple is a dictionnary containing :
    #  -The names of the fields. (I used a list comprehension for this)
    #  -The legend of the fieldset.
    # You also can add other meta attributes, like "description" or "classes",
    # see the documentation for further informations.
    # I added an example of output to show what the dic variable
    # I create may look like.
    dic = [(name, {"fields": [ for field in fieldsets[name]], "legend" : name})
           for name in fieldsets.keys()]
    # Here I return a class object that is my form class.
    # It inherits from both forms.BaseForm and forms_utils.forms.BetterBaseForm.
    return (type("FurnitureForm",
                 (forms.BaseForm, form_utils.forms.BetterBaseForm,),
                 {"_fieldsets" : dic, "base_fields" : fields,
                  "_fieldset_collection" : None, '_row_attrs' : {}}))

Here is an example of how dic may look like :

[('fieldset name 1',
    {'legend': 'fieldset legend 2',
     'fields' ['field name 1-1']}),
('fieldset name 2',
    {'legend': 'fieldset legend 2',
     'fields' : ['field 1-1', 'field 1-2']})]

I used BetterBaseForm rather than BetterForm for the same reason this article suggests to use BaseForm rather than Form.

This article is interesting even if it's old, and explains how to do dynamic forms (with variable set of fields). It also gives other ways to achieve dynamic forms.

It doesn't explain how to do it with fieldsets though, but it inspired me to find how to do it, and the principle remains the same.

Using it in a view is pretty simple :

return (render(request,'main/form-template.html', {"form" : (makeFurnitureForm())()}))

and in a template :

    <form method="POST" name="myform" action=".">
      {% csrf_token %}
        {% for fieldset in form.fieldsets %}
          <legend>{{ fieldset.legend }}</legend>
          {% for field in fieldset %}
            {% include "main/furniturefieldtemplate.html" with field=field %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>