
时间:2014-10-08 14:34:14

标签: php html search


一个例子可能是有人在搜索术语" Hello World"。我的搜索结果将返回包含" hello"的所有行。和"世界"。


  • 突出显示搜索查询中的字词,但只显示结果的一部分。我想只返回200个字符并突出显示(粗体)搜索词中任何一个单词的第一次出现。
  • 显示的副本将在CMS中创建并具有html标记。我可以在显示之前剥离html标签,但是如果我以正确的方式进行操作,我希望得到反馈。


  // The query string:
  <?php $q = urldecode($_GET['qString']); ?>

  // Run a loop through the results:
  <?php foreach ($this->get("pageResults") AS $result): ?>
      // a clickable H3 to the actual page:
      <h3><?= $this->html->link($result['sub_heading'] . " " . $result['heading'], array("controller" => "pages", "action" => "viewer", "properties" => array($result['name']))) ?></h3>
      // Strip all html characters as the content comes from an WYSIWYG editor:
      $value = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $result['content']);
      // Find the position within the text:
      $position = stripos($value, $q);
      // If a positive position, display 200 characters and start -100 from the first occurance
      if ($position == true) {
           $string = substr($value, $position - 100, 200);
      } else {
           $string = " ... ";
      <p><?= $string ?></p>
      <hr />
 <?php endforeach; ?>


  1. 即使查询字符串,搜索结果也会返回行 不精确(所以如果列包含,它将返回结果 &#34;你好&#34;和#34;世界&#34;而stripos只会找到&#34; hello world&#34;。
  2. 我不知道在剥离的html中第一次出现单词或短语时围绕<strong></strong>标记的最佳方法。我知道这可能是一个棘手的事情,特别是由于发生问题。我可以没有这个功能,但如果有一种漂亮的方式可以做到这一点很棒:)
  3. 非常感谢任何想法!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我建议你阅读Natural Language Full-Text Searches


答案 1 :(得分:0)

即使查询字符串不精确,搜索结果也会返回行(如果列包含&#34; hello&#34;&#34; world&#34;它将返回结果;而stripos只会返回找到&#34;你好世界&#34;。




$positionArray = array();

$qs = explode($q, '%20');

$value = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $result['content']);

foreach( $qs as $qword ){
    $position = stripos($value, $qword);
    array_push($positionArray, $position);


positionArray = [4, 15, 32];


foreach( $qs as $qword ){
    $start_position = stripos($value, $qword);
    $end_position = $start_position + strlen($qword);
    array_push($positionArray, {qword: $qword, start_position:$start_position, end_position:$end_position});


答案 2 :(得分:0)


首先,您还没有说明您在搜索输入上执行的转换,但我猜您会将这些转换为单词并进行不区分大小写的搜索。因此,我将创建一个包含原始搜索字符串的数据结构和一个解析版本,其中包含split up和lowercased:

// $input is your sanitised query
$arr = explode(" ", strtolower($input));

$search_arr = [
    'original' => $input,
    'parsed' => $arr


# strip the html tags
$stripped = strip_tags($text);

# first, see if the original search query is in the page
$pos = stripos($stripped, $search_arr['original']);
if ($pos !== false) {
    # if it is, take a 200 character snippet of the page (note that
    # if the search string occurs earlier than the first 50 characters,
    # we just take the first 200 characters of the page [I used 50 rather
    # than 100 as 100 seemed too many]):
    if ($pos < 50) {
        $stripped = substr($stripped, 0, 200);
    else {
        $stripped = substr($stripped, $pos-50, 200);
    # use a regular expression to enclose the search string in a <strong> tag
    $stripped = preg_replace("/{$search_arr['original']}/i","<strong>$1</strong>", $stripped);
else {
    # otherwise, for each word in the parsed version of the search query...
    foreach ($search_arr['parsed'] as $s) {
        # surround it with <> and </> (I'm doing this in case part of the query
        # matches within the <strong> tag - of course, if <> and </> appear in
        # the source text, this could be a problem!) 
        $stripped = preg_replace("/($s)/i", "<>$1</>", $stripped);
    # now replace the <> and </> with strong tags
    $find = [ '<>', '</>'];
    $replace = ['<strong>', '</strong>'];

    $stripped = str_replace($find, $replace, $stripped);

    # find the first <strong> tag...
    $pos = strpos($stripped, "<strong>");
    if ($pos < 50) {
        $stripped = substr($stripped, 0, 200);
    else {
        $stripped = substr($stripped, $pos-50, 200);

echo $stripped; 
