
时间:2014-10-09 08:30:09

标签: vba excel-vba excel



Set cLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
With cLabel
    .Caption = "Do you study maths?"
    .Font.Size = 8
    .Font.Bold = False
    .Font.Name = "Tahoma"
    .Left = 38
    .Top = mathslbl
    .Width = 220
End With

Set cManagedOptionButtonYes= Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1")
With cManagedOptionButtonYes
    .Caption = "Yes"
    .Name = "fibreRingYes" & i
    .GroupName = "fibreRing" & i
    .Left = 160
    .Top = mathsYes
    .Width = 100
    .Height = 15.75
End With

ReDim Preserve TextListBox(1 To i)
Set TextListBox(i).mathsGroupYes = cManagedOptionButtonYes

Set cStudentDropdown = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Combobox.1")
With cStudentDropdown 
    .Name = "StudenDropdown1" & (i)
    .Left = 50
    .Top = studentCombobox
    .Width = 130
    .Height = 18
 End With

 ReDim Preserve TextListBox(1 To i)
 Set TextListBox(i).studentdropdown1Group = cStudentDropdown 


Private Sub cManagedOptionButtonYes_Click()
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim c As Range

    With cStudentDropdown 
        For Each c In Sheets("Students").Range("C14:C86")
             .AddItem c.Value
    End With
End Sub

当代码尝试执行时,我收到以下错误Object variable or with block variable not set,我无法弄清楚为什么这对我不起作用!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Private Sub cManagedOptionButtonYes_Click()
'Dim rng As Range
'Dim cell As Range
Dim c As Range

With Me.cStudentDropdown   'Me. is not necessary, but i like to use it in order to have a dropdown menu with all functions and controls created on the form
    For Each c In Sheets("Students").Range("C14:C86")
         '.AddItem c.Value 'should work (whatever its format i think)..., so try this :
         'make sure no cell in the looping range returns a error result such as #N/A something like that
         .list(.listcount-1) = c.value 'or try c.value2
End With
End Sub

