使用MATLAB进行DJ(低级I / O)

时间:2014-10-10 00:36:37

标签: matlab loops file-io text-files cell-array


Test Case
song1 = pickSong('Funeral.txt', '3:13')
song1 => 'Neighborhood #2 (Laika)'

The file for this looks like:
1. Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) - 4:48
2. Neighborhood #2 (Laika) - 3:33
3. Une annee sans lumiere - 3:40
4. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) - 5:12
5. Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles) - 4:49
6. Crown of Love - 4:42
7. Wake Up - 5:39
8. Haiti - 4:07
9. Rebellion (Lies) - 5:10
10. In the Backseat - 6:21


function[song] = pickSong(file_name,time_remain)

Song_list = fopen(file_name, 'r'); %// Opens the file
Song_names = fgetl(Song_list); %// Retrieves the lines, or song names here
Songs_in = ''; %// I had this as a cell array first, but tried to populate a string this time
while ischar(Songs) %// My while loop to pull out the song names
Songs_in = {Songs_in, Songs}; 
Songs = fgetl(Song_list);
if ischar(Songs_in) %//How I was trying to populate my string
    song_info = [];
    while ~isempty(Songs_in)
    [name, time] = strtok(Songs_in);
    song_info = [song_info {name}]; 

[songs, rest] = strtok(Songs, '-');
[minutes, seconds] = strtok(songs, ':');
[minutes2, seconds2] = strtok(time_remain, ':')

all_seconds = (minutes*60) + seconds; %// Converting the total time into seconds
all_seconds2 = (minutes2*60) + seconds2;
song_times = all_seconds;
time_remain = all_seconds2

time_remain = min(time_remain - song_times);





song3 = pickSong('Resistance.txt', '3:57') 
song3 => 'Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)'

1. Uprising - 5:02
2. Resistance - 5:46
3. Undisclosed Desires - 3:56
4. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage) - 5:47
5. Guiding Light - 4:13
6. Unnatural Selection - 6:54
7. MK ULTRA - 4:06
8. I Belong to You (+Mon Coeur S'ouvre a Ta Voix) - 5:38
9. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture) - 4:18
10. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination) - 3:57
11. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption) - 4:37

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


function song = pickSong(filename, time_remain)
    % read songs file into a table
    t = readSongsFile(filename);

    % query song length (in seconds)
    len = str2double(regexp(time_remain, '(\d+):(\d+)', ...
        'tokens', 'once')) * [60;1];

    % find closest match
    [~,idx] = min(abs(t.Duration - len));

    % return song name
    song = t.Title(idx);

function t = readSongsFile(filename)
    % read the whole file (as a cell array of lines)
    fid = fopen(filename,'rt');
    C = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter',''); C = C{1};

    % parse lines of the form: "0. some name - 00:00"
    C = regexp(C, '^(\d+)\.\s+(.*)\s+-\s+(\d+):(\d+)$', 'tokens', 'once');
    C = cat(1, C{:});

    % extract columns and create a table
    t = table(str2double(C(:,1)), ...
        strtrim(C(:,2)), ...
        str2double(C(:,3:4)) * [60;1], ...
    t.Properties.VariableUnits = {'', '', 'sec'};


>> pickSong('Funeral.txt', '3:13')
ans = 
    'Neighborhood #2 (Laika)'

>> pickSong('Resistance.txt', '3:57')
ans = 
    'Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)'


>> t = readSongsFile('Funeral.txt');
>> t.Minutes = fix(t.Duration/60);       % add minutes column
>> t.Seconds = rem(t.Duration,60);       % add seconds column

>> sortrows(t, 'Duration', 'descend')    % show table sorted by duration
ans = 
    ID                Title                Duration    Minutes    Seconds
    __    _____________________________    ________    _______    _______
    10    'In the Backseat'                381         6          21     
     7    'Wake Up'                        339         5          39     
     4    'Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)'    312         5          12     
     9    'Rebellion (Lies)'               310         5          10     
     5    'Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)'    289         4          49     
     1    'Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)'      288         4          48     
     6    'Crown of Love'                  282         4          42     
     8    'Haiti'                          247         4           7     
     3    'Une annee sans lumiere'         220         3          40     
     2    'Neighborhood #2 (Laika)'        213         3          33    

% find songs that are at least 5 minutes long
>> t(t.Minutes >= 5,:)

% songs with the word "Neighborhood" in the title
>> t(~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(t.Title, 'Neighborhood')),:)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


function[song,len] = pickSong(file_name,time_remain)

fid = fopen(filename);

toks = textscan(fid,'%[^-] - %d:%d');
songs = toks{1};
song_len = double(toks{2}*60 + toks{3});

[min_rem, sec_rem] = strtok(time_remain, ':');
time_rem = str2double(min_rem)*60 + str2double(sec_rem(2:end));

[len,i] = min(abs(time_rem - song_len));
song = songs{i};

请注意,只有当您的歌曲名称都没有“' - '他们中的人物。


function[song,len] = pickSong(file_name,time_remain)

file = fileread(file_name);
toks = regexp(file,'\d+. (.*?) - (\d+):(\d+)\n','tokens');
songs = cell(1,length(toks));
song_lens = zeros(1,length(toks));
for i=1:length(toks)
    songs{i} = toks{i}{1};
    song_lens(i) = str2double(toks{i}{2})*60 + str2double(toks{i}{3});

[min_rem, sec_rem] = strtok(time_remain, ':');
time_rem = str2double(min_rem)*60 + str2double(sec_rem(2:end));

[len,i] = min(abs(time_rem - song_lens));
song = songs{i};

regexp是一个MATLAB函数,它在字符串上运行正则表达式(在本例中是您的歌曲名称文件)。字符串'\d+. (.*?) - (\d+):(\d+)\n'扫描每一行,提取每首歌曲的名称和长度。 \d+匹配一个或多个数字,而.*?匹配任何数字。括号用于分组输出。所以,我们有:

match n digits, followed by a (string), followed by (n-digits):(n-digits)

括号中的每个内容都作为单元格数组返回到toks变量。 for循环只是从结果单元格数组中提取歌曲名称和长度。

答案 2 :(得分:1)





  1. 打开文件并像在代码中一样阅读第一行(歌曲)
  2. 初始化包含文本文件
  3. 中第一首歌曲的单元格数组
  4. 在我们到达文本文件的末尾之前,请读入整行并将其添加到单元格数组中。您还注意到,只要您点击-1,我们就没有更多的歌曲可供阅读,因此请远离循环。
  5. 现在我们将歌曲放在一个单元格数组中,其中包括每首歌曲的曲目编号,歌曲和时间,我们将创建另外两个单元格数组。第一个将仅将歌曲的时间存储为字符串,其中分钟和秒由:分隔。下一个将只包含歌曲本身的名称。现在,我们遍历从步骤#3创建的单元格数组中的每个元素。



  6. 接下来,对于步骤#4中计算的第一个单元格数组中的每个歌曲时间,我使用strtok,就像您使用的一样,并按:分割字符串。 MrAzzaman也使用了这个,我将借用他的逻辑来计算每次所用的总秒数。

  7. 最后,我们确定哪个时间最接近剩余时间。请注意,我们还需要像在步骤#5中那样将剩余时间转换为秒。正如MrAzzaman所说,您可以在MATLAB中使用min函数,并使用函数的第二个输出。这会告诉您数组中 where 的最小值。因此,我们只搜索每首歌曲的剩余时间和经过的时间之间的最小差异。请注意,您说您不关心是否过了或超过时间。您只需要最近时间。在这种情况下,您需要采用时差的绝对值。假设你有一首歌曲花了3点59分,另一首歌曲是6点,剩下的时间是4点。假设您的曲目中没有4:00长的歌曲,您可能希望选择3:59的歌曲。但是,如果您只是从较长的音轨(6:00)中减去剩余时间,您将获得差异,并且min将返回此音轨...而不是3:59。这就是为什么你需要取绝对值,所以这将忽略你是否超过剩余时间。

  8. 一旦我们确定要选择哪首歌曲,请返回给我们最少的歌曲名称。确保你也关闭了文件!

  9. 不用多说,这是代码:

    function [song] = pickSong(file_name, time_remain)
    % // Open up the file
    fid = fopen(file_name, 'r');
    %// Read the first line
    song_name = fgetl(fid);
    %// Initialize cell array
    song_list = {song_name};
    %// Read in the song list and place
    %// each entry into a cell array
    while ischar(song_name)
        song_name = fgetl(fid);
        if song_name == -1
        song_list = [song_list {song_name}];
    %// Now, for each entry in our song list, find all occurrences of the '-'
    %// with strfind, and choose the last index that '-' occurs at
    %// Make sure you skip over by 2 spaces to remove the '-' and the space
    song_times = cell(1,length(song_list));
    song_names = cell(1,length(song_list));
    for idx = 1 : length(song_list)
        idxs = strfind(song_list{idx}, '-');
        song_times{idx} = song_list{idx}(idxs(end)+2:end);
        idxs2 = strfind(song_list{idx}, ' ');
        %// Figure out the index of where the first space is, then extract
        %// the string that starts from 1 over, to two places before the 
        %// last '-' character
        song_names{idx} = song_list{idx}(idxs2(1)+1 : idxs(end)-2);
    %// Now we have a list of times for each song.  Tokenize by the ':' to 
    %// separate the minutes and times, then calculate the number of seconds
    %// Logic borrowed by MrAzzaman
    song_seconds = zeros(1,length(song_list));
    for idx = 1 : length(song_list)
        [minute_str, second_str] = strtok(song_times{idx}, ':');
        song_seconds(idx) = str2double(minute_str)*60 + str2double(second_str(2:end));
    %// Now, calculate how much time is remaining from the input
    [minute_str, second_str] = strtok(time_remain, ':');
    seconds_remain = str2double(minute_str)*60 + str2double(second_str(2:end));
    %// Now, choose the song that is closest to the amount of time
    %// elapsed
    [~,song_to_choose] = min(abs(seconds_remain - song_seconds));
    %// Return the song you want
    song = song_names{song_to_choose};
    %// Close the file


    >> song1 = pickSong('Funeral.txt', '3:13')
    song1 =
    Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
    >> song2 = pickSong('Resistance.txt', '3:57')
    song2 =
    Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination)