将CFG转换为Chomsky Normal形式

时间:2014-10-15 05:17:12

标签: computer-science context-free-grammar pumping-lemma chomsky-normal-form

  1. 使用常规语言的抽取引理,显示

    语言L = { a i ,b j c k | i,j,k是非负整数,并且i = j或i = k }

  2. 不是常规

    1. 为上述语言设计CFG
    2. 这就是我想出来的

      Answer: G = (V,,R, S) with set of variables V = {S,W,X, Y,Z},
      where S is the start variable; set of terminals  = {a, b, c}; and rules
      S → XY | W
      X → aXb | e
      Y → cY | e
      W → aWc | Z
      Z → bZ | e


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