
时间:2014-10-16 18:08:17

标签: javascript jquery html css zoom

面对迫在眉睫的截止日期,发现自己完全陷入了以下困境 - 我现在已经花了四天时间,没有太大进展,所以任何帮助或建议都非常赞赏!

我正在使用ElevateZoom的多个实例(带有图库和灯箱,取自他们的示例页面,每个都在其自己的模态弹出窗口中,位于same page - WARNING it's a lingerie shop - someone on here complained last time.)





<div class="content-table">
  <table width="528" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
      <td colspan="5" align="left" valign="middle"><img src="assets/img/logo.png" alt="Welcome to Guerilla Geisha" width="504" height="139"></td>
      <td colspan="5" align="left" valign="middle"><strong style="color: #F00">PANTIES</strong> - Please click a design for more details</td>
        <a href="#openModal"> <img src="assets/img/shop-images/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg" alt="Cherry Blossom panties - Front view" width="176" height="189" border="3" > </a>
        <div id="openModal" class="modalDialog">
        <a href="#close" title="Close" class="close">X</a>
        <div id="column1-wrap">
          <div id="column1">
            <div class="zoom-left">
              <div style="height:350px;width:350px;" > <img style="border: 3px solid #fff; position: absolute;" id="zoom_03" src="elevatezoom-master/images/small/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg" data-zoom-image="elevatezoom-master/images/large/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg" width="350"> </div>
              <div id="gallery_01" style="width=" 350pxfloat:left;="" "=""> <a href="#" class="elevatezoom-gallery active" data-update="" data-image="elevatezoom-master/images/small/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg" data-zoom-image="elevatezoom-master/images/large/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg"> <img src="elevatezoom-master/images/thumb/cherry-blossom-knickers-1.jpg" ></a> <a href="#" class="elevatezoom-gallery" data-image="elevatezoom-master/images/small/cherry-blossom-knickers-2.jpg" data-zoom-image="elevatezoom-master/images/large/cherry-blossom-knickers-2.jpg"><img src="elevatezoom-master/images/thumb/cherry-blossom-knickers-2.jpg" ></a> <a href="#" class="elevatezoom-gallery" data-image="elevatezoom-master/images/small/cherry-blossom-knickers-3.jpg" data-zoom-image="elevatezoom-master/images/large/cherry-blossom-knickers-3.jpg"> <img src="elevatezoom-master/images/thumb/cherry-blossom-knickers-3.jpg" > </a> <a href="#" class="elevatezoom-gallery" data-image="elevatezoom-master/images/small/cherry-blossom-knickers-4.jpg" data-zoom-image="elevatezoom-master/images/large/cherry-blossom-knickers-4.jpg"><img src="elevatezoom-master/images/thumb/cherry-blossom-knickers-4.jpg" ></a> </div>
            <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#zoom_03").elevateZoom({gallery:'gallery_01', cursor: 'pointer', galleryActiveClass: "active", imageCrossfade: true, loadingIcon: "http://www.elevateweb.co.uk/spinner.gif"}); 

$("#zoom_03").bind("click", function(e) {  
  var ez =   $('#zoom_03').data('elevateZoom');
  ez.closeAll(); //NEW: This function force hides the lens, tint and window 
  return false;


        <div id="column2">
          <div style='z-index: 1'>
            <h1>CHERRY BLOSSOM PANTIES</h1>
          <div style='z-index: 2'>
            <p>A classic style brief gathered at the front and back for extra figure enhancing, finished to high standards, with 3 covered buttons at the front and frilly mesh elastic.</p>
            <p> The fabric is a truly soft, silky, sheer figure hugging stretch satin, printed with my design of Japanese inspired cherry blossom flowers.</p>
            <p>The briefs are luxurious, sexy and sassy while being really comfortable.</p>
          <div style='z-index: 3'>
            <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" >
              <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" />
              <input type="hidden" name="business" value="test@test.com" />
              <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB" />
              <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Cherry Blossom knickers" />
              <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="Knick-001" />
              <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="23.00" />
              <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP" />
              <input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="products" />
              <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0" />
              <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" />
              <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-ShopCartBF:btn_cart_LG.gif:NonHostedGuest" />
              <input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Choose from 5 colours:" />
              Choose from 5 colours:
              <select name="os0">
                <option value="Black">Black </option>
                <option value="Lime Green">Lime Green </option>
                <option value="Purple">Purple </option>
                <option value="Red">Red </option>
                <option value="Teal Blue">Teal Blue </option>
              <input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Choose from 4 sizes:" />
              Choose from 4 sizes:
              <select name="os1">
                <option value="XS (UK 6, US/CANADA 4, EUROPE 34, AUSTRALIA 8, JAPAN 7)">XS (UK 6, US/CANADA 4, EUROPE 34, AUSTRALIA 8, JAPAN 7) </option>
                <option value="S (UK 8, EUROPE 36, USA/CANADA 6, AUSTRALIA 10, JAPAN 9)">S (UK 8, EUROPE 36, USA/CANADA 6, AUSTRALIA 10, JAPAN 9) </option>
                <option value="M (UK 10, EUROPE 38,USA/CANADA 8, AUSTRALIA 12, JAPAN 11 )">M (UK 10, EUROPE 38,USA/CANADA 8, AUSTRALIA 12, JAPAN 11) </option>
                <option value="L (UK 12, EUROPE 40, USA/CANADA 10, AUSTRALIA 14, JAPAN 13)">L (UK 12, EUROPE 40, USA/CANADA 10, AUSTRALIA 14, JAPAN 13) </option>
              <input name="submit" type="image" class="btn hover" alt="ADD TO CART" border="0" />

CSS(模态) -

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CSS(缩放) -

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JS -



$.fn.elevateZoom = function( options ) {
    return this.each(function() {
        var elevate = Object.create( ElevateZoom );

        elevate.init( options, this );

        $.data( this, 'elevateZoom', elevate );


$.fn.elevateZoom.options = {
        zoomActivation: "hover", // Can also be click (PLACEHOLDER FOR NEXT VERSION)
  zoomEnabled: true, //false disables zoomwindow from showing
        preloading: 1, //by default, load all the images, if 0, then only load images after activated (PLACEHOLDER FOR NEXT VERSION)
        zoomLevel: 1, //default zoom level of image
        scrollZoom: false, //allow zoom on mousewheel, true to activate
        scrollZoomIncrement: 0.1,  //steps of the scrollzoom
        minZoomLevel: false,
        maxZoomLevel: false,
        easing: false,
        easingAmount: 12,
        lensSize: 200,
        zoomWindowWidth: 400,
        zoomWindowHeight: 400,
        zoomWindowOffetx: 0,
        zoomWindowOffety: 0,
        zoomWindowPosition: 1,
        zoomWindowBgColour: "#fff",
        lensFadeIn: false,
        lensFadeOut: false,
        debug: false,
        zoomWindowFadeIn: false,
        zoomWindowFadeOut: false,
        zoomWindowAlwaysShow: false,
        zoomTintFadeIn: false,
        zoomTintFadeOut: false,
        borderSize: 3,
        showLens: true,
        borderColour: "#888",
        lensBorderSize: 1,
        lensBorderColour: "#000",
        lensShape: "square", //can be "round"
        zoomType: "window", //window is default,  also "lens" available -
        containLensZoom: false,
        lensColour: "white", //colour of the lens background
        lensOpacity: 0.4, //opacity of the lens
        lenszoom: false,
        tint: false, //enable the tinting
        tintColour: "#333", //default tint color, can be anything, red, #ccc, rgb(0,0,0)
        tintOpacity: 0.4, //opacity of the tint
        gallery: false,
        galleryActiveClass: "zoomGalleryActive",
        imageCrossfade: false,
        constrainType: false,  //width or height
        constrainSize: false,  //in pixels the dimensions you want to constrain on
        loadingIcon: false, //http://www.example.com/spinner.gif
        cursor:"default", // user should set to what they want the cursor as, if they have set a click function
        onComplete: $.noop,
        onZoomedImageLoaded: function() {},
        onImageSwap: $.noop,
        onImageSwapComplete: $.noop


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



"px;border-bottom-left-radius: "+String(b.options.lensSize/2+b.options.borderSize)+"px;border-bottom-right-radius: "+String(b.options.lensSize/2+b.options.borderSize)+"px;");b.zoomContainer=d('<div class="zoomContainer" style="-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);position:absolute;left:'+b.nzOffset.left+"px;top:"+b.nzOffset.top+"px;height:"+b.nzHeight+"px;width:"+b.nzWidth+'px;"></div>');d("body").append(b.zoomContainer);b.options.containLensZoom&&"lens"==b.options.zoomType&&b.zoomContainer.css("overflow",


"px;border-bottom-left-radius: "+String(b.options.lensSize/2+b.options.borderSize)+"px;border-bottom-right-radius: "+String(b.options.lensSize/2+b.options.borderSize)+"px;");b.zoomContainer=d('<div class="zoomContainer" style="-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);z-index: 1000;position:absolute;left:'+b.nzOffset.left+"px;top:"+b.nzOffset.top+"px;height:"+b.nzHeight+"px;width:"+b.nzWidth+'px;"></div>');d("body").append(b.zoomContainer);b.options.containLensZoom&&"lens"==b.options.zoomType&&b.zoomContainer.css("overflow",