反射 - 使用属性作为类迭代类

时间:2014-10-16 22:26:19

标签: vb.net


目前的解决方案是VB,但下一个版本将是C# - 因此两个标签。




Public Class PatientAppointment
    Public Property Pat As Patient
    Public Property Appt As Appointment
End Class

Public Class Appointment
    Public Property ApptProp1 As String
    Public Property ApptProp2 As Integer
End Class

Public Class Patient
    Public Property PatProp1 As String
    Public Property PatProp2 As Integer
End Class

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Public Class RealMcCoy
    Inherits Attribute

    Public Property IsReal As Boolean 

    Public Sub New(b as Boolean)
      IsReal = b
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Patient
End Class

Public Class Appointment
End Class


    Dim props As PropertyInfo() = myFoo.GetType.GetProperties
    Dim pt As Type

    For Each pi As PropertyInfo In props
        pt = pi.PropertyType         ' get the property type

        Dim attr() As RealMcCoy =
                DirectCast(pt.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(RealMcCoy), True), RealMcCoy())
        If attr.Length > 0 Then
            ' bingo, baby...optional extra test:
            If attr(0).IsReal Then
            End If
            ' skip this prop - its not a real mccoy
        End If
End Sub


我不确定我是否理解“游戏”事物的问题 - 您是否害怕其他类型会被拾取?属性很难“游戏”,因为它们被编译到程序集中,上面仍然可以用来返回GUID(可能是一个附加到程序集?)而不是bool来提供一些保证。



根据其使用方式,TypeName-PropertyName对已经标识为RealMcCoys的字典或散列表可能很有用,因此整个Reflection过程可以被短路。您可以在shown in this answer之前预先构建完整列表,而不是动态添加 - 请参阅RangeManager.BuildPropMap过程。



' B and C classes are not tagged
Friend Class FooBar
    Public Property Prop1 As PropA
    Public Property Prop2 As PropB
    Public Property Prop3 As PropC
    Public Property Prop4 As PropD
    Public Property Prop5 As PropE
End Class


Dim f As New FooBar
' use instance:
Dim props As PropertyInfo() = f.GetType.GetProperties
Dim pt As Type

For Each pi As PropertyInfo In props
    pt = pi.PropertyType

    Dim attr() As RealMcCoy =
            DirectCast(pt.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(RealMcCoy), True), RealMcCoy())

    Console.WriteLine("Prop Name: {0},  prop type: {1}, IsRealMcCoy? {2}",
            pi.Name, pt.Name, If(attr.Length > 0, "YES!", "no"))


Prop Name: Prop1  prop type: PropA IsRealMcCoy? YES!  
Prop Name: Prop2  prop type: PropB IsRealMcCoy? no  
Prop Name: Prop3  prop type: PropC IsRealMcCoy? no 
Prop Name: Prop4  prop type: PropD IsRealMcCoy? YES! 
Prop Name: Prop5  prop type: PropE IsRealMcCoy? YES!

答案 1 :(得分:0)

非常感谢Plutonix! 这是我的最终功能。如果我的回答取代了Plutonix的答案,那么我需要对此进行调整,因为他完全值得我接受这一点。


    Function IterateClass(ByVal o As Object, ByVal topLevelFlag As Boolean, ByVal indentLevel As Integer) As String

    Dim retVal As New StringBuilder


        '' Iterate top level of supplied type ''
        '' Query each property for custom attribute ADMICompositeClassAttribute ''
        '' If exists and set to true then we're dealing with a base class that we need to break down recursively ''
        '' If not then immediately dump this type's properties ''

        '' Build header of output ''
        If topLevelFlag Then

            '' <<EXCERPTED>> ''

        End If

        '' We start walking through the hierarchy here, no matter how much we recurse we still need to do this each time ''
        Dim properties_info As PropertyInfo()
        properties_info = o.GetType().GetProperties()

        For Each p As PropertyInfo In properties_info
            Dim propName As String = p.Name
            Dim propTypeList As List(Of String) = p.PropertyType.ToString().Split(".").ToList()
            Dim propType As String = propTypeList(propTypeList.Count - 1).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")
            Dim pValue As Object = Nothing

            '' We check this type for custom attribute ADMICompositeClassAttribute ''
            '' Is this type a composite? ''
            Dim oAttr() As ADMICompositeClassAttribute = p.PropertyType.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(ADMICompositeClassAttribute), False)
            Dim indentString As String = String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", indentLevel))
            If oAttr.Length > 0 AndAlso oAttr(0).IsComposite Then

                '' This is a nested type, recurse it ''
                Dim dynType As Type = p.PropertyType()
                Dim dynObj As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(dynType)

                '' <<EXCERPTED ''


                pValue = p.GetValue(o, Nothing)

            End If


    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try
    Return retVal.ToString()

End Function