
时间:2014-10-17 13:01:43

标签: symfony selenium behat mink

我试图找到一种方法来创建一个会话/ cookie来处理用户登录,这样下面的方法就不会在每个单一时间对数据库进行查询。它几乎在所有场景中被调用,并且大大减慢了测试套件的速度。


When I login as "user"
When I login as "admin"

class FeatureContext extends MinkContext implements KernelAwareInterface
     * @When /^I login as "([^"]*)"$/
     * @param $type User role type.
    public function iLoginAs($type)
        $userData['user']  = array('username' => 'you', 'password' => '111');
        $userData['admin'] = array('username' => 'mee', 'password' => '222');

        $this->fillField('username', $userData[$type]['username']);
        $this->fillField('password', $userData[$type]['password']);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这里最大的问题来自于您向服务器发送实际请求,Beaw和您的应用程序都会处理这些请求。相反,你可以将这个逻辑带入你的上下文,并在Behat 3中这样做:

Given I am logged in as "…"

class MinkContext extends \Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext

     * @Given /(?:|I am )logged in as "(?P<type>\d+)"/
    public login($type)
        // Here goes the same logic as per your login action: load the user details, create 
        // session, etc. In theory you can store the signed in user model or session id in a
        // static property and don't load it every time the step is invoked.

     * @beforeStep
     * @param BeforeStepScope $scope
    public function synchroniseClientSession(BeforeStepScope $scope)

        // Setup session id and Xdebug cookies to synchronise / enable both.

        $driver = $this->getSession()->getDriver();

        // Cookies must be set per a specific domain + Chrome might start with a weird url.

        if ($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver && $driver->getCurrentUrl() === 'data:,') {

        $driver->setCookie(session_name(), session_id());
        $driver->setCookie('XDEBUG_SESSION', 'PHPSTORM'); // Can also do that to enable debugging…


