
时间:2014-10-18 21:05:49

标签: java data-structures tree

给出以下CSV,它表示一般化层次结构(想想:邮政编码匿名化,例如在第二步中,邮政编码 46072 变为 460 ** ):< / p>

A1, A*, *
A2, A*, *
A3, A*, *
B1, B*, *
B2, B*, *
B3, B*, *
B4, B*, *




        /                \

      A*                 B*

   /  |   \         /   |   |   \

 A1   A2   A3     B1   B2   B3  B4



TableRow TableCell 以及节点。 显然,一个表有多行,而这些行又有多个单元格。 树具有根节点,节点具有各种操作,例如 addChild(节点) getParent() getChildren()等< / p>



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 矩阵最右边的列始终具有相同的值。
  2. 所有行的列数完全相同。
  3. 同一列中的相同值在连续的行中。也就是说,不会有&#34; A *&#34;行后跟一个&#34; B *&#34;然后再次通过&#34; A *&#34;。两个&#34; A *&#34;必须连续。
  4. 在最左侧的列中,所有值都是唯一的。
  5. 我不确切知道你的类Table,Tree和Node能做什么或不能做什么。所以我使用了一个基础2d数组(你也说过解析之后的数据),并且只使用了一个基本的节点作为我的树结构。



    A1, A*, *
    A2, A*, *
    A3, A*, *
    B1, B*, *
    B2, B*, *
    B3, B*, *
    B4, B*, *

    被分成一个值&#34; *&#34;和两个子矩阵:

    A1, A*
    A2, A*
    A3, A*
    B1, B*
    B2, B*
    B3, B*
    B4, B*



    public Node<String> createTree() {
        return this.createTree(0,data.length-1,data[0].length-1);



    private Node<String> createTree( int firstRow, int lastRow, int lastCol) {
        // Recursion end. If we are at the leftmost column, just return a simple
        // node with the value at the current row and column.
        if ( lastCol == 0 ) {
            return new Node<String>( data[firstRow][0] );
        // Create a node with the value of the top-right cell in our range.
        Node<String> result = new Node<String>(data[firstRow][lastCol]);
        // The next column from the right will have the values for the child nodes.
        // Split it into ranges (start row -> end row) and recursively build
        // the tree over the sub-matrix that goes column 0 -> lastCol-1 over each
        // range of rows.
        int childFirstRow = firstRow;
        String childVal = data[firstRow][lastCol-1];
        for( int candidateRow = firstRow; candidateRow <= lastRow; candidateRow ++ ) {
            // If the next value in the column is different from what we had so far, it's
            // the end of a row range, build the child tree, and mark this row as
            // the beginning of the next range.
            if ( ! data[candidateRow][lastCol-1].equals(childVal) ) {
                result.addChild(createTree( childFirstRow, candidateRow - 1, lastCol - 1));
                childFirstRow = candidateRow;
                childVal = data[childFirstRow][lastCol-1];
            // In the special case of the last row, it's always the end of a range.
            if ( candidateRow == lastRow ) {
                result.addChild(createTree(childFirstRow,lastRow,lastCol - 1));
        return result;