
时间:2014-10-21 19:51:59

标签: .net c++-cli

我在C ++ / CLI中遇到了Bitmap问题。简而言之,我必须将一个Bitmap块加载到PictureBox,显示它并在下面移动几行。我这样做的步骤是:

1 - 从硬盘驱动器加载完整的位图,并获取它的参数(宽度,高度等)。

2 - 创建一个能够完全包含此Bitmap的PictureBox。

3 - 创建一个位图,我将其用作绘图区域,并将其放在PictureBox中。

4 - 将初始位图的一个块(前150行)复制到我的绘图区域并显示它。

5 - 将此块移动到下面几行。 (这是我的问题)。


这是移动之前的图像块,一切正常。 http://i58.tinypic.com/2duf48x.png

这是移动后的图像,如您所见,它显示为向左移动。 http://i61.tinypic.com/jz9ond.png


1 - LockBits并获取anIntPtr,我将其转换为unsigned char *。 2 - 使用memcpy(或memmove)移动块。


    //Get a test srcIm and it's parameters.
    srcIm = gcnew Bitmap("./img/zhbackground.bmp");
    iWidth = srcIm->Width;
    iHeigth = srcIm->Height;
    pxF = srcIm->PixelFormat;
    Bpp = Image::GetPixelFormatSize(pxF) / 8;

    //Prepare a PictureBox, which will be given as parameter to Windows Form.
    pb = gcnew PictureBox();
    pb->SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode::StretchImage;
    pb->Size = Drawing::Size(iWidth, iHeigth);
    pb->Location = Drawing::Point(0, 0);

    //Create draw area and put it into the PictureBox.
    drawArea = gcnew Bitmap(pb->Width, pb->Height, pxF);
    pb->Image = drawArea;


void test(){
    //This is the number of lines of my image chunk.
    int nLines = 150;

    //First, load the first 150 lines of my image (that's on hard drive).
    BitmapData ^srcData = srcIm->LockBits(
        Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeigth),
    unsigned char *srcStream = (unsigned char*)srcData->Scan0.ToPointer();

    //Prepare the draw area for paint my image chunk.
    BitmapData ^dstData = drawArea->LockBits(
        Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeigth),
    unsigned char *dAhandler = (unsigned char*)dstData->Scan0.ToPointer();

    //Paint the chunk. (My image's 150 first lines)
    memcpy(dAhandler, srcStream, iWidth * Bpp * nLines);

    //Unlock and refresh to see the image.

    //Wait 1 second...

    //Unlock draw area to move the image.
    dstData = drawArea->LockBits(
        Drawing::Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeigth),
    dAhandler = (unsigned char*)dstData->Scan0.ToPointer();

    //First, move the image from the beggining to 150 lines below.
    memcpy(&dAhandler[nLines * iWidth * Bpp], dAhandler, iWidth * nLines * Bpp);

    //Paint the "hole" with black.
    memset(dAhandler, 0, iWidth * Bpp * nLines);

    //Unlock and display the image.

    //Unlock the source image (image load from hard drive).


1 - 我已经读过如果你使用LockBits(),你可以获得的IntPtr是像素的字节数组,一个是后一个。这意味着我无法解决内存中的位图组织等问题。

2 - 我测试了memcpy和memmove。

3 - 我已经测试过做一个简单的for循环。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我找到了一种方法,我将它发布在C#中(对于C ++ / CLI实际上是相同的) 我不知道这是否是更好的解决方案,但它确实有效。

 * Number of lines that will be displaced down. This match with the
 * Height that the Bitmap returned by {@code getNextLines} must have.
int displLines;

 * Destination coordinates of the image chunk that will be 'moved'
Point[] displaceCoords;

 * Source image chunk that will me 'moved'
Rectangle displaceArea;

 * Destination coordinates for the new lines.
Point[] newLineCoords;

 * Dimensions of the rectangle formed by the new lines.
Rectangle newLineArea;

 * Auxiliar buffers for paint the displaced image and the new lines.
Bitmap canvas1, canvas2;

 * Graphics for each buffer (canvas1 and canvas2).
Graphics canvas1Graphics, canvas2Grapchics;

 * Flag indicating which buffer have to be used in a determined time.
bool useCanvas1Graphics;

 * Timer used to refresh the image.
Timer timer;

 * Retrieves the next lines to be painted at the top of
 * the image.
abstract Bitmap getNextLines();

 * Initializes the parameters which will be used to displace
 * the current bitmap in the PictureBox 'displLines' down.
void InitDisplacingParameters() {
    displaceArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height - displLines);
    displaceCoords = new Point[3];
    displaceCoords[0].X = 0;
    displaceCoords[0].Y = displLines;

    displaceCoords[1].X = Width;
    displaceCoords[1].Y = displLines;

    displaceCoords[2].X = 0;
    displaceCoords[2].Y = Height;

 * Initializes the parameters use to insert the new lines
 * in the image.
void InitNewLinesParameters() {
    newLineCoords = new Point[3];
    newLineCoords[0].X = 0;
    newLineCoords[0].Y = 0;

    newLineCoords[1].X = Width;
    newLineCoords[1].Y = 0;

    newLineCoords[2].X = 0;
    newLineCoords[2].Y = displLines;   

    newLineArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, displLines);

 * WARNING: in .NET framework version 3.0 or less, there is no possible
 * to use Grapchis.DrawImage for paint in the same image that have been used to obtain
 * the Graphics object.
 * Example, this is not possible:
 * {@code
 *      Graphics g = Graphics.fromImage(image);
 *      f.DrawImage(image, ....);
 *      // ERROR! "Grpahics" can not paint in the same image which has been generated him (Graphics).
 * }
void DisplaceAndPaint(Object sender, EventArgs e) {
    try {
        // Stop paint.

        // Obtain the proper graphics object.
        Graphics g = useCanvas1Graphics ? canvas1Graphics : canvas2Grapchics;

        // Displace the current image 'desplLines' down.
        g.DrawImage(Image, displaceCoords, displaceArea, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

        // Get the new lines.
        Bitmap bmp = getNextLines();

        // Draw the new lines in the top of the image.
        g.DrawImage(bmp, newLineCoords, newLineArea, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

        // Set the just painted image as the display Image.
        Image = useCanvas1Graphics ? canvas1 : canvas2;

        // Next time, the other canvas and graphics will be used.
        useCanvas1Graphics = !useCanvas1Graphics;

        // Paint all.

        //NOTE: I don't know what is a better idea, do Suspend/Resume layout or 
        // Refresh() at the end.
    } catch(Exception) {
        if (IsRunning)
        MessageBox.Show("Error in LiveView");