Google表单 - 自动填充多项选择调查

时间:2014-10-22 06:24:59

标签: google-apps-script google-form autofill survey



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



请参阅Use App Scripts to open form and make a selection




答案 1 :(得分:0)

@Mogsdad's answer引用了一个基于url的解决方案,其中您的脚本不知道可以为给定问题(或多少个问题,等等)做出什么样的答案,这在某些用例中可能会出现问题。

您可以使用Forms Service以编程方式为Google表单创建响应,该响应使您可以从可用选项中随机选择可能的答案,例如(参考预定义的“书面”答案库,例如用于文本/段落答案)。


function foo() {
  const form = FormApp.openById("some form id");

  const randomSubs = [], nSubs = 50;
  while (randomSubs.length < nSubs)

  // doAwesomeAnalysis(randomSubs); // etc.

// Constructs a random response for the given form, and returns it to the caller (e.g. for submission, etc).
function createRandomSubmission_(form) {
  const resp = form.createResponse();
  const questions = form.getItems().filter(isAnswerable_);
  questions.forEach(function (question) {
    var answer = getRandomAnswer_(question);
  return resp;

var iTypes = FormApp.ItemType;
function isAnswerable_(item, index, allItems) {
  const iType = item.getType();
  switch (iType) {
    case iTypes.MULTIPLE_CHOICE:
    case iTypes.CHECKBOX:
    /** add more type cases here as you implement the relevant answer generator */
      return true;
      return false;

// Uses the item type to call the appropriate answer generator.
function getRandomAnswer_(q) {
  const qType = q.getType();
  switch (qType) {
    case iTypes.MULTIPLE_CHOICE:
      return getRandomMultipleChoiceAnswer_(q.asMultipleChoiceItem());
    /** add more type cases + handlers here as you implement the relevant answer generator */
      throw new TypeError("Answering questions of type '" + qType + "' is not yet implemented");

// Uniformly samples possible choices (including the "other" option, if enabled).
// Returns the item's ItemResponse
function getRandomMultipleChoiceAnswer_(mcItem) {
  const choices = mcItem.getChoices();
  const i = Math.floor( Math.random() * (choices.length + mcItem.hasOtherOption()) );
  return mcItem.createResponse( (i < choices.length) ?
      choices[i] : getRandomMCOtherOption_(mcItem) 
function getRandomMCOtherOption_(mcItem) {
  // This function will be highly dependent on your situation.
  // It's your choice how you identify the MC item to determine what an "other" option could
  // be for a given question. getTitle() and getIndex() may be useful too.
  switch (mcItem.getId()) { 
      throw new Error("Not Implemented Yet");