
时间:2014-10-22 21:01:46

标签: regex perl string-matching


1.) some text
 a.) solution 
 b.) solution 
 c.) solution

while (<$test>) {

    foreach my $line (split /\n/) {

        my $match1 = "1";

            if ($line =~ /$match1/) {
                $question1 = $line;
                print "$question1\n";
                print "Answer: ";           
                $answer1 = <>;
                chomp ($answer1);
                    if ( $answer1 =~ /(^a$)/i) {
                        $score1 = 20;
                            push @score, $score1;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


use 5.016;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ( @lines, @questions, $current_question );

sub prompt { 
    my ( $prompt ) = @_;
    print $prompt, ' ';
    my $val = <>;
    return $val;

while ( <DATA> ) { 
    if ( my ( $ans ) = m/^=(\w+)/ ) {
        INPUT: { 
            say @lines;
            last unless defined( my $answer = prompt( 'Your answer:' ));
            say '';
             my ( $response ) = $answer =~ /([a-z])\s*$/;
            if ( not $response ) { 
                $answer =~ s/\s*$//; #/
                say "Invalid response. '$answer' is not an answer!\n"; 
                redo INPUT;
            if ( $response eq $ans ) { 
                say 'You are right!';
            elsif ( my $ansln = $current_question->{$response} ) { 
                if ( $response eq 'q' ) { 
                    say 'Quitting...';
                    last QUESTION;
                say <<"END_SAY";
You chose:\n$current_question->{$response}
The correct answer was:\n$current_question->{$ans}
            else { 
                say "Invalid response. '$response' is not an answer!\n";
                redo INPUT;
        @lines = ();
        prompt( 'Press enter to continue.' );
        say '';
    else { 
        if ( my ( $qn, $q ) = m/^\s*(\d+)\.\)\s+(.*\S)\s*$/ ) { 
            push @questions, $current_question = { question => $q };
        else {
            my ( $l, $a ) = m/^\s+([a-z])/;
            $current_question->{$l} = ( m/(.*)/ )[0];
        push @lines, $_;

1.) Perl is
  a.) essential
  b.) fun
  c.) useful
2.) This question is
 a.) Number two
 b.) A test to see how this format is parsed.
 c.) Unneeded

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这可能过于简化了 它只是读入测试数据并创建一个结构 您可以使用它来评估考生的答案。

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

$/ = undef;

my $testdata = <DATA>;

my %HashTest = ();
my $hchoices;
my $hqeustion;
my $is_question = 0;

while ( $testdata =~ /(^.*)\n/mg )
    my $line = $1;
    $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    next if ( length( $line ) == 0);

    if ( $line =~ /^(\d+)\s*\.\s*\)\s*(.*)/ )
       $is_question = 1;
       $HashTest{ $1 }{'question'} = $2;
       $HashTest{ $1 }{'choices'}  = {};
       $HashTest{ $1 }{'answer'}  = 'unknown';

       $hqeustion = $HashTest{ $1 };
       $hchoices  = $HashTest{ $1 }{'choices'};
    elsif ( $is_question && $line =~ /^\s*(answer)\s*:\s*([a-z])/ )
        $hqeustion->{'answer'} = $2;
    elsif ( $is_question && $line =~ /^\s*([a-z])\s*\.\s*\)\s*(.*)/ )
        $hchoices->{ $1 } = $2;

print "\nQ & A summary\n-------------------------\n";

for my $qnum ( keys %HashTest )
    print "Question $qnum:  $HashTest{$qnum}{'question'}'\n";
    my $ans_code = $HashTest{$qnum}{'answer'};
    print "Answer: ($ans_code)  $HashTest{$qnum}{'choices'}{$ans_code}\n\n";

print "---------------------------\n";
print Dumper(\%HashTest);


1.) What is the diameter of the earth?
 a.) Half the distance to the sun 
 b.) Same as the moon 
 c.) 6,000 miles
 answer: c

2.) Who is buried in Grants Tomb?
 a.) Thomas Edison 
 b.) Grant, who else 
 c.) Jimi Hendrix
 answer: b


Q & A summary
Question 1:  What is the diameter of the earth?'
Answer: (c)  6,000 miles

Question 2:  Who is buried in Grants Tomb?'
Answer: (b)  Grant, who else

$VAR1 = {
          '1' => {
                   'question' => 'What is the diameter of the earth?',
                   'answer' => 'c',
                   'choices' => {
                                  'c' => '6,000 miles',
                                  'a' => 'Half the distance to the sun',
                                  'b' => 'Same as the moon'
          '2' => {
                   'question' => 'Who is buried in Grants Tomb?',
                   'answer' => 'b',
                   'choices' => {
                                  'c' => 'Jimi Hendrix',
                                  'a' => 'Thomas Edison',
                                  'b' => 'Grant, who else'