错误:HDLCompiler:806 - 第35行:"功能"附近的语法错误。找不到语法错误

时间:2014-10-23 08:22:35

标签: vhdl

我刚刚将这段代码合成并在一小时前工作。我正在使用双重dabble方法来显示我的FPGA板上7 seg显示的数字。我添加了seven.seg.display函数,将其注释掉,现在它不会合成。我正在努力弄清楚这个语法错误是什么,但我不能再这样做了。我实际上没有改变什么,它将无法工作。请帮帮我。

library IEEE;

entity main is
Port ( reset : in  STD_LOGIC;
       clock : in  STD_LOGIC;
       LED : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)
end main;

function to.bcd(bin: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
  variable i: integer:= 0;
  variable bcd: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):= (others => '0');
  variable bint: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= bin;

  for i in 0 to 7 loop
    bcd(11 downto 1):= bcd(10 downto 0);
    bcd(0):= bint(7);
    bint(7 downto 0):= bint(6 downto 0);
    bint(0):= '0';

    if(i < 7 and bcd(3 downto 0) > "0100") then
        bcd(3 downto 0):= bcd(3 downto 0) + "0011";
    end if;
    if(i < 7 and bcd(7 downto 4) > "0100") then
        bcd(7 downto 4):= bcd(7 downto 4) + "0011";
    end if;
    if(i < 7 and bcd(11 downto 8) > "0100") then
        bcd(11 downto 8):= bcd(11 downto 8) + "0011";
    end if;
  end loop;

return bcd;
end to.bcd;

--function seven.seg.display(bin: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
--  variable bcd: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):= (others => '0');
--   variable segment: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0):= bin;
--  case  bcd(11 downto 8) is
--      when "0000"=> segment <="0000001";  -- 0
--      when "0001"=> segment <="1001111";  -- 1
--      when "0010"=> segment <="0010010";  -- 2
--      when "0011"=> segment <="0000110";  -- 3
--      when "0100"=> segment <="1001100";  -- 4 
--      when "0101"=> segment <="0100100";  -- 5
--      when "0110"=> segment <="0100000";  -- 6
--      when "0111"=> segment <="0001111";  -- 7
--      when "1000"=> segment <="0000000";  -- 8
--      when "1001"=> segment <="0000100";  -- 9
--      when others=> segment <="1111111";  -- -
--  end case;
--  case  bcd(7 downto 4) is
--      when "0000"=> segment <="0000001";  -- 0
--      when "0001"=> segment <="1001111";  -- 1
--      when "0010"=> segment <="0010010";  -- 2
--      when "0011"=> segment <="0000110";  -- 3
--      when "0100"=> segment <="1001100";  -- 4 
--      when "0101"=> segment <="0100100";  -- 5
--      when "0110"=> segment <="0100000";  -- 6
--      when "0111"=> segment <="0001111";  -- 7
--      when "1000"=> segment <="0000000";  -- 8
--      when "1001"=> segment <="0000100";  -- 9
--      when others=> segment <="1111111";  -- -
--  end case;
--  case  bcd(3 downto 0) is
--      when "0000"=> segment <="0000001";  -- 0
--      when "0001"=> segment <="1001111";  -- 1
--      when "0010"=> segment <="0010010";  -- 2
--      when "0011"=> segment <="0000110";  -- 3
--      when "0100"=> segment <="1001100";  -- 4 
--      when "0101"=> segment <="0100100";  -- 5
--      when "0110"=> segment <="0100000";  -- 6
--      when "0111"=> segment <="0001111";  -- 7
--      when "1000"=> segment <="0000000";  -- 8
--      when "1001"=> segment <="0000100";  -- 9
--      when others=> segment <="1111111";  -- -
--  end case;
--return bcd;
--end seven.seg.display;

architecture Behavioral of main is
    signal counter: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    signal prescaler: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0);

    CounterProcess: process(clock)
        if rising_edge(clock) then
            if (reset = '1') then
                prescaler <= (others => '0');
                counter <= (others => '0');
                if prescaler < "1011111010111100001000000" then
                    prescaler <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(prescaler) + 1);
                    prescaler <= (others => '0');
                    counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(counter) + 1);
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    LED <= counter;

end Behavioral;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

函数&#34; to.bcd&#34;的语法是错的,你必须写:

function to.bcd(bin: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) is
end to.bcd;

另一件事。我不知道编译器如何用点(i-e&#39;。&#39;)来解释函数名。在名称中使用下划线(i-e&#39; _&#39;)更安全:to.bcd =&gt; to_bcd。


答案 1 :(得分:0)



因为你没有包含另一个使用条款我转换了三个&#34; +&#34;添加到unsigned(来自numeric_std)。当您的第二个答案试图阐明时,您可以使用一个use子句来启用对包std_logic_unsigned的访问,但这需要您更改&#34; +&#34;在counterprocess中,除非您将use子句添加为子程序(函数)声明项。


bint(7 downto 0) := bint(6 downto 0);


bint(7 downto 1) := bint(6 downto 0);


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity main is
    port ( 
        reset: in   std_logic;
        clock: in   std_logic;
        led:   out  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end entity;

architecture behavioral of main is
    signal counter: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    signal prescaler: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0 );

    function to_bcd (bin: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is
        variable i: integer:= 0;
        variable bcd: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):= (others => '0');
        variable bint: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= bin;

        for i in 0 to 7 loop
            bcd(11 downto 1) := bcd(10 downto 0);
            bcd(0) := bint(7);
            bint(7 downto 1) := bint(6 downto 0);
            bint(0) := '0';

            if i < 7 and bcd(3 downto 0) > "0100" then
                bcd(3 downto 0) := 
                    std_logic_vector (unsigned(bcd(3 downto 0)) + "0011");
            end if;
            if i < 7 and bcd(7 downto 4) > "0100" then
                bcd(7 downto 4) := 
                    std_logic_vector(unsigned(bcd(7 downto 4)) + "0011");
            end if;
            if i < 7 and bcd(11 downto 8) > "0100" then
                bcd(11 downto 8) := 
                    std_logic_vector(unsigned(bcd(11 downto 8)) + "0011");
            end if;
        end loop;
        return bcd;
    end function;
        if rising_edge(clock) then
            if (reset = '1') then
                prescaler <= (others => '0');
                counter <= (others => '0');
                if prescaler < "1011111010111100001000000" then
                    prescaler <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(prescaler) + 1);
                    prescaler <= (others => '0');
                    counter <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(counter) + 1);
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

    led <= counter;

end architecture;


您的VHDL规范现在进行分析和阐述。它尚未经过功能测试。 to_bcd double dabble函数看起来就像是来自VHDL Guru博客。