
时间:2014-10-29 13:42:05

标签: c++ c++11 g++ icc

我正在关注这篇文章Ten C++11 Features Every C++ Developer Should Use,并在Move semantics示例的代码中添加了一些基本的跟踪,并看到移动构造函数从未被调用过,并且想知道为什么。我已经尝试过两个编译器GNU 4.6.3和Intel 15.0.0,结果是一样的。


# using Intel compiler
icpc -Wall -g -Wno-shadow -std=c++0x -o showcase ./showcase.cpp

# using gnu g++ compiler
g++ -Wall -g -Wno-shadow -std=gnu++0x -o showcase ./showcase.cpp


instantiating b1 ...
Buffer() default constructor invoked 
my name is: 
instantiating b2 ...
Buffer(const std::string& name, size_t size) constructor invoked 
my name is: buf2
instantiating b3 ...
Buffer(const Buffer& copy) copy constructor invoked 
my name is: buf2
instantiating b4 ...
Buffer(const std::string& name, size_t size) constructor invoked 
my name is: buf64
moving getBuffer<int>("buf5") to b1 ...
Buffer(const std::string& name, size_t size) constructor invoked 
Buffer& operator=(Buffer&& temp) move assignment operator invoked
my name is: buf5


#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Classes

template <typename T>
class Buffer 
   std::string          _name;
   size_t               _size;
   std::unique_ptr<T[]> _buffer;

   // default constructor
      _buffer(new T[16]) {
      cout << "Buffer() default constructor invoked " << endl;

   // constructor
   Buffer(const std::string& name, size_t size):
      _buffer(new T[size]) {
      cout << "Buffer(const std::string& name, size_t size) constructor invoked " << endl;

   // copy constructor
   Buffer(const Buffer& copy):
      _buffer(new T[copy._size])
      cout << "Buffer(const Buffer& copy) copy constructor invoked " << endl;
      T* source = copy._buffer.get();
      T* dest = _buffer.get();
      std::copy(source, source + copy._size, dest);

   void print_name() const {
        cout << "my name is: " << _name << endl;

   // copy assignment operator
   Buffer& operator=(const Buffer& copy)
      cout << "Buffer& operator=(const Buffer& copy) assignment operator invoked " << endl;
      if(this != &copy)
         _name = copy._name;

         if(_size != copy._size)
            _buffer = nullptr;
            _size = copy._size;
            _buffer = _size > 0 ? new T[_size] : nullptr;

         T* source = copy._buffer.get();
         T* dest = _buffer.get();
         std::copy(source, source + copy._size, dest);

      return *this;

   // move constructor
   Buffer(Buffer&& temp):
      cout << "Buffer(Buffer&& temp) move constructor invoked" << endl;
      temp._buffer = nullptr;
      temp._size = 0;

   // move assignment operator
   Buffer& operator=(Buffer&& temp)
      cout << "Buffer& operator=(Buffer&& temp) move assignment operator invoked" << endl;
      assert(this != &temp); // assert if this is not a temporary

      _buffer = nullptr;
      _size = temp._size;
      _buffer = std::move(temp._buffer);

      _name = std::move(temp._name);

      temp._buffer = nullptr;
      temp._size = 0;

      return *this;

template <typename T>
Buffer<T> getBuffer(const std::string& name) {
   Buffer<T> b(name, 128);
   return b;

// Main

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    cout << "**************** move semantics" << endl;
    cout << "instantiating b1 ..." << endl;
    Buffer<int> b1;
    cout << "instantiating b2 ..." << endl;
    Buffer<int> b2("buf2", 64);
    cout << "instantiating b3 ..." << endl;
    Buffer<int> b3 = b2;
    cout << "instantiating b4 by moving from a temp object ..." << endl;
    Buffer<int> b4 = getBuffer<int>("buf64"); // Buffer<int>("buf4", 64);
    cout << "moving getBuffer<int>(\"buf5\") to b1 ..." << endl;
    b1 = getBuffer<int>("buf5");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



请注意,使用例如,不是一个好主意。 -fno-elide-constructors要避免这种情况。 RVO比普通结构和移动结构更有效。它必须是,因为它更少。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


Buffer<int> b4 = getBuffer<int>("buf64"); 
