
时间:2014-11-03 23:33:44

标签: c# methods delegates



public Class UserButton
    public delegate void triggerEvent();
    public triggerEvent ButtonPress; //This should fire off the event when this particular button is pressed.

    public UserButton(Point buttonlocation, Point buttonsize, string buttontext, Texture2d Texture)
        //Store all this data

public Class UserInterface  //This class is for the buttons that appear on screen.  Each button should have a location and a method that it calls when it's "pressed"

    List<UserButton> ButtonList = new List<UserButton>(); //List of all the buttons that have been created.  

        //Add a button to the list.
    public void addButton(Point location, Point buttonsize, Texture2d texture, Method triggeredEvent) //Compile fails here because I can't figure out what type of object a method should be.
        UserButton button = new UserButton(Point location, Point buttonsize, Texture2d texture);

        button.ButtonPress += triggeredEvent; //The target method should subscribe to the triggered events. 



    public void checkPress(Point mousePos) //Class level method to sort through all the buttons that have been created and see which one was pressed.
        foreach (UserButton _button in ButtonList)
            if (_button.ButtonBounds.Contains(mousePos))
                _button.ButtonPress(); //Call the event that should trigger the subscribed method.

public class Game1 : Game

    //Main methods

    protected override void LoadContent()
        UI = new UserInterface(); //Create the UI object
        UI.addButton(new Point(32,32), Texture,toggleRun()); //Pass in the method this button calls in here.

    private void toggleRun() //The button should call this method to start and stop the game engine.
        if (running)
            running = false;
        } else {
            running = true;

        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (MouseClick) //simplified mouse check event
                UI.checkPress(mousePos); //Pass the current mouse position to see if we clicked on a button.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你的&#34; triggeredEvent&#34;参数应该是相同的委托类型&#34; triggerEvent&#34;:

public void addButton(Point location, Point buttonsize, Texture2d texture, triggerEvent triggeredEvent) 

要传递方法作为参数,请使用方法名称而不调用它(这仅在方法&#34; toggleRun&#34;没有任何重载方法时才有效,并且匹配&#34的签名; triggerEvent&#34; delegate):

UI.addButton(new Point(32,32), Texture, toggleRun);