使用Python中的随机函数为Evil Hangman

时间:2014-11-12 00:14:11

标签: python-3.x random



def setUp():
"""shows instructions, reads file,and returns a list of words from the english dictionary"""
    print(60*'*' +'''\n\t\tWelcome to Hangman!\n\t
I have selected a word from an english dictionary. \n\t
I will first show you the length of the secret word\n\t
as a series of dashes.\n\t
Your task is to guess the secret word one letter at a time.\n\t
If you guess a correct letter I will show you the guessed\n\t
letter(s) in the correct position.\n
You can only make 8 wrong guesses before you are hanged\n
\t\tGood luck\n''' + 60*'*')
    l=infile.readlines()# list of words from which to choose
    cleanList = []
    for word in l:
except IOError:
    print('There was a problem loading the dictionary file as is.')

def sort_dict_words_by_length(words):
    """Given a list containing words of different length, 
    sort those words based on their length."""

    d = defaultdict(list)
    for word in words:
    return d

def pick_random_length_from_dictionary(diction):
    max_len, min_len = ( f(diction.keys()) for f in (max, min) )
    length = random.randint(min_len, max_len)
    return diction[length]

def playRound(w,g):
    """ It allows user to guess one letter. If right,places letter in correct positions in    current guess string g, and shows current guess to user
if not, increments w, number of wrongs. Returns current number of wrongs and current guess string"""
    print('You have ' + str(8 - w) + ' possible wrong guesses left.\n')
    newLetter = input('Please guess a letter of the secret word:\n')
    glist = list(g)#need to make changes to current guess string so need a mutable version of it
    if newLetter in secretWord:
        for j in range (0,len(secretWord)):
            if secretWord[j]==newLetter:
               glist[j] = newLetter
        g = ''.join(glist)#reassemble the guess as a string
        print('Your letter is indeed present in the secret word: ' +  ' '.join(g)+'\n')
        w += 1
        print('Sorry, there are no ' + newLetter + ' in the secret word. Try again.\n')

def endRound(wr, w,l):
"""determines whether user guessed secret word, in which case updates s[0], or failed after w=8 attempts, in s\which case it updates s[1]"""
    if wr == 8:
            l += 1
            print('Sorry, you have lost this game.\n\nThe secret word was '+secretWord +'\n')#minor violation of encapsulation
        w +=1
        print(15*'*' + 'You got it!' + 15*'*')

def askIfMore():
    """ask user if s/he wants to play another round of the game"""
    while True:
        more = input('Would you like to play another round?(y/n)')
        if more[0].upper() == 'Y' or more[0].upper()=='N':
            return more[0].upper()

def printStats(w,l):
    """prints final statistics"""
    lGames = 'games'
    if w == 1:
        wGames = 'game'
    if l ==1:
        lGames = 'game'
    print('''Thank you for playing with us!\nYou have won {} {} and lost {} {}.\nGoodbye.'''.format(w,wGames,l,lGames))


    import random
    from collections import defaultdict
    words=setUp()#list of words from which to choose
    won, lost = 0,0 #accumulators for games won, and lost
    while True:
        wrongs=0 # accumulator for wrong guesses
        secretWord = random.choice(words)[:#eliminates '\n' at the end of each line
        print(secretWord) #for testing purposes
        guess= len(secretWord)*'_'
        print('Secret Word:' + ' '.join(guess))
        while wrongs < 8 and guess != secretWord:
            wrongs, guess = playRound(wrongs, guess)
        won, lost = endRound(wrongs,won,lost)
        if askIfMore()== 'N':
    printStats(won, lost)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


from collections import defaultdict
import random

def sort_dict_words_by_length(words):
    """Given a list containing words of different length, 
    sort those words based on their length."""

    d = defaultdict(list)
    for word in words:
    return d

def pick_random_length_from_dictionary(diction):
    max_len, min_len = ( f(diction.keys()) for f in (max, min) )
    length = random.randint(min_len, max_len)
    return diction[length]


