
时间:2014-11-14 04:39:02

标签: c pointers data-structures malloc variable-assignment


//Inclusion of necessary header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//Data structure declaration
struct student{
char firstName[20];
char lastName[20];
char id[10];
char gender;
int age;
double gpa;

//Function prototypes
void readStudentsInformation(struct student *, int size); 
void outputStudents(struct student *, int size);
double averageGPA(struct student *, int size);
void sortByLastName(struct student *, int size);
void sortByGPA(struct student *, int size);

//Entry point
int main()
    //Variable delcaration
    int size;
    struct student *ptr;
    //Input prompt and function
    printf("How many students?\n");
    scanf_s("%d", &size);

    //Allocation memory for struct student times the number of students and assigning it to a struct student pointer for external function modification
    ptr = (struct student*)malloc(sizeof(struct student)*size);

    //readStudentsInformation Function call
    readStudentsInformation(ptr, size);

    //Exit sequence
    return 0;

//This functions reads the information for all the students from the keyboard, taking the class size through the pointer method and struct student from main
void readStudentsInformation(struct student *ptr, int size) 
    //For loop controller declaration
    int i;
    //Function message
    printf("Student Information Form\n");
    //This for loop increments the "index" of each students info location where user input is stored
        //Each field has it's appropriate input limit
        printf("Please enter Student %d's First Name(20 characters).\n", i+1);
        scanf_s("%20s", ptr[i].firstName);
        printf("Please enter Student %d's Last Name(20 characters).\n", i+1);       
        scanf_s("%20s", ptr[i].lastName);                                   
        printf("Please enter Student %d's ID(10 characters).\n",i+1);               
        scanf_s("%10s", ptr[i].id);
        printf("Please enter Student %d's gender(M/F).\n",i+1);
        scanf_s("%c", ptr[i].gender);
        printf("Please enter Student %d's age.\n",i+1);
        scanf_s("%3d", ptr[i].age);   //Only 3 digits can be put in at a time
        printf("Please enter Student %d's GPA.\n", i+1);
        scanf_s("%.1lf", ptr[i].gpa);   //From the lab it can be seen that no more than one decimal place is featured, so the same is done here

    //Exit to main

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


scanf_s("%20s", ptr[i].firstName);

阅读名字。 ptr+i将为您提供student结构。您希望将数据存储在结构成员中。


答案 1 :(得分:0)




答案 2 :(得分:0)


    scanf("%c", &ptr[i].gender);
    printf("Please enter Student %d's age.\n",i+1);
    scanf("%3d", &ptr[i].age);   //Only 3 digits can be put in at a time
    printf("Please enter Student %d's GPA.\n", i+1);
    scanf("%1lf", &ptr[i].gpa);