
时间:2014-11-15 22:30:16

标签: linux assembly x86 nasm



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; nasm -f elf file.asm
; ld -m elf_i386 file.o
section .data
        ; don't forget the 0 terminator if it akes a C string!
        filename: db 'test.txt', 0

        ; an error message to be printed with write(). The function doesn't
        ; use a C string so no need for a 0 here, but we do need length.
        error_message: db 'Something went wrong.', 10 ; 10 == \n
        ; this next line means current location minus the error_message location
        ; which works out the message length.
        ; many of the system calls use pointer+length pairs instead of
        ; 0 terminated strings.
        error_message_length: equ $ - error_message

        ; a message we'll write to our file, same as the error message
        hello: db 'Hello, file!', 10 ; the 10 is a newline at the end
        hello_length: equ $ - hello

        fd: dd 0 ; this is like a global int variable in C
        ; global variables are generally a bad idea and there's other
        ; ways to do it, but for simplicity I'm using one here as the
        ; other ways are a bit more work in asm
section .text
        global _start
        ; first, open or create the file. in C it would be:
        ; // $ man 2 creat
        ; int fd = creat("file.txt", 0644); // the second argument is permission

        ; we get the syscall numbers from /usr/include/asm/unistd_32.h
        mov eax, 8 ; creat
        mov ebx, filename ; first argument
        mov ecx, 644O ; the suffix O means Octal in nasm, like the leading 0 in C. see: http://www.nasm.us/doc/nasmdoc3.html
        int 80h ; calls the kernel

        cmp eax, -1 ; creat returns -1 on error
        je error

        mov [fd], eax ; the return value is in eax - the file descriptor

        ; now, we'll write something to the file
        ; // man 2 write
        ; write(fd, hello_pointer, hello_length)
        mov eax, 4 ; write
        mov ebx, [fd],
        mov ecx, hello
        mov edx, hello_length
        int 80h

        cmp eax, -1
        ; it should also close the file in a normal program upon write error
        ; since it is open, but meh, since we just terminate the kernel
        ; will clean up after us
        je error

        ; and now we close the file
        ; // man 2 close
        ; close(fd);

        mov eax, 6 ; close
        mov ebx, [fd]
        int 80h

        ; and now close the program by calling exit(0);
        mov eax, 1 ; exit
        mov ebx, 0 ; return value
        int 80h
        mov eax, 4 ; write
        mov ebx, 1 ; write to stdout - file #1
        mov ecx, error_message ; pointer to the string
        mov edx, error_message_length ; length of the string
        int 80h ; print it

        mov eax, 1 ; exit
        mov ebx, 1 ; return value
        int 80h

如果您复制了上面的链接命令,则会调用该文件a.out。 ld的-o选项会更改。


; nasm -f elf file.asm
; gcc -m32 file.o -nostdlib -lc # notice that we're using gcc to link, makes things a bit easier
; # the options are: -m32, 32 bit, -nostdlib, don't try to use the C lib cuz it will look for main()
; # and finally, -lc to add back some of the C standard library we want

; docs here: http://www.nasm.us/doc/nasmdoc6.html
; we declare the C functions as external symbols. the leading underscore is a C thing.
extern fopen
extern fprintf
extern fclose

section .data
        ; don't forget the 0 terminator if it akes a C string!
        filename: db 'test.txt', 0

        filemode: db 'wt', 0 ; the mode for fopen in C

        format_string: db 'Hello with a number! %d is it.', 10, 0 ; new line and 0 terminator

        ; an error message to be printed with write(). The function doesn't
        ; use a C string so no need for a 0 here, but we do need length.
        error_message: db 'Something went wrong.', 10 ; 10 == \n
        ; this next line means current location minus the error_message location
        ; which works out the message length.
        ; many of the system calls use pointer+length pairs instead of
        ; 0 terminated strings.
        error_message_length: equ $ - error_message

        fp: dd 0 ; this is like a global int variable in C
        ; global variables are generally a bad idea and there's other
        ; ways to do it, but for simplicity I'm using one here as the
        ; other ways are a bit more work in asm
section .text
        global _start
        ; first, open or create the file. in C it would be:
        ; FILE* fp = fopen("text.txt", "wt");

        ; arguments for C functions are pushed on to the stack, right from left.
        push filemode ; "wt"
        push filename ; "text.txt"
        call fopen
        add esp, 8 ; we need to clean up our own stack. Since we pushed two four-byte items, we need to pop the 8 bytes back off. Alternatively, we could have called pop twice, but a single add instruction keeps our registers cleaner.

        ; the return value is in eax, store it in our fp variable after checking for errors
        ; in C: if(fp == NULL) goto error;
        cmp eax, 0 ; check for null
        je error
        mov [fp], eax;

        ; call fprintf(fp, "format string with %d", 55);
        ; the 55 is just a random number to print

        mov eax, 55
        push eax ; all arguments are pushed, right to left. We want a 4 byte int equal to 55, so eax is it
        push format_string
        mov eax, [fp] ; again using eax as an intermediate to store our 4 bytes as we push to the stack
        push eax
        call fprintf
        add esp, 12 ; 3 words this time to clean up

        ; fclose(fp);
        mov eax, [fp] ; again using eax as an intermediate to store our 4 bytes as we push to the stack
        push eax
        call fclose

        ; the rest is unchanged from the above example

        ; and now close the program by calling exit(0);
        mov eax, 1 ; exit
        mov ebx, 0 ; return value
        int 80h
        mov eax, 4 ; write
        mov ebx, 1 ; write to stdout - file #1
        mov ecx, error_message ; pointer to the string
        mov edx, error_message_length ; length of the string
        int 80h ; print it

        mov eax, 1 ; exit
        mov ebx, 1 ; return value
        int 80h


BTW不要同时混合系统调用和C库函数。 C库(fprintf等)缓冲数据,系统调用不要。如果混合它们,数据可能会以令人惊讶的顺序写入文件。


最后,这个相同的模式可用于将几乎任何C代码转换为asm - C调用约定与不同的函数相同,并且带有参数放置等的linux系统调用约定也遵循一致的模式。 / p>

进一步阅读: 关于C调用约定的http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions#cdecl



What is the purpose of EBP in the following code?是我刚才写的关于asm中的局部变量的另一个SO答案 - 这将提示有关摆脱全局的一种方法并描述C编译是如何做到的。 (摆脱全局的另一种方法是将fd / fp保存在寄存器中并在需要释放寄存器时将其推送到堆栈中)

每个函数的代码中引用的手册页。在您的linux提示符下,执行man 2 writeman 3 fprintf等操作以查看更多内容。 (系统调用在手册第2节,C函数在手册第3节)。
