
时间:2014-11-19 14:33:56

标签: java maven maven-3

我正在尝试基于Oracle Tutorial的Simple Java Web Start项目。我正在使用maven将其打包为webapp并将其部署到应用程序服务器。完整的源代码可在此处获取



webapp模块是一个maven war模块。需要在webapp.war的根目录下打包lib.jar。不在WEB-INF / lib下。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

我发现正确的方法是使用maven-dependency-plugin。 由于“lib.jar”未在“webapp”模块的编译阶段使用,因此它只是一个包时间依赖项。使用maven-dependency-plugin,我可以在准备包阶段将lib.jar复制到任何所需的目录。然后,maven-war包将包含.war包中的lib.jar。

                        <groupId>[ group id ]</groupId>
                        <artifactId>[artifact id]</artifactId>
                        <version>[ version ]</version>
                <!-- other configurations here -->

<强>更新 有一个webstart-maven-plugin可以更好地打包javaws应用程序。看我的示例项目

答案 1 :(得分:1)



注意:我还没有尝试过,所以你必须调整路径 - 特别是输出路径,这样你的package就可以正确地放入lib.jar的根目录中1}}(例如,如果您打开warwar等文件夹旁会有lib.jar


正如我所说,我根本没有签署JAR的经验,但有一个名为<!-- lets assume the root of my project would be under C:/devjba/projectX this equals the maven variable ${project.basedir}. from there the output-directory would be located under C:/devjba/projectX/target which equals the maven variable ${}. This is the location a .war would be placed in after the build lets assume the required jar lib.jar is located under C:/devjba/projectX/misc which would equal to the expression: ${project.basedir}/misc --> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-resources-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.6</version> <executions> <execution> <id>foo</id> <!-- may adjust to another phase before package but make sure your plugin is bound to a phase because otherwise it wont be invoked during build! Now its bound to the first phase of the default lifecycle for packaging type war --> <phase>process-resources</phase> <goals> <!-- use the copy-resources goal of this plugin - it will copy resources :) --> <goal>copy-resources</goal> </goals> <configuration> <!-- this points to /target of the current project, you may adjust it to wherever it must be placed to be packed into the root of the war (just try&error) --> <outputDirectory>${}</outputDirectory> <resources> <resource> <!-- this points to a folder /misc under the project root where we expect the lib.jar --> <directory>${project.basedir}/misc</directory> <!-- unless you specify what to include anything of the above directory will be included --> <includes> <include>lib.jar</include> </includes> </resource> </resources> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> 的插件,我想这将完成工作(我会签名,然后移动它,然后打包战争)手册 - 我建议您尝试根据maven-jarsigner-plugin的示例配置对其进行配置,并发布直接包含两个插件配置的新问题。在这种情况下,别忘了链接到这个问题。并且还要打开这个问题,以便有更好的方法的人可以纠正我的方式)。