
时间:2014-11-27 22:26:21

标签: java android arraylist nullpointerexception




Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.cs121.team2.workoutlog.WOLog.equals(WOLog.java:168)
            at com.cs121.team2.workoutlog.DataHandler.editLog(DataHandler.java:134)
            at com.cs121.team2.workoutlog.DetailActivity.onDeleteClick(DetailActivity.java:95)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
            at android.view.View$1.onClick(View.java:3592)
            at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:4202)
            at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:17340)
            at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:725)
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
            at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5039)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
            at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)


Log.d(" arraylist(1)== arrayList(1)"," result:" + dummy.equals(logList.get(1)));


public class DataHandler extends Activity {
    private final String TAG = "Data Handler";
    public static DataHandler _dh; //the DataHandler instance that will be constructed and kept
    private static Gson gson;
    private static Type listType;
    private static Context mContext;

    private DataHandler() throws IOException { //this is a singleton class, so this is kept private
        gson = new Gson();
        listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<WOLog>>(){}.getType();
        File file = new File(mContext.getFilesDir(), "jsonLogs.json");
    public synchronized static DataHandler getDataHandler(Context context) { //used to make/get the DH
        mContext = context;
        if (_dh == null) { //does the DH already exist?
            try {
                _dh = new DataHandler(); //if not, create a new one
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return _dh; //if so, just return the DH that is already instantiated

    //sends the ArrayList of Logs to LLAdapter
    public synchronized ArrayList<WOLog> getLogs() throws IOException {
        //find and read data from data storage to string temp
        FileInputStream fis = mContext.openFileInput("jsonLogs.json");
        int c;
        String temp="";
        while( (c = fis.read()) != -1){
            temp = temp + Character.toString((char)c);

        //convert to non-JSON
        ArrayList<WOLog> toReturn = (ArrayList<WOLog>) gson.fromJson(temp, listType);
        if (toReturn == null){
            toReturn = new ArrayList<WOLog>();
            //TODO show user friendly error message
        //send to LLAdapter
        return toReturn;

    //appends a new log to the Log AList
    public synchronized void addLog(WOLog toAdd) throws IOException {
        //retrive data from file
        FileInputStream fis = mContext.openFileInput("jsonLogs.json");
        int c;
        String temp="";
        while( (c = fis.read()) != -1){
            temp = temp + Character.toString((char)c);
        //convert to non-JSON
        ArrayList<WOLog> logList = (ArrayList<WOLog>) gson.fromJson(temp, listType);

        if (logList == null) {
            logList = new ArrayList<WOLog>();

        // Sorts the list of logs from oldest to newest
        Collections.sort(logList, new Comparator<WOLog>() {
            public int compare(WOLog woLog, WOLog woLog2) {
                return woLog2.getDateCompare() - woLog.getDateCompare();

        // For clearing the file while testing: logList = null;

        //convert to JSON
        String jsonLog = gson.toJson(logList);
        //save to a .txt file
        FileOutputStream fos = mContext.openFileOutput("jsonLogs.json", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        //write to internal storage

    //edits or removes an existing log
    public synchronized void editLog(WOLog newLog, WOLog oldLog, boolean delete) throws IOException {
        //save a dummy copy of oldLog
        WOLog dummy = oldLog;
        //retrieve data from file
        FileInputStream fis = mContext.openFileInput("jsonLogs.json");
        int c;
        String temp="";
        while( (c = fis.read()) != -1){
            temp = temp + Character.toString((char)c);
        //convert to non-JSON
        ArrayList<WOLog> logList = (ArrayList<WOLog>) gson.fromJson(temp, listType);
        //for(WOLog bleh : logList) {
          //  Log.d("logList bleh",bleh.toStringList());

        if(delete) { //are we deleting the log?
            //Log.d("oldLog fields","oldLog. date: " + oldLog.getDate() + ", name: " + oldLog.getName() + ", time: ." + oldLog.getTime() + ", distance: " + oldLog.getDistance() + ", mood: " + oldLog.getMood() + ", weight " + oldLog.getWeight() + ", sets: " + oldLog.getSets() + ", reps: " + oldLog.getReps() + ", memo: " + oldLog.getMemo() + ", type: " + oldLog.getType() + ", subtype: " + oldLog.getSubtype() + ", dateCompare: " + oldLog.getDateCompare());
            //Log.d("arrayList(0) fields","arrayList(0). date: " + logList.get(0).getDate() + ", name: " + logList.get(0).getName() + ", time: ." + logList.get(0).getTime() + ", distance: " + logList.get(0).getDistance() + ", mood: " + logList.get(0).getMood() + ", weight " + logList.get(0).getWeight() + ", sets: " + logList.get(0).getSets() + ", reps: " + logList.get(0).getReps() + ", memo: " + logList.get(0).getMemo() + ", type: " + logList.get(0).getType() + ", subtype: " + logList.get(0).getSubtype() + ", dateCompare: " + logList.get(0).getDateCompare());
            //Log.d("arrayList(1) fields","arrayList(1). date: " + logList.get(1).getDate() + ", name: " + logList.get(1).getName() + ", time: ." + logList.get(1).getTime() + ", distance: " + logList.get(1).getDistance() + ", mood: " + logList.get(1).getMood() + ", weight " + logList.get(1).getWeight() + ", sets: " + logList.get(1).getSets() + ", reps: " + logList.get(1).getReps() + ", memo: " + logList.get(1).getMemo() + ", type: " + logList.get(1).getType() + ", subtype: " + logList.get(1).getSubtype() + ", dateCompare: " + logList.get(1).getDateCompare());
            Log.d("arraylist(1)==arrayList(1)","result: " + dummy.equals(logList.get(1)));
            //Log.d("contained?","oldLog contained: " + logList.contains(oldLog));
            //logList.indexOf(oldLog); //...if so, delete the log
            //Log.d("past remove","we got past remove(oldLog)");
        else { //...if not, we're editing the log
            int myIndex = logList.indexOf(oldLog); //find the index of the old log
            logList.set(myIndex, newLog); //set the old log to the new log

        // For clearing the file while testing: logList = new ArrayList<WOLog>();

        //sort loglist
        if(!logList.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.sort(logList, new Comparator<WOLog>() {
                public int compare(WOLog woLog, WOLog woLog2) {
                    return woLog2.getDateCompare() - woLog.getDateCompare();
        Log.d("past sort","we got past Collections.sort");

        //convert to JSON
        String jsonLog = gson.toJson(logList);
        Log.d("past toJson","we got past jsonLog = gson.toJson(logList)");
        //save to a .txt file
        FileOutputStream fos = mContext.openFileOutput("jsonLogs.json", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        Log.d("past fos","we got past fos = mContext.openFileOutput(...)");
        //write to internal storage
        Log.d("past write","we got past fos.write(...)");
        Log.d("past close","we got past fos.close()");


public class WOLog implements Parcelable {
    // Just a lot of static data
    final static int TYPE_CARDIO = 0;
    final static int TYPE_STRENGTH = 1;
    final static int TYPE_CUSTOM = 2;
    final static int SUBTYPE_NONE = 0;
    final static int SUBTYPE_TIME_BODY = 1;
    final static int SUBTYPE_DIST_WEIGHTS = 2;

    final static String[] MOOD_ARRAY = {"awful", "bad", "k", "good", "perfect"};
    final static String[] TYPE_ARRAY = {"Cardio", "Strength", "Custom"};
    final static String[] SUBTYPE_ARRAY = {"None", "Time/Body", "Distance/Weights"};

    // Data stored in log
    private int dateCompare;
    private String date, name, time, distance, mood, weight, sets, reps, memo, type, subtype;

    //tag for debug logging.
    private static final String TAG = "WOLog";

    public WOLog()
        dateCompare = 0;
        date = name = time = distance = mood = weight = sets = reps = memo = type = subtype = null;

    // Setter Methods
    public void setDate(int m, int dy, int yr, int hr, int min){
        date = m + "-" + dy + "-" + yr + " " + hr + ":";
        if (min < 10) date += "0" + min;
        else date += min;

        dateCompare += min;
        dateCompare += hr * 10;
        dateCompare += dy * 1000;
        dateCompare += m * 100000;
        dateCompare += yr * 10000000;

    public void setName(String t){ name = t; }

    public void setTime(String t){ time = t; }

    public void setDistance(String d){ distance = d; }

    public void setReps(String r){ reps = r; }

    public void setSets(String s){ sets = s; }

    public void setWeight(String w){ weight = w;}

    public void setMood(String m){ mood = m; }

    public void setMemo(String m) { memo = m; }

    public void setType(String t) { type = t; }

    public void setSubtype(String t) { subtype = t; }

    // Getter Methods
    // TODO: Remove these if we don't wind up using them for stats
    public int getDateCompare(){ return dateCompare; }

    public String getDate(){ return date; }

    public String getName(){ return name; }

    public String getTime(){ return time; }

    public String getDistance(){ return distance; }

    public String getReps() { return  reps; }

    public String getSets() { return sets; }

    public String getWeight() { return weight; }

    public String getMood(){ return mood; }

    public String getMemo() { return memo; }

    public String getType() { return type; }

    public String getSubtype() { return subtype; }

    // toString formatted with HTML for ListView
    public String toStringList(){
        String s = "";

        s += "<center><b>" + name + "</b>";

        if(date != null){
            s += "<br><b>Date: </b>" + date;
        if(mood != null){
            s += "<br><b>Mood: </b>" + mood;

        s += "</center>";

        return s;

    // toString formatted with HTML for DetailView
    public String toStringDetail(){
        String s = "";

        s += "<center><b>" + name.toUpperCase() + "</b><br>";
        s += "<b>(Workout Info):</b><br>";

        if(date != null && !date.isEmpty()){
            s += "<b>Date: </b>" + date + "<br>";

        if(time != null && !time.isEmpty()){
            s += "<b>Time: </b>" + time + "<br>";
        if(mood != null && !mood.isEmpty()){
            s += "<b>Mood: </b>" + mood + "<br>";
        if(distance != null && !distance.isEmpty()){
            s += "<b>Distance: </b>" + distance + "<br>";
        if(weight != null && !weight.isEmpty()) {
            s += "<b>Weight: </b>" + weight + "<br>";
        if(sets != null && !sets.isEmpty()) {
            s += "<b>Sets: </b>" + sets + "<br>";
        if(reps != null && !reps.isEmpty()) {
            s += "<b>Reps: </b>" + reps + "<br>";
        if(memo != null && !memo.isEmpty()) {
            s += "<b>Memo: </b>" + memo + "<br>";

        s += "</center>";

        return s;

    // TODO: Write comparable function in WOLog instead of overriding in DataHandler?

    //Equals function
    public boolean equals(Object otherLog){
        //return true if objects are identical
        if (this == otherLog) {
            return true;
        //return false if the otherLog is null
        if (otherLog == null) {
            return false;
        //return false if other object is wrong type
        if (!(otherLog instanceof WOLog)) {
            return false;
        return (this.getDate().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getDate()) &&
                this.getName().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getName()) &&
                this.getTime().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getTime()) &&
                this.getDistance().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getDistance()) &&
                this.getMood().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getMood()) &&
                this.getWeight().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getWeight()) &&
                this.getSets().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getSets()) &&
                this.getReps().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getReps()) &&
                this.getMemo().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getMemo()) &&
                this.getType().equals(((WOLog)otherLog).getType()) &&

    //in case this project ever uses hash coding, make sure they know they have to write it
    @Override public int hashCode() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    //The following functions allow for a WOLog to be passed as a Parcel
    public static final Parcelable.Creator<WOLog> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<WOLog>() {
        public WOLog createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            return new WOLog(in);

        public WOLog[] newArray(int size) {
            return new WOLog[size];

    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {

    private WOLog(Parcel in) {
        dateCompare = 0;
        dateCompare = in.readInt();
        name = null;
        name = in.readString();
        time = null;
        time = in.readString();
        distance = null;
        distance = in.readString();
        mood = null;
        mood = in.readString();
        date = null;
        date = in.readString();
        memo = null;
        memo = in.readString();
        weight = null;
        weight = in.readString();
        sets = null;
        sets = in.readString();
        reps = null;
        reps = in.readString();
        type = null;
        type = in.readString();
        subtype = null;
        subtype = in.readString();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

尝试使用ApacheCommons&#39; EqualsBuilder类:

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj);
