
时间:2014-11-28 19:02:56

标签: java user-interface super

对于我正在做的这个项目,我想要利用一个High Low牌游戏类并围绕它创建一个gui。我熟悉制作GUI并理解它,但问题是我不太确定如何实现超类方法(例如:播放方法)出现在文本区域中。当我打电话给Play();它导致终端输出,我想知道如何使它,所以文本区域从方法接收文本。


 * Simulates a card game called High/Low using the classes Card, and Deck.
 * @author (Prof R) 
 * @version (v1.0 11/01/2014)

import java.util.Scanner;
public class HighLow
private int     m_gamesPlayed;
private int     m_sumOfScores;

// Constructor to initialize all the data members
    m_gamesPlayed  = 0;
    m_sumOfScores  = 0;

// This is the main loop of the of the game.  It calls the method to play a round of High-Low,
// and calls the methos to display the result when the round is over. It then will prompt the user to check
// if they want to continue. When the user stops playing it calls the method to display the final stats
// parameters: None
// return:     None

public void Play() 
    boolean playAgain = true;                    // local variable representing status of "continue to play"

    while (playAgain) {
        int scoreThisGame;                // Score for one game.
        scoreThisGame = PlayARound();     // Play a round and get the score.
        m_sumOfScores += scoreThisGame;   // Sum up scores
        m_gamesPlayed++;                  // Sum up rounds played
        char c = PlayAgainPrompt();       // Prompt user to see if they want to continue

        if (c == 'Y') {
            playAgain = true;
        else {
            playAgain = false;

// Prompts the user for fot Y/y or N/y with prompt "Do you want to play again?". 
// Paramters; none.
// return: char where Y is play again, or N is stop playing

protected char PlayAgainPrompt()
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
    char c;
    do {
        System.out.println("Play again? ");
        String buffer;
        buffer = in.nextLine();
        c = buffer.charAt(0);
        c = Character.toUpperCase(c);
    } while (c != 'Y' && c != 'N');

    return c;

// Lets the user play a round HighLow, and returns the user's score in the game.
// Parameter: none
// return: an in reprsenting the number of correct guesses

private int PlayARound()
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 

    Deck deck = new Deck();              // Get a new deck of cards
    Card currentCard;                    // The current card, which the user bases his guess off
    Card nextCard;                       // The next card in the deck, whic will determine outcome of user's guess
    int correctGuesses ;                 // variable for sum of correct guess
    char guess;                          // The user's guess.  'H/h' -higher, 'L/l' lower

    deck.Shuffle();                      // Shuffle the deck
    correctGuesses = 0;
    currentCard = deck.DealACard();      // Get a card from the top of the deck
    boolean correct = true;              // Loop will continue until this is false

    while (correct) {  // Loop ends when user's prediction is wrong.
        DisplayCurrentCard(currentCard);  // Call methos to display current card
        guess = GuessPrompt();            // Get the user's predition, 'H' or 'L'. 
        nextCard = deck.DealACard();      // Get next card from the deck
        DisplayNextCard(nextCard);        // Display the next card

        // Check the user's prediction. *

        if (nextCard.GetValue() == currentCard.GetValue()) {        // A tie
            DisplayResult("You lose on ties.  Sorry!");
            correct = false;                                         // End the round
        else if (nextCard.GetValue() > currentCard.GetValue()) {    // Next card is higher
            if (guess == 'H') {
                DisplayResult("Your prediction was correct.");
            else {
                DisplayResult("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                correct = false;                                     // End the round
        else {                                                      // nextCards is lower
            if (guess == 'L') {
                DisplayResult("Your prediction was correct.");
            else {
                DisplayResult("Your prediction was incorrect.");
                correct = false;                                      // End round

        currentCard = nextCard;

    return correctGuesses;

// Display stats of a round of High/Low
// parameters: int correctGuesses - represents the number of corrects guesses for this round
// return: none.

protected void DisplayStats(int correctGuesses)
    System.out.println("The game is over.");
    System.out.println("You made " + correctGuesses + " correct predictions.");


// Prompt the user for a guess with choices being H (next card will be higher), or 
// L (next card will be lower.  Displays prompt messages, and then gets the input from a scanner.
// The function will not return until the user inputs an H/h, or a L/l.
// parameters: none
// return: a Char representing the user's guess.    

protected char GuessPrompt()
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 
    char guess;
    System.out.println("Will the next card be higher (H) or lower (L)?  ");
    do {
        String buffer;
        buffer = in.nextLine();
        guess = buffer.charAt(0);
        guess = Character.toUpperCase(guess);
        if (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L') {
            System.out.println("Please respond with H or L:  ");
    } while (guess != 'H' && guess != 'L');

    return guess;

// Displays the current card that the user will base the guess of high or low from.
// parameters: card of type Card representing the last card dealt from the deck. The user
//             will guess if the next card delat is higher or lower than this.
// return: none

protected void DisplayCurrentCard(Card card) {
    System.out.println("The current card is " + card);    

// Displays the next card dealt from the deck after the user's guess. This card will be capared to see if
// it is higher or lower than the last card dealt. 
// parameters: card of type Card representing the last card dealt from the deck. This card will be compared
// to the last card dealt, along with the user's guess to determine a right or wrong guess.

protected void DisplayNextCard(Card card) {
    System.out.println("The next card is " + card);    

// Display result of a round of High/Low
// parameters: result of type String indicating whether the use won or lost based on the last card dealt,
//             the user guess.
// return: None

protected void DisplayResult(String result)

// Displays the finals stats of all the rounds of Hi/Low played (displays the average score) It computes
// the average score using the data members m_gamesPlayed, and m_sumOfScores.
// parameters: none.
// return type none.

protected void DisplayFinalStats()
    double averageScore = m_sumOfScores / (double)m_gamesPlayed;
    System.out.println("Average score of " + averageScore + " for " + m_gamesPlayed + " rounds played. ");


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
public class GHighLow extends HighLow
private JFrame m_frame;
private JButton m_play;
private JButton m_exit;
private JButton m_high;
private JButton m_low;
private char m_k;
private JTextArea m_card1;
private JTextArea m_card2;
private JTextField m_input;

 * Constructor for objects of class GHighLow
public GHighLow()
    // constructs highlow

    // create inital frame
    m_frame = new JFrame();

    m_frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

    // inital button to play
    m_play = new JButton("Play!");

    // action listener from listener class
    m_play.addActionListener(new Listener());

    // button the recieve the players input
    m_high = new JButton("High");
    m_high.addActionListener(new Listener());

    m_low = new JButton("Low");
    m_low.addActionListener(new Listener());

    JPanel m_bottom = new JPanel();
    m_frame.add(m_bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    // creates two graphic cards
    m_card1 = new JTextArea(10,10);
    m_card2 = new JTextArea(10,10);

    JPanel m_center = new JPanel();

    m_frame.add(m_center, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    // instruction pane
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null," *INSTRUCTIONS*" 
        + " The object of the High Low game is simple. The computer will present you a card" 
        + " All you have to do is guess if the next card is higher or lower, enjoy!");
public class Listener extends HighLow implements ActionListener {
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)


        Object obj = e.getSource();

        if(obj == m_play){

        else if(obj == m_high) {
            m_k = 'H';

        else if(obj == m_low){
            m_k = 'L';

        else if(obj == m_exit){
            m_k = 'N';
public void Play(){



谢谢你, 戴夫

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


游戏机制将是使游戏运作的代码。 Play()函数是游戏机制的一个例子。 GUI将是为用户进行交互以玩游戏而设计的窗口。基本上,您希望将代码分解为函数,以便GUI函数与游戏机制函数分开,就像您使用Play()PlayAgainPrompt()一样。 Play()是游戏机制,但它调用GUI函数(PlayAgainPrompt())。 PlayAgainPrompt()使用终端询问用户是否要继续,但如果您想要一个对话框怎么办?您将覆盖该函数并改为使用对话框。对于应由GUI处理的每一段代码,您应该将其放在一个可以重写的函数中。对于作为游戏机制一部分的每一段代码,它应该在它自己的函数中,因此不必在子类中重写。

所有这些都是DRY概念的一部分,或者不要重复。 DRY代码是很好的代码;如果你重复代码,然后需要改变它,回去修复它是非常烦人的。如果你不解决所有错误,那么就可以引入错误。这是子类如此有用的一个原因。有关DRY的更多信息,请参阅this问题。