
时间:2014-11-30 18:17:01

标签: swift touch sprite-kit


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)




struct TouchInfo {
    var location:CGPoint
    var time:NSTimeInterval


var selectedNode:SKSpriteNode?
var history:[TouchInfo]?


  1. 保存用户触摸的精灵
  2. 保存触摸事件数据
  3. Swift代码:

    let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch
    let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
    let node = self.nodeAtPoint(location)
    if (node.name == "player") {
        // Step 1
        selectedNode = node as? SKSpriteNode;
        // Stop the sprite
        selectedNode?.physicsBody?.velocity = CGVectorMake(0,0)
        // Step 2: save information about the touch
        history = [TouchInfo(location:location, time:touch.timestamp)]


    1. 如果在touchesBegan中选择了精灵,请将精灵移动到新位置
    2. 保存触摸事件数据
    3. Swift代码:

      let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch
      let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
      if (selectedNode != nil) {
          // Step 1. update sprite's position
          selectedNode?.position = location
          // Step 2. save touch data at index 0
          history?.insert(TouchInfo(location:location, time:touch.timestamp),atIndex:0)


      1. 计算上次触摸和当前触摸的x和y差异
      2. 查找触摸事件之间的时差
      3. 计算并保持x和y
      4. 中速度分量的总和
      5. 创建速度矢量并将其应用于精灵
      6. 取消选择节点
      7. Swift代码:

        if let history = history, history.count > 1 && selectedNode != nil {
            var vx:CGFloat = 0.0
            var vy:CGFloat = 0.0
            var previousTouchInfo:TouchInfo?
            // Adjust this value as needed
            let maxIterations = 3
            var numElts:Int = min(history.count, maxIterations)
            // Loop over touch history
            for index in 0..<numElts {
                let touchInfo = history[index]
                let location = touchInfo.location
                if let previousTouch = previousTouchInfo {
                    // Step 1
                    let dx = location.x - previousTouch.location.x
                    let dy = location.y - previousTouch.location.y
                    // Step 2
                    let dt = CGFloat(touchInfo.time - previousTouch.time)
                    // Step 3
                    vx += dx / dt
                    vy += dy / dt
                previousTouchInfo = touchInfo
            let count = CGFloat(numElts-1)
            // Step 4
            let velocity = CGVectorMake(vx/count,vy/count)
            selectedNode?.physicsBody?.velocity = velocity
        // Step 5
        selectedNode = nil
        history = nil