
时间:2010-04-28 12:50:08

标签: scala traits


class Peter extends Human with Lawful with Evil
class Mag extends Elf with Chaotic with Neutral



trait Law
trait Lawful extends Law
trait LNeutral extends Law
trait Chaotic extends Law

trait Moral
trait Good extends Moral
trait Neutral extends Moral
trait Evil extends Moral

class Hero .........
class Homer extends Hero with Chaotic with Good

我希望以限制客户端程序员混合特定特征的方式定义Hero类(Lawful / LNeutral / ChaoticGood / Neutral / Evil)如果他扩展Hero课程。我想找到一些限制/约束客户端代码的其他可能性。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:28)


scala> trait Law[T]
defined trait Law

scala> trait Lawful extends Law[Lawful]
defined trait Lawful

scala> trait Chaotic extends Law[Chaotic]
defined trait Chaotic

scala> class Peter extends Lawful with Chaotic
<console>:8: error: illegal inheritance;
 class Peter inherits different type instances of trait Law:
Law[Chaotic] and Law[Lawful]
       class Peter extends Lawful with Chaotic


scala> class Human {
     |   self: Law[_] =>
     | }
defined class Human

scala> class Peter extends Human
<console>:7: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type Peter does not conform to Human's selftype Human with Law[_]
       class Peter extends Human


sealed trait Law[T <: Law[T]]
trait Lawful extends Law[Lawful]
trait LNeutral extends Law[LNeutral]
trait Chaotic extends Law[Chaotic]

sealed trait Moral[T <: Moral[T]]
trait Good extends Moral[Good]
trait Neutral extends Moral[Neutral]
trait Evil extends Moral[Evil]

class Human {
  self: Law[_] with Moral[_] =>

答案 1 :(得分:9)

也许你正在寻找限制自我类型的声明。 E.g:

class Human
trait Lawful
trait Lawless

class NiceGuy
extends Human
  this: Lawful =>

class BadGuy
extends Human
  this: Lawless =>

scala> class SuperHero extends NiceGuy
<console>:7: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type SuperHero does not conform to NiceGuy's selftype NiceGuy with Lawful
       class SuperHero extends NiceGuy

scala> class SuperHero extends NiceGuy with Lawful
defined class SuperHero

scala> class SuperVillain extends BadGuy
<console>:7: error: illegal inheritance;
 self-type SuperVillain does not conform to BadGuy's selftype BadGuy with Lawless
       class SuperVillain extends BadGuy

scala> class SuperVillain extends BadGuy with Lawless
defined class SuperVillain

答案 2 :(得分:0)


class Human {
  if (this.instanceOf[Lawful] && this.instanceOf[Chaotic])
    throw new AlignmentException("A Human can only be either Lawful or Chaotic")