
时间:2014-12-05 12:02:38

标签: json perl shell


感谢任何帮助/指示: - )

TEST                            STATUS          FAIL REASON
----                            ------          -----------
Security Profile                PASS            
Group Check                     FAIL            Errors detected in group definition files
User Check                      FAIL            Errors detected in user definition files
Service hostmibd                FAIL            Active
Service aixmibd                 FAIL            Active
Subserver shell                 FAIL            Active
Subserver kshell                FAIL            Active
Subserver login                 FAIL            Active
Subserver exec                  FAIL            Active
Subserver bootps                FAIL            Active
Subserver tftp                  FAIL            Active
Subserver ntalk                 FAIL            Active
SNMP version                    FAIL            snmpdv3ne
SNMP community                  PASS            
SSHD status                     PASS            

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)






use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014;    # For non-destructive tr/// and s///

my $headers = <DATA>;
my $dashes = <DATA>;
my @offsets;
push @offsets, $-[0] while $dashes =~ /-+/g;

my @widths = map { $offsets[$_]-$offsets[$_-1] } 1 .. $#offsets;
push @widths, '*';
my $unpack = join ' ', map "A$_", @widths;

my @headers = map { lc =~ tr/ /_/r } unpack $unpack, $headers;

my @lines;

while (<DATA>) {
  next unless /\S/;
  my @fields = map s/"/\\"/gr, unpack $unpack, $_;
  push @lines, '  {' . join(', ', map qq{"$headers[$_]":"$fields[$_]"}, 0 .. $#fields). '}';

my $json = "[\n" . join(",\n", @lines) . "\n]\n";

print $json, "\n\n";

use JSON;
use Data::Dump;
dd from_json $json;

TEST                            STATUS          FAIL REASON
----                            ------          -----------
Security Profile                PASS            
Group Check                     FAIL            Errors detected in group definition files
User Check                      FAIL            Errors detected in user definition files
Service hostmibd                FAIL            Active
Service aixmibd                 FAIL            Active
Subserver shell                 FAIL            Active
Subserver kshell                FAIL            Active
Subserver login                 FAIL            Active
Subserver exec                  FAIL            Active
Subserver bootps                FAIL            Active
Subserver tftp                  FAIL            Active
Subserver ntalk                 FAIL            Active
SNMP version                    FAIL            snmpdv3ne
SNMP community                  PASS            
SSHD status                     PASS            


  {"test":"Security Profile", "status":" PASS", "fail_reason":""},
  {"test":"Group Check", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Errors detected in group definition files"},
  {"test":"User Check", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Errors detected in user definition files"},
  {"test":"Service hostmibd", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Service aixmibd", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver shell", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver kshell", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver login", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver exec", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver bootps", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver tftp", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"Subserver ntalk", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"Active"},
  {"test":"SNMP version", "status":"FAIL", "fail_reason":"snmpdv3ne"},
  {"test":"SNMP community", "status":"PASS", "fail_reason":""},
  {"test":"SSHD status", "status":"PASS", "fail_reason":""}


  { fail_reason => "", status => " PASS", test => "Security Profile" },
    fail_reason => "Errors detected in group definition files",
    status => "FAIL",
    test => "Group Check",
    fail_reason => "Errors detected in user definition files",
    status => "FAIL",
    test => "User Check",
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Service hostmibd" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Service aixmibd" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver shell" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver kshell" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver login" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver exec" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver bootps" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver tftp" },
  { fail_reason => "Active", status => "FAIL", test => "Subserver ntalk" },
  { fail_reason => "snmpdv3ne", status => "FAIL", test => "SNMP version" },
  { fail_reason => "", status => "PASS", test => "SNMP community" },
  { fail_reason => "", status => "PASS", test => "SSHD status" },

答案 1 :(得分:0)

固定长度数据始终是unpack的好兆头。 您需要JSON模块进行转换。该程序从STDIN读取并将文件作为参数。

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use JSON;

my @names = qw<test status fail_reason>;
my @return;
  next if $. < 3;     # skip the header
  my (%obj);
  @obj{@names} = grep {$_} unpack 'A32A16A*';
  push @return, \%obj;

print encode_json \@return;


[{"status":"PASS","fail_reason":null,"test":"Security Profile"},{"status":"FAIL","test":"Group Check","fail_reason":"Errors detected in group definition files"},{"test":"User Check","fail_reason":"Errors detected in user definition files","status":"FAIL"},{"test":"Service hostmibd","fail_reason":"Active","status":"FAIL"},{"status":"FAIL","test":"Service aixmibd","fail_reason":"Active"},{"test":"Subserver shell","fail_reason":"Active","status":"FAIL"},{"status":"FAIL","fail_reason":"Active","test":"Subserver kshell"},{"status":"FAIL","test":"Subserver login","fail_reason":"Active"},{"fail_reason":"Active","test":"Subserver exec","status":"FAIL"},{"status":"FAIL","test":"Subserver bootps","fail_reason":"Active"},{"fail_reason":"Active","test":"Subserver tftp","status":"FAIL"},{"fail_reason":"Active","test":"Subserver ntalk","status":"FAIL"},{"fail_reason":"snmpdv3ne","test":"SNMP version","status":"FAIL"},{"test":"SNMP community","fail_reason":null,"status":"PASS"},{"test":"SSHD status","fail_reason":null,"status":"PASS"}]



    delete $obj{$_} foreach grep {$obj{$_} eq '' or not defined $obj{$_} keys %obj; 


my (@return, @names, $head_line, $pack_template);
while (<>) {
  if ($. == 1) {      # set the header line
    $head_line = $_;
  elsif($. == 2){
                        # extract the lengths from the second line
    my @lengths = map(length, (/(-+\s*)/g));
    $lengths[-1]= '*';  # replace the last length with * as a catch rest
    $pack_template = join '', map {"A$_"} @lengths;
    @names = unpack $pack_template, $head_line;
  } else {
    my (%obj);
    @obj{@names} = unpack $pack_template;
    push @return, \%obj;