
时间:2014-12-08 00:10:39

标签: clojure type-systems lighttable clojure-core.typed

我正在制作一个tic tac toe游戏并为我的策略制定了一个协议。游戏运行良好,所以我想借此机会磨练我的核心技能。我已经注释了协议(如下所示),但是当我在repl中运行(cf method-name)(cf protocol-name)时,我收到此错误:


=> `(cf win)`
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Type Checker: Found 1 error :: {:type-error :top-level-error, :errors (#<ExceptionInfo clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Unannotated var tic-tac-toe.protocol/win
Hint: Add the annotation for tic-tac-toe.protocol/win via check-ns or cf {:env {:file "/Users/jessediaz/Documents/workspace/tic-tac-toe/src/tic_tac_toe/protocol.clj", :column 5, :line 47}, :form win, :type-error :clojure.core.typed.errors/tc-error-parent}>)}

我已经检查过以确保协议版本实际上是core.typed / protocol。当我使用协议时,控制台对我咆哮&gt;说语法已被弃用。我还查看了github页面和clojure-doc.org上的文档。这就是我了解到有一个可选的:methods关键字,我可以用它将方法映射到类型。我觉得这可能会从我的代码中删除很多重复,但我还没有找到任何使用它的例子。协议中的主要策略方法都有副作用并返回nil。验证方法返回nil或他们验证的原始Strategy方法。我不确定我的语法是否正确,但代码在LightTable中的评估很好,有或没有Fn签名,而core.typed wiki暗示它并不总是必要的。



(ns tic-tac-toe.protocol
  (:require [clojure.core.typed :refer :all]))

(ann-protocol Strategy
                win                        (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                block                      (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                fork                       (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                block-fork                 (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                take-center                (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                take-opposite-corner       (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                take-corner                (Fn [Strategy -> nil])
                take-side                  (Fn  [Strategy -> nil])

                can-win?                   (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-block?                 (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-fork?                  (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-block-fork?            (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-take-center?           (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-take-corner?           (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))])
                can-take-side?             (Fn [Strategy -> (U nil (Fn [Strategy -> nil]))]))
(defprotocol Strategy
  "Strategy methods update the Tic-tac-toe board when they are called"

  ;; strategies
  (win [_] "wins the game by filling an open space to get 3 in a row")
  (block [_] "blocks an opponents win by filling an open space")
  (fork [_] "creates a two way win scenario guaranteeing victory")
  (block-fork [_] "prevents an opponent from forking")
  (take-center [_] "takes center")
  (take-opposite-corner [_] "takes a corner opposite to one the computer already has")
  (take-corner [_] "takes an avaiable corner")
  (take-side [_] "takes an available side")

  ;; tests
  (can-win? [_])
  (can-block? [_])
  (can-fork? [_])
  (can-block-fork? [_])
  (can-take-center? [_])
  (can-take-opposite-corner? [_])
  (can-take-corner? [_])
  (can-take-side? [_]))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




(defprotocol Strategy
  "Strategy methods update the Tic-tac-toe board when they are called"

  ;; strategies
  (win [_] :- nil "wins the game by filling an open space to get 3 in a row")
  (block [_] :- nil "blocks an opponents win by filling an open space")