
时间:2014-12-09 15:16:08

标签: php sorting



  1. 8:00,10:30,11:40 PM
  2. (上午11:20),(4:40),8:00,11:40 PM
    • ()' s表示实习生。
  3. 使用这些showtime字符串,我需要它看起来像这样:

    • (上午11:20),(4:40),8:00,10:30,晚上11:40



    编辑 - 代码 我不认为这会产生一大堆意义,因为它是我编辑的更大脚本的一部分

        //Make a unique key so we can check if a movie listing already exists for this combo
        $showtimesKey = implode('_', array(
        if (!isset($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey])) {
            foreach (explode(", ", trim($currentListing->showtimes)) as $time) {
                $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey][$time] = $time;
        } else {
            $previousTimes = $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey];
            foreach (explode(", ", trim($currentListing->showtimes)) as $time) {
                $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey][$time] = $time;
            //sort($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey], SORT_STRING);
            $currentListing->showtimes = $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey];

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$string1 = "8:00, 10:30, 11:40 PM";
$string2 = "(11:20 AM), (4:40), 8:00, 11:40 PM ";

$fullString = $string1.",".$string2;
$splittedString = split(",",$fullString);

$times = array();
foreach($splittedString as $id=>$timeStr) {
        $timeStr = (strpos($timeStr,'('))?str_replace(array("(",")"),"",$timeStr)." -1 DAY":$timeStr;
        $time = strtotime($timeStr);
        $times[$time] = $splittedString[$id];

$orderedString = implode(",",$times);
echo $orderedString ;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    $showtimesKey = implode('_', array(
    if (!isset($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey])) {
        $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] = (string) $currentListing->showtimes;
    } else {
        $previousTimes = $currentTimes = array();
        foreach (explode(", ", trim($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey])) as $time) {
            $previousTimes[$time] = $time;
        foreach (explode(", ", trim($currentListing->showtimes)) as $time) {
            $currentTimes[$time] = $time;
        //Just in case we need to get at unedited time arrays
        $original_times = array(
            'previous' => $previousTimes,
            'current' => $currentTimes

        $am = array();
        $pm = array('matinee' => array(), 'full_price' => array());

        //Previous Times
        if ($position = strpos(implode(",", $previousTimes), "AM")) {
            $joined_times = implode(", ", $previousTimes);
            list($tmp_am, $tmp_pm) = explode(" AM)", $joined_times);
            $tmp_am = str_replace(array("(", ")"), '', $tmp_am);
            foreach (explode(", ", $tmp_am) as $time) {
                $am[$time] = $time;

            //Set $previousTimes to only the PM times
            $previousTimes = array();
            foreach (explode(", ", $tmp_pm) as $time) {
                if (empty($time)) continue;
                $previousTimes[$time] = $time;

        foreach ($previousTimes as $time) {
            $time = str_replace(" PM", '', $time);
            if ((strpos($time, "(") !== false) || (strpos($time, ")") !== false)) {
                //We are removing the parentesis from the time so a) we can make sure we aren't duplicating any and b) so the array key is just the time
                $only_time = str_replace(array("(", ")"), '', $time);
                $pm['matinee'][$only_time] = $only_time;
            } else {
                $pm['full_price'][$time] = $time;

        //Current Times
        if ($position = strpos(implode(",", $currentTimes), "AM")) {
            $joined_times = implode(", ", $currentTimes);
            list($tmp_am, $tmp_pm) = explode(" AM)", $joined_times);
            $tmp_am = str_replace(array("(", ")"), '', $tmp_am);
            foreach (explode(", ", $tmp_am) as $time) {
                $am[$time] = $time;

            //Set $currebtTimes to only the PM times
            $currentTimes = array();
            foreach (explode(", ", $tmp_pm) as $time) {
                if (empty($time)) continue;
                $currentTimes[$time] = $time;

        foreach ($currentTimes as $time) {
            $time = str_replace(" PM", '', $time);
            if ((strpos($time, "(") !== false) || (strpos($time, ")") !== false)) {
                //We are removing the parentesis from the time so a) we can make sure we aren't duplicating any and b) so the array key is just the time
                $only_time = str_replace(array("(", ")"), '', $time);
                $pm['matinee'][$only_time] = $only_time;
            } else {
                $pm['full_price'][$time] = $time;

        natsort($am); natsort($pm['matinee']); natsort($pm['full_price']);

        if (!empty($am)) {
            $last = end($am);
            $am[$last] .= " AM";

        if (!empty($pm['full_price'])) {
            $last = end($pm['full_price']);
            $pm['full_price'][$last] .= " PM";
        } else {
            //Only try and tack PM onto the last matinee showing if there actually are matinee showings
            if (!empty($pm['matinee'])) {
                $last = end($pm['matinee']);
                $pm['matinee'][$last] .= " PM";

        foreach ($am as $key => $value) {
            $am[$key] = "(" . $value . ")";
        foreach ($pm['matinee'] as $key => $value) {
            $pm['matinee'][$key] = "(" . $value . ")";

        $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] = '';
        if (!empty($am)) {
            $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] = implode(", ", $am);
        if (!empty($pm['matinee'])) {
            if (!empty($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey])) {
                $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] .= ", ";
            $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] .= implode(", ", $pm['matinee']);
        if (!empty($pm['full_price'])) {
            if (!empty($justShowtimes[$showtimesKey])) {
                $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] .= ", ";
            $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey] .= implode(", ", $pm['full_price']);
        $currentListing->showtimes = $justShowtimes[$showtimesKey];