
时间:2014-12-10 23:05:13

标签: java linked-list

我的方法int deletLast()应该删除最后一个节点,并返回被删除节点内的值。我的代码似乎不起作用。它不会删除最后一个节点。任何帮助将不胜感激。

import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Scanner;

公共类LinkedList11 {     //私有内部类节点

private class Node{
    int data;
    Node link;

    public Node(){
        data = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        link = null;

    public Node(int x, Node p){
        data = x;
        link = p;
// End of Node class

public Node head;

public LinkedList11(){
    head = null;

public int deleteLast() throws NoSuchElementException {

    if ( head == null )   //handle when list is empty
    { throw new NoSuchElementException();}

     if(head.link == null)  //handle when head is the only node
     { return head.data;


        Node position = head;
        Node temp = head;   //temp has to be initialized to something 
        int dataAtEnd =0;
        while (position != null)
        {   dataAtEnd = position.data;    
            temp =position;               //safe keep current position
           position = position.link;     //update position pointer to get the next value  

       position =temp;  // store current position in next position
       return dataAtEnd;



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

首先,如果head是唯一的节点并且你想删除它,你需要设置head null。

if(head.link == null) {
    int result = head .data;
    head = null;
    return result;


Node current = head;
while (current.link.link != null)
    current = current.link;
int result = current.link.data;
current.link = null;
return result;


答案 1 :(得分:0)

删除行"返回head.data;"就在您收到错误的地方正上方。 " ead = null; //给出错误"因为你上面有一个返回语句,因此显然无法访问


`public int deleteLast()抛出NoSuchElementException {

if ( head == null )   //handle when list is empty
{ throw new NoSuchElementException();}

 if(head.link == null)  //handle when head is the only node
     // You must store the data somewhere since head has to be set to NULL.
     int dataToReturn = head.data;

     // Since head is the only node, set it to NULL now.
     head = null;

     // Now return the data the the last node (head in this case) contained.
     return dataToReturn;

    Node position = head;
    Node temp = head;   //temp has to be initialized to something 
    int dataAtEnd =0;

    while (position.link != null)
    {   dataAtEnd = position.data;    
        temp =position;               //safe keep current position
       position = position.link;     //update position pointer to get the next value  

   position = null;
   temp.link = null;//this is what deletes the last node.

   return dataAtEnd;
