iTunes AppleScript:查询包含特定曲目的所有播放列表

时间:2014-12-11 02:14:37

标签: macos applescript itunes

使用复杂的AppleScript for iTunes。一个任务是累积包含给定轨道的所有播放列表的列表。我有来自其他地方的轨道对象(选择或其他)。


on containingPlaylists(theTrack)
    tell application "iTunes"
        set librarySource to the source named "Library"
        set candidateLists to every user playlist in librarySource
        set candidateId to (get id of theTrack)
        set matchLists to {}
        repeat with candidateList in candidateLists
                set matchTracks to (file tracks in candidateList whose id = candidateId)
                if (count of matchTracks) > 0 then
                        copy candidateList to end of matchLists
                end if
        end repeat
        return matchLists
    end tell
end containingPlaylists


set matchLists to every playlist in librarySource whose file tracks contain theTrack 

但这当然不起作用(特定错误是" Handler只处理单个对象。"但不确定这是否具有洞察力)。我真的不确定语言/应用是否支持这样的查询。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以使用此功能(适用于 iTunes 11和12):

tell application "iTunes"
    set theTrack to item 1 of (get selection)
    return user playlists of theTrack
end tell

更新 -

AppleScript 词典中:

艺术品n [inh。 item]:轨道中的一件艺术品 元素:由曲目包含。所以artworks of thisTrack有效

追踪n [inh。 item]:可播放的音频源| 要素:包含艺术品;由播放列表包含。因此playlists of thisTrack有效,您可以使用user playlists of thisTrack

iTunes.h (ObjC脚本桥)中:

@interface iTunesTrack:iTunesItem - (SBElementArray *)艺术品; 这是不可能的,因为播放列表不在SBElementArray的列表中。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


set persisID to persistent ID of selection
set pp to playlists
set playListsWithIt to {}
repeat with p in pp
    set tt to (tracks of p whose persistent ID is persisID)
    if tt ≠ {} then set playListsWithIt to (playListsWithIt & (id of p))
end repeat

