ComponentOne True DBGrid创建自定义单元格

时间:2014-12-19 19:24:08

标签: datatable custom-cell componentone dbgrid


这是关于Componentone的True DBGrid,所以这可能不是期待答案的最佳位置,但在这一点上,我觉得我已尽可能多地完成,所以我&#39我愿意试一试。

过去几天我花了很长时间试图弄清楚如何在True DBGrid中创建自定义单元格,而且目前我已经卡住了。我已经浏览了尽可能多的文档,而真正的DBGrid的所有教程,无论我能得到的最多,都会在下面的附图中显示。

Example of One Custom Column Displayed

如果您双击一个单元格,我可以在他们点击的单元格中显示自定义控件。但是,我希望单元格始终可见,而不仅仅是在单击时,我希望它基于行本身而不仅仅是displayColumn,就像我现在正在做的那样我重新加载& #34; DisplayColumn.DataColumn.Editor"每次点击不同的单元格。我的性能代码如下所示。

' Retrieve Column
Dim objPrefDisplayColumn As C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.C1DisplayColumn = Me.TestGrid.Splits(0).DisplayColumns("ColumnFieldName")
'Retrieve data from database
Dim data As DataTable = ' My call to database table goes here Retrieve data that relates to row
' Create Custom Controller and Insert Data from table into it
Dim prvNewCellList As New TestCellList
prvNewCellList.LabelButtonHeight = Me.TestGrid.RowHeight / pref.Rows.Count
prvNewCellList.LabelWidth = (objPrefDisplayColumn.Width * 0.9)
prvNewCellList.ButtonWidth = (objPrefDisplayColumn.Width * 0.1)
' Assign Custom Controller to Column
objPrefDisplayColumn.DataColumn.Editor = prvNewCellList
objPrefDisplayColumn.Button = True
objPrefDisplayColumn.ButtonAlways = True
objPrefDisplayColumn.DropDownList = False
objPrefDisplayColumn.DataColumn.DropDown = Nothing

我知道当我查看DataGridView的教程时,这应该是可能的,就像下面的链接一样,它们放置在自定义" DataGridViewTextBoxCell"中,就像图像所示。

Turtorial for Custom DataGridViewCells

根据我读到的关于TrueDBGrid的内容,以及ComponentOne最有可能使用DataGridView作为创建TrueDBGrid的模板的预期逻辑,我希望创建自定义单元格的方式非常相似。但是,在尝试使用如下所示的TrueDBGrid重新创建此示例后,我发现列不接受" DataGridViewColumn"当我尝试将其更改为" C1DataColumn"为了满足它的期望,我发现这个课程没有类似的领域" CellTemplate"可用于创建自定义单元格。在这一点上,我几乎已经准备好相信在开发TrueDBGrid期间忘记了定制单元的功能,但是,我更愿意被证明是错误的。

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Dim col As New DataGridViewRolloverCellColumn()
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("error arrose", vbInformation, "error")
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class DataGridViewRolloverCellColumn
    Inherits DataGridViewColumn

    Public Sub New()
        Me.CellTemplate = New DataGridViewRolloverCell()
    End Sub

End Class

Public Class DataGridViewRolloverCell
    Inherits DataGridViewTextBoxCell

    Protected Overrides Sub Paint( _
    ByVal graphics As Graphics, _
    ByVal clipBounds As Rectangle, _
    ByVal cellBounds As Rectangle, _
    ByVal rowIndex As Integer, _
    ByVal elementState As DataGridViewElementStates, _
    ByVal value As Object, _
    ByVal formattedValue As Object, _
    ByVal errorText As String, _
    ByVal cellStyle As DataGridViewCellStyle, _
    ByVal advancedBorderStyle As DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle, _
    ByVal paintParts As DataGridViewPaintParts)

        ' Call the base class method to paint the default cell appearance.
        MyBase.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, elementState, _
            value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, _
            advancedBorderStyle, paintParts)

        ' Retrieve the client location of the mouse pointer.
        Dim cursorPosition As Point = _

        ' If the mouse pointer is over the current cell, draw a custom border.
        If cellBounds.Contains(cursorPosition) Then
            Dim newRect As New Rectangle(cellBounds.X + 1, _
                cellBounds.Y + 1, cellBounds.Width - 4, _
                cellBounds.Height - 4)
            graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, newRect)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


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Private Sub LoadGrid()
    ' Create and Load Common control
    Dim prvsdServiceDelivery As ServiceDelTable = New ServiceDelTable()
    ' Add Common Control to Datastruct so it can be accessed anytime
    Dictionary.put(key, prvsdServiceDelivery)
    ' insert hosted control into grid
End Sub

Private Sub TestGrid_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles TestGrid.Paint

    For Each item As KeyValuePair(Of String, prvsdServiceDelivery) In Dictionary
            Dim prvsdServiceDelivery as ServiceDelTable  = item.Value

            ' get cell rect, may throw error if cell is outside the bounds of table's rectangle
            Dim bnds As Rectangle = frc1tdOwnerTable.Splits(0).GetCellBounds(row,C1TrueDBGrid.Splits(0).DisplayColumns.IndexOf(column))

            ' Set Visibility and move if error isn't thrown
            prvsdServiceDelivery.Bounds = bnds
            prvsdServiceDelivery.Visible = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' Set as invisible if exception thrown to say not found
            prvsdServiceDelivery.Visible = False
        End Try
End Sub