用C ++转换树

时间:2014-12-30 15:29:04

标签: c++ algorithm c++11 tree visitor


class Node { }

class Subnode1 : public Node


class Subnode2 : public Node
  unique_ptr<Subnode1> child;

  Subnode1* getChild() { return child.get(); }

class Subnode4 : public Subnode2 { }

class Subnode3 : public Node
  list<unique_ptr<Subnode2>> children;
  // getter

// etc



void genericVisit(Node* node) {
  if (dynamic_cast<Subnode2>(node))
  // etc

virtual void visit(Subnode2* node) {
  if (node->getChild())

// etc



void genericVisit(unique_ptr<Node>& node) { // NON WORKING CODE
  if (dynamic_cast<unique_ptr<Subnode2>&>(node))
  // etc


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



@Jack你可以(Sean Parent: should)在那里使用shared_pointer<const Node>,并根据需要复制更改。胜利的不可能性!也就是说,也许你可以完全没有继承?使事情更简单,更有效 - 见6 hours ago


  1. 对树使用静态多态性:让我们定义一个树,其中叶节点可以是字符串或用户定义的结构:

    struct Data {
        double x,y,z;
    using Node = make_recursive_variant<std::string, Data, std::vector<recursive_variant_> >::type;
    using Nodes = std::vector<Node>;


    Node tree = Nodes {
        Data { 1,2,3 },
        Nodes {
            "more nested",
            Nodes {
                Data { 2,3,4 },
                Data { 3,4,5 },
                Data { 4,5,6 },

    Boost Variant非常适合通过探视进行转型。例如,让我们编写一个反转树中所有节点的访问者,因此包括字符串和Data{x,y,z} - &gt; Data{z,y,x}

    struct reverser : static_visitor<Node> {
        Node operator()(Node const& tree)      const { return apply_visitor(*this, tree); }
        Node operator()(std::string const& s)  const { return std::string(s.rbegin(), s.rend()); }
        Node operator()(Data const& d)         const { return Data {d.z, d.y, d.x}; }
        Node operator()(Nodes const& children) const {
            Nodes revchildren;
            std::transform(children.rbegin(), children.rend(), back_inserter(revchildren), *this);
            return revchildren;
    Node reverse(Node const& tree) {
        return reverser()(tree);

    请参阅此阶段的简化演示 Live On Coliru

    • 我添加了print访问者,以便您了解结果
    • 甚至往返测试树(tree == reverse(reverse(tree))

  2. 现在您会注意到1.下的树具有值语义,这意味着反向操作会生成完全独立的树副本。


    using SNode = boost::shared_ptr<
                std::string, Data, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::recursive_variant_>
            > >::type>;
    using Node  = SNode::element_type;
    using Nodes = std::vector<SNode>;


  3. 现在采用Sean Parent方法:使用shared_ptr<T const>

    namespace CowTree {
        using SNode = boost::shared_ptr<
                    std::string, Data, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::recursive_variant_ const>
                > >::type const>;
        using Node  = SNode::element_type;
        using Nodes = std::vector<SNode>;


    template <typename SNode, typename Nodes = std::vector<SNode> >
    struct upper_caser : boost::static_visitor<SNode> {
        SNode operator()(SNode const& tree)            const { 
            return apply_visitor(boost::bind(*this, boost::ref(tree), _1), *tree); 
        // dispatch
        SNode operator()(SNode const&, std::string const& value) const {
            std::string xformed;
            std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), back_inserter(xformed), [](uint8_t c) { return std::toupper(c); });
            return boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(xformed);
        SNode operator()(SNode const& node, Nodes const& children)  const {
            Nodes xformed; // TODO optimize
            std::transform(children.begin(), children.end(), back_inserter(xformed), *this);
            return (equal(children, xformed))
                ? node
                : boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(xformed);
        template <typename V> SNode operator()(SNode const& node, V const&) const {
            return node;
    template <typename SNode>
    SNode ucase(SNode const& tree) {
        return upper_caser<SNode>()(tree);

    正如您所看到的,转换是完全通用的,并且与SharedTree以及CowTree一起使用 - 因为没有任何值会发生变异。显然,使用CowTree更加安全,因为它可以保证不变性。


    • 原始的cow树在我们获得ucased转换时不会发生变化。
    • 它还检查避免更改的子树,确实是共享(尚未克隆)

  4. 完整计划

    <强> Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/variant.hpp>
    namespace Tree {
        struct Data {
            double x,y,z;
        using Node  = boost::make_recursive_variant<std::string, Data, std::vector<boost::recursive_variant_> >::type;
        using Nodes = std::vector<Node>;
        namespace Operations {
            struct reverser : boost::static_visitor<Node> {
                Node operator()(Node const& tree)       const { return apply_visitor(*this, tree); }
                Node operator()(Data const& d)          const { return Data {d.z, d.y, d.x}; }
                Node operator()(std::string const& s)   const { return std::string(s.rbegin(), s.rend()); }
                Node operator()(Nodes const& children)  const {
                    Nodes revchildren;
                    std::transform(children.rbegin(), children.rend(), back_inserter(revchildren), *this);
                    return revchildren;
            Node reverse(Node const& tree) {
                return reverser()(tree);
        using Operations::reverse;
    // For our demo, let's implement `operator <<` with a manipulator
    #include <iostream>
    namespace IO {
        namespace detail {
            using namespace boost;
            // this pretty prints the tree as C++ initializer code
            struct print_visitor : static_visitor<void> {
                print_visitor(std::ostream& os, std::string const& indent = "\n") : _os(os), _indent(indent) {}
                // concrete types
                void operator()(std::string const& s)  const { _os << '"' << s << '"'; }
                void operator()(Tree::Data const& d)   const { _os << "Data {" << d.x << "," << d.y << "," << d.z << '}'; }
                // generics to cater for both direct and shared tree nodes
                template <typename T>     void operator()(shared_ptr<T> const& sp)       const { (*this)(*sp); }
                template <typename T>     void operator()(shared_ptr<const T> const& sp) const { (*this)(*sp); }
                template <typename... Ts> void operator()(variant<Ts...> const& tree)    const { apply_visitor(*this, tree); }
                template <typename Node>
                void operator()(std::vector<Node> const& children) const {
                    _os << "Nodes {";
                    print_visitor subnode(_os, _indent + "  ");
                    for(auto& n : children) {
                        _os << subnode._indent;
                        _os << ",";
                    _os << _indent << '}';
                std::ostream& _os;
                mutable std::string _indent;
            template <typename NodeType>
            struct print_manip {
                print_manip(NodeType const& n) : _node(n) {}
                friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, print_manip const& m) {
                    return print_visitor(os)(m._node), os << ";";
                NodeType const& _node;
        template <typename NodeType>
            detail::print_manip<NodeType> print(NodeType const& node) { 
                return node; 
    #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
    namespace Support {
        namespace detail {
            template <typename SNode, typename Nodes = std::vector<SNode> >
            struct share_visitor : boost::static_visitor<SNode> {
                SNode operator()(Tree::Node const& tree)      const { return apply_visitor(*this, tree); }
                SNode operator()(Tree::Nodes const& children) const {
                    Nodes shared;
                    std::transform(children.begin(), children.end(), back_inserter(shared), *this);
                    return boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(shared);
                template <typename LeafNode>
                SNode operator()(LeafNode const& v) const { return boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(v); }
    #include <boost/bind.hpp>
    namespace SharedTree {
        using Tree::Data;
        using SNode = boost::shared_ptr<
                    std::string, Data, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::recursive_variant_>
                > >::type>;
        using Node  = SNode::element_type;
        using Nodes = std::vector<SNode>;
        namespace Operations {
            template <typename SNode, typename Nodes = std::vector<SNode> >
            struct upper_caser : boost::static_visitor<SNode> {
                SNode operator()(SNode const& tree)            const { 
                    return apply_visitor(boost::bind(*this, boost::ref(tree), _1), *tree); 
                // dispatch
                SNode operator()(SNode const&, std::string const& value) const {
                    std::string xformed;
                    std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), back_inserter(xformed), [](uint8_t c) { return std::toupper(c); });
                    return boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(xformed);
                SNode operator()(SNode const& node, Nodes const& children)  const {
                    Nodes xformed; // TODO optimize
                    std::transform(children.begin(), children.end(), back_inserter(xformed), *this);
                    return (equal(children, xformed))
                        ? node
                        : boost::make_shared<typename SNode::element_type>(xformed);
                template <typename V> SNode operator()(SNode const& node, V const&) const {
                    return node;
            template <typename SNode>
            SNode ucase(SNode const& tree) {
                return upper_caser<SNode>()(tree);
        using Operations::ucase;
        SNode share(Tree::Node const& tree) {
            return Support::detail::share_visitor<SNode>()(tree);
    namespace CowTree {
        using Tree::Data;
        using SNode = boost::shared_ptr<
                    std::string, Data, std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<boost::recursive_variant_ const>
                > >::type const>;
        using Node  = SNode::element_type;
        using Nodes = std::vector<SNode>;
        SNode share(Tree::Node const& tree) {
            return Support::detail::share_visitor<SNode>()(tree);
    #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> // for the roundtrip test
    namespace Support {
        template <typename NodeType1, typename NodeType2>
        bool tree_equal(NodeType1 const& a, NodeType2 const& b) {
            using IO::print;
            return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(print(a)) == 
    int main() {
        using namespace Tree;
        using IO::print;
        using Support::tree_equal;
        Node tree = Nodes {
            Data { 1,2,3 },
            Nodes {
                "more nested",
                Nodes {
                    Data { 2,3,4 },
                    Data { 3,4,5 },
                    Data { 4,5,6 },
        std::cout << "Before transformation: \n" << print(tree)          << "\n";
        std::cout << "After transformation:  \n" << print(reverse(tree)) << "\n";
        Node roundtrip = reverse(reverse(tree));
        std::cout << "Roundtrip tree_equal: "    << std::boolalpha       << tree_equal(tree, roundtrip) << "\n";
        std::cout << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";
        std::cout << "// manipulate SharedTree \"copies\"\n";
        auto shared = SharedTree::share(tree);
        std::cout << "Shared: "          << print(shared)            << "\n";
        std::cout << "Equal to source: " << tree_equal(tree, shared) << "\n";
        auto shared2 = shared;
        using boost::get;
        using boost::make_shared;
        get<SharedTree::Nodes>(*shared).push_back(make_shared<SharedTree::Node>("added to a shared tree"));
        std::cout << "Shared2 after changing shared: " << print(shared2)              << "\n";
        std::cout << "Shared trees equal: "            << tree_equal(shared, shared2) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Not equal to source: "           << tree_equal(tree, shared)    << "\n";
        std::cout << "//////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";
        std::cout << "// now let's see about CowTree\n";
        auto cow = CowTree::share(tree);
        std::cout << "Cow: "                 << print(cow)            << "\n";
        std::cout << "Equal to source: "     << tree_equal(tree, cow) << "\n";
        auto ucased = SharedTree::ucase(cow);
        std::cout << "Ucased: "              << print(ucased)           << "\n";
        std::cout << "Equal to cow source: " << tree_equal(ucased, cow) << "\n";
        *    The 
        *        Nodes {
        *            Data { 2,3,4 },
        *            Data { 3,4,5 },
        *            Data { 4,5,6 },
        *        },
        *    subtree should still be shared, because it wasn't touched:
        std::cout << "Subtree from ucased: " << print(get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*ucased)[2])[1]) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Subtree from cow: "    << print(get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*cow   )[2])[1]) << "\n";
        std::cout << "Subtrees match: "      << tree_equal(
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*cow)   [2])[1])
            << "\n";
        // unchanged nodes should be shared:
        std::cout << "Subtrees shared: " << (
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*ucased)[2])[1].get() ==
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*cow)   [2])[1].get())
            << "\n";
        // changed nodes aren't shared:
        std::cout << "Siblings unshared: " << (
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*ucased)[2])[2].get() !=
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*get<CowTree::Nodes>(*cow)   [2])[2].get())
            << "\n";
        std::cout << "Parents unshared: " << (
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*ucased)[2].get() !=
                get<CowTree::Nodes>(*cow)   [2].get())
            << "\n";
        std::cout << "Roots unshared: " << ( ucased.get() != cow.get())
            << "\n";


    Before transformation: 
    Nodes {
      Data {1,2,3},
      Nodes {
        "more nested",
        Nodes {
          Data {2,3,4},
          Data {3,4,5},
          Data {4,5,6},
    After transformation:  
    Nodes {
      Nodes {
        Nodes {
          Data {6,5,4},
          Data {5,4,3},
          Data {4,3,2},
        "detsen erom",
      Data {3,2,1},
    Roundtrip tree_equal: true
    // manipulate SharedTree "copies"
    Shared: Nodes {
      Data {1,2,3},
      Nodes {
        "more nested",
        Nodes {
          Data {2,3,4},
          Data {3,4,5},
          Data {4,5,6},
    Equal to source: true
    Shared2 after changing shared: Nodes {
      Data {1,2,3},
      Nodes {
        "more nested",
        Nodes {
          Data {2,3,4},
          Data {3,4,5},
          Data {4,5,6},
      "added to a shared tree",
    Shared trees equal: true
    Not equal to source: false
    // now let's see about CowTree
    Cow: Nodes {
      Data {1,2,3},
      Nodes {
        "more nested",
        Nodes {
          Data {2,3,4},
          Data {3,4,5},
          Data {4,5,6},
    Equal to source: true
    Ucased: Nodes {
      Data {1,2,3},
      Nodes {
        "MORE NESTED",
        Nodes {
          Data {2,3,4},
          Data {3,4,5},
          Data {4,5,6},
    Equal to cow source: false
    Subtree from ucased: Nodes {
      Data {2,3,4},
      Data {3,4,5},
      Data {4,5,6},
    Subtree from cow: Nodes {
      Data {2,3,4},
      Data {3,4,5},
      Data {4,5,6},
    Subtrees match: true
    Subtrees shared: true
    Siblings unshared: true
    Parents unshared: true
    Roots unshared: true

答案 1 :(得分:1)


// Top-level function stays the same
Node* genericVisit(Node* node) {
    if (dynamic_cast<Subnode2>(node)) {
        return visit(static_cast<Subnode2*>(node));
    // etc
// Specialized overloads can return replacements as they go
virtual Node* visit(Subnode2* node) {
    if (mustReplace()) {
        Subnode1 *myReplacement = ...
        return myReplacement;
    if (node->getChild()) {
        Node *replacement = genericVisit(node->getChild());
        // nullptr means no replacement; non-null means we replace the child
        if (replacement) {
    return nullptr;
