
时间:2015-01-06 16:53:42

标签: python cron crontab wallpaper xfce

我用xfce运行Linux Mint 13。使用this thread中的脚本,我能够以这种格式运行cronjob:


# The Wallpaper Changer
0 * * * * /home/tessitura/8BitDay/


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 19, in <module>
    os.rename('now.png', current)    
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

我尝试过稍微调整一下代码,这有点起作用;壁纸更改,但 now.png 最终被删除,导致cronjob运行时出现空白图像。这就是我现在所拥有的:


# Finds the current hour
import datetime
time = int(str(":")[0])    

# Needed for renaming files
import os    

# List of all files in the folder
files = ['05-Evening.png', '', '07-Night.png', '01-Morning.png', '03-Afternoon.png', '06-Late-Evening.png', '08-Late-Night.png', '04-Late-Afternoon.png', '02-Late-Morning.png', 'now.png']   

# Finds which wallpaper is currently set
directory = "/home/tessitura/8BitDay/"
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    current = ''.join(filename)    

# Puts back the current wallpaper
path = os.path.join(directory, 'now.png')
os.rename(path, current)    

# Gets out the new wallpaper based on time
if 0 <= time <= 3:
    os.rename('08-Late-Night.png', 'now.png')
elif 4 <= time <= 5:
    os.rename('01-Morning.png', 'now.png')
elif 6 <= time <= 10:
    os.rename('02-Late-Morning.png', 'now.png')
elif 11 <= time <= 14:
    os.rename('03-Afternoon.png', 'now.png')
elif 15 <= time <= 16:
    os.rename('04-Late-Afternoon.png', 'now.png')
elif 17 <= time <= 18:
    os.rename('06-Late-Evening.png', 'now.png')
elif 19 <= time <= 23:
    os.rename('07-Night.png', 'now.png')    

# Refreshes the desktop
os.system("xfdesktop --reload")

更新:Blckknght的解决方案修复了该脚本。 Mint 13中的一切都很好,但是我已经升级到Mint 17.1,我又遇到了问题。该脚本可以很好地独立运行,但这一次,问题在于crontab。运行每小时的cronjob导致:

Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display: 


@hourly DISPLAY=:0.0 /home/tessitura/8BitDay/ > /home/tessitura/set.log 2>&1


Failed to connect to session manager: Failed to connect to the session manager: SESSION_MANAGER environment variable not defined

** (xfdesktop:9739): WARNING **: xfdesktop: already running, quitting.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




import datetime
import os
import shutil

time =  # no need for string parsing to get the hour

# Gets out the new wallpaper based on time
if 0 <= time <= 3:
    shutil.copy('08-Late-Night.png', 'now.png')
elif 4 <= time <= 5:
    shutil.copy('01-Morning.png', 'now.png')
elif 6 <= time <= 10:
    shutil.copy('02-Late-Morning.png', 'now.png')
elif 11 <= time <= 14:
    shutil.copy('03-Afternoon.png', 'now.png')
elif 15 <= time <= 16:
    shutil.copy('04-Late-Afternoon.png', 'now.png')
elif 17 <= time <= 18:
    shutil.copy('06-Late-Evening.png', 'now.png')
elif 19 <= time <= 23:
    shutil.copy('07-Night.png', 'now.png')    

# Refreshes the desktop
os.system("xfdesktop --reload")