
时间:2015-01-06 21:59:06

标签: swift colors command command-line-interface xterm




NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardOutput().writeData("\033[31;32mhey\033[39;39m".dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)!)



6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:27)

Swift内置了unicode支持。这会使用反斜杠无效。因此我使用带有“\ u {}”语法的颜色代码。这是一个完全适用于终端的println代码。

// \u{001B}[\(attribute code like bold, dim, normal);\(color code)m

// Color codes
// black   30
// red     31
// green   32
// yellow  33
// blue    34
// magenta 35
// cyan    36
// white   37



答案 1 :(得分:21)


全部compile time,但它真的那么简单:

enum ANSIColors: String {
    case black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
    case red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
    case green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
    case yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
    case blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
    case magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
    case cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
    case white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"

    func name() -> String {
        switch self {
        case .black: return "Black"
        case .red: return "Red"
        case .green: return "Green"
        case .yellow: return "Yellow"
        case .blue: return "Blue"
        case .magenta: return "Magenta"
        case .cyan: return "Cyan"
        case .white: return "White"

    static func all() -> [ANSIColors] {
        return [.black, .red, .green, .yellow, .blue, .magenta, .cyan, .white]

func + (let left: ANSIColors, let right: String) -> String {
    return left.rawValue + right

// END

// Demo:

for c in ANSIColors.all() {
    println(c + "This is printed in " + c.name())

答案 2 :(得分:8)


import Rainbow
print("Red text".red)
print("Yellow background".onYellow)
print("Light green text on white background".lightGreen.onWhite)


答案 3 :(得分:1)


enum ASCIIColor: String {
    case black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
    case red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
    case green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
    case yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
    case blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
    case magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
    case cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
    case white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"
    case `default` = "\u{001B}[0;0m"

extension DefaultStringInterpolation {
    mutating func appendInterpolation<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ value: T, color: ASCIIColor) {
// "\("only this string will be green!", color: .green)"

答案 4 :(得分:1)

Diego Freniche's answer上扩展,我们可以合并Uncharted Works's Answer中引用的Rainbow功能,而无需使用简单的String扩展名来导入框架本身:

enum ANSIColor: String {

    typealias This = ANSIColor

    case black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
    case red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
    case green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
    case yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
    case blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
    case magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
    case cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
    case white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"
    case `default` = "\u{001B}[0;0m"

    static var values: [This] {
        return [.black, .red, .green, .yellow, .blue, .magenta, .cyan, .white, .default]

    static var names: [This: String] = {
        return [
            .black: "black",
            .red: "red",
            .green: "green",
            .yellow: "yellow",
            .blue: "blue",
            .magenta: "magenta",
            .cyan: "cyan",
            .white: "white",
            .default: "default",

    var name: String {
        return This.names[self] ?? "unknown"

    static func + (lhs: This, rhs: String) -> String {
        return lhs.rawValue + rhs

    static func + (lhs: String, rhs: This) -> String {
        return lhs + rhs.rawValue

extension String {

    func colored(_ color: ANSIColor) -> String {
        return color + self + ANSIColor.default

    var black: String {
        return colored(.black)

    var red: String {
        return colored(.red)

    var green: String {
        return colored(.green)

    var yellow: String {
        return colored(.yellow)

    var blue: String {
        return colored(.blue)

    var magenta: String {
        return colored(.magenta)

    var cyan: String {
        return colored(.cyan)

    var white: String {
        return colored(.white)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


struct Colors {
    static let reset = "\u{001B}[0;0m"
    static let black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
    static let red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
    static let green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
    static let yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
    static let blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
    static let magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
    static let cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
    static let white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"


print(Colors.yellow + "Please Enter the Output Directory Name:" + Colors.reset)

print(Colors.yellow + "Please " + Colors.blue + "Enter " + Colors.magenta + "the Output Directory Name:" + Colors.reset)