cordova / phonegap推送通知unregister()即使关闭互联网也会返回成功

时间:2015-01-08 17:58:18

标签: android ios cordova notifications


function pushNotificationOFF() {
    var pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;

function pushNotificationOffSuccess() {
    alert("Noticications are OFF");

function pushNotificationOffError() {
    alert("Error turning noticications off");

在iOS7和Android 4.x上,互联网关闭(单元格和wifi)正在调用成功函数,我原本预计错误回调会被触发吗?



14:12:23 wifi off
14:14:23 turned notifications off
14:18:59 wifi on
14:36:08 sent push, received

IOS tablet
15.25 wifi off
15.35 turned notifications off
15.42 wifi on
16:00 sent push, NOT received

All devices

16.30 all have wi fi on, notifications on,  and receive push
16.34 turned off wifi on all
16.45 turned off notifications on all
16.55 turned ON wifi on all
17.40 sent push
17.47 not received on any device, sending another push
17.56 not received on any device

All devices 3rd feb
11.50 all have wi fi on, notifications on,  and receive push
11.55 turned OFF wifi on all
12.05 turned off notifications on all and CLOSED APP
12.45 turned ON wifi on all
13.00 sent push - received by 3 x android - but not by ios and appears in ios feedback


13.40 all have wi fi on, notifications on,  and receive push
13.41 unplugged wifi
13.46 turned off notifications on all and CLOSED APP
14.07 turned on wifi
15.00 sent push - received by 2 x android - but not by ios and appears in ios feedback


15.59 all have wi fi on, notifications on,  and receive push
16.00 unplugged wifi
16.02 turned off notifications on all and backgrounded app
16.43 turned on wifi
17.41 sent push - no push received on any device and one android NotRegistered returned


seems IOS does turn off notifications (when back online again) if toggle was changed while offline
android seems to do it also, provided 
a) there is time (ie 30 min between going online again, and sending push)
b) you background app instead of closing it, after changing the toggle

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Android documentation所述,取消注册不会立即发生。相反,注销可能需要5分钟才能传播。在这5分钟内发生的事情是




以下是来自 的取消注册调用的代码,它负责响应JS

result = true;

正如您所看到的,唯一可能实际失败的情况是 GCMRegistrar.unregister ,它甚至不等待GCM服务器响应“好,未注册”因此导致总是返回成功。