
时间:2015-02-05 00:51:31

标签: c++ winapi memory


void patch()
    PINT trampoline = (PINT)malloc(15);
    DWORD oldProtect;
    *((PBYTE)trampoline) = 0xE8;
    *((PDWORD)trampoline + 1) = ((DWORD)fakeFunction - (DWORD)trampoline -5);
    memcpy(trampoline, realFunction, 6);
    *((PDWORD)trampoline + 7) = 0xE9;
    *((PDWORD)trampoline + 8) = ((DWORD)fakeFunction - (DWORD)realFunction - 5);
    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)realFunction, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);
    *((PBYTE)realFunction) = 0xE9;
    *((PDWORD)realFunction + 1) = ((DWORD)trampoline - (DWORD)realFunction - 5);
    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)realFunction, 6, oldProtect, NULL);


#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

void realFunction()
    MessageBox(NULL, "realFunction()", "Trace", MB_OK);

void fakeFunction()
    MessageBox(NULL, "fakeFunction()", "Trace", MB_OK);

//I wrote this generic function (although not using it below) to ease the writing to memory process
template<typename T>
void writeMemory(DWORD address, T value)
    *((T*)address) = value;

void main()
    BYTE originalPrologue[sizeof(DWORD[2])]; //Why DWORD[2]... meh it is just 2*4 = bytes not a big deal.
    DWORD oldProtection;
    DWORD addr = (DWORD)realFunction;

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(DWORD[2]); i++) {
        originalPrologue[i] = (*(PBYTE)(addr + i));

    //(DWORD)((DWORD)fakeFunction - (DWORD)realFunction - 5) note that we do target - source - 5, why - 5 ? because the size of jump instruction is 5, and the destination of jump is relative to it's address.
    //Implement Hook
    VirtualProtect(realFunction, sizeof(DWORD[3]), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtection);
    *((PBYTE)addr) = 0xE9; E9 is JMP instruction
    *((PDWORD)(addr + 1)) = (DWORD)((DWORD)fakeFunction - (DWORD)realFunction - 5);
    VirtualProtect(realFunction, sizeof(DWORD[3]), oldProtection, NULL);

    realFunction(); //Boom, we now jump to our fake function instead of the original one.

    //Unimplement hook by restoring the original prologue
    VirtualProtect(realFunction, sizeof(DWORD[3]), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtection);
    memcpy(realFunction, originalPrologue, sizeof(DWORD[2]));
    VirtualProtect(realFunction, sizeof(DWORD[3]), oldProtection, NULL);

    realFunction(); //Test it and we have the original function back!

    while (true){

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Detours: Binary Interception of Win32 Functions



为了绕过目标函数,Detours首先为动态trampoline函数分配内存(如果没有提供静态trampoline),然后启用对目标和trampoline的写访问。从第一条指令开始,Detours将指令从目标复制到蹦床,直到至少复制了5个字节(足以进行无条件跳转指令)。如果目标函数少于5个字节,则Detours中止和   返回错误代码。要复制指令,Detours使用简单的表驱动反汇编程序。 Detours从最后添加了一条跳转指令   蹦床到第一个非复制的指令   目标函数。 Detours将无条件跳转指令写入绕行函数作为目标的第一条指令   功能。要完成,Detours将恢复目标和trampoline函数的原始页面权限,并通过调用FlushInstructionCache来刷新CPU指令缓存。


