
时间:2015-02-07 10:51:56

标签: objective-c string cocoa swift

对符合格式化字符串的大多数需求需要计算容器的高度,给定字符串的最大宽度。 cocoa API中的这些函数反映了这种情况。



你如何与上述相反 - 给定一个高度限制,计算最小的宽度来封闭文本?


我觉得必须有更好的方法吗? (ObjC或Swift)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


NSAttributedString *myString = /*an attributed string*/
NSSize rawSize = myString.size; /*imagine a size of h20w100*/
int heightLimit = 40; /*example height limit*/
int linesAvailable = heightLimit/rawSize.height; /*gets the max number of lines available for the text*/
int neededWidth = rawSize.width/linesAvailable; /*gets the width of field needed to fit the whole text in the available height*/
NSSize fieldSize = NSMakeSize(needeWidth,heightLimit);


答案 1 :(得分:0)


以下代码对我来说效果很好,当公差设置为5时,它会计算3或4个尺寸。您可以替换为您喜欢的任何尺寸计算功能,例如:你上面的功能。根据您的要求设置公差。希望这会有所帮助 - 它绝对可以优化(如果你更多地牺牲可读性)

func setLabelSize {

    var max_height = CGFloat(200) //This is the maximum height
    var big_float = CGFloat(99999)
    var width_estimate = big_float //This is the initial estimate

    var old_size = label.sizeThatFits(NSSize(width: width_estimate, height: big_float))

    width_estimate = old_size.width * old_size.height / max_height

    var new_size = label.sizeThatFits(NSSize(width: width_estimate, height: big_float))
    var old_width_estimate = width_estimate

    //first estimate will always be short, so loop until upper bound is found
    while (new_size.height < max_height) {
        old_width_estimate = width_estimate
        old_size = new_size

        var surpless_area = (new_size.height - max_height) * width_estimate
        width_estimate += (surpless_area / new_size.height) 

        new_size = label.sizeThatFits(NSSize(width: width_estimate, height: big_float))
        println("estimate: \(width_estimate) old_estimate: \(old_width_estimate) new_size: \(new_size) old_size: \(old_size)")

    //value is inbetween old_width_estimate and width_estimate
    //width_estimate should be lower estimate, old should be higher
    var upper_estimate = old_width_estimate
    var lower_estimate = width_estimate
    var upper_estimate_size = old_size
    var tolerance = CGFloat(5)

    while(true) {

        var diff = (upper_estimate - lower_estimate) / 2
        println("upper: \(upper_estimate) lower: \(lower_estimate) diff: \(diff)")
        if diff <= tolerance {
        } else {
            var half_estimate = lower_estimate + diff
            new_size = label.sizeThatFits(NSSize(width: half_estimate, height: big_float))
            if new_size.height>max_height {
                lower_estimate = half_estimate
            } else {
                upper_estimate = half_estimate
                upper_estimate_size = new_size

    println("Final size \(upper_estimate_size)")

    label.frame.size = upper_estimate_size