自动使用Powershell中的IE COM对象从Web保存文件

时间:2015-02-09 02:05:33

标签: internet-explorer powershell com


enter image description here

我试图让IE11自动按editing the registry and specifying the Excel.CSV type保存文件,但这不起作用。下载链接实际上是一个调用复杂的Javascript函数的按钮,最后我需要的CSV文件的结果,但是我试图解密发出POST请求的JS并在IE上使用Navigate()方法COM对象无济于事。

我意识到这不是自动化Web流程的最佳方式,但我无法弄清楚如何解决页面上的所有Javascript以使用像Invoke-WebRequest这样的cmdlet。当一切都是Javascript时,有点难以使用HTTP GET和POSTS!


Function Get-PageElement ($Name,$TagName,$Id) {
    if ($Name) {
    } elseif ($TagName) {
    } elseif ($Id) {

$script:InternetExplorer = New-Object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$script:InternetExplorer.visible = $true

$DownloadButton = Get-PageElement -Id btnExport

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

#Start IE and navigate to your download file/location
$ie = New-Object -Com internetExplorer.Application

#Wait for Download Dialog box to pop up
Sleep 5
while($ie.Busy){Sleep 1} 

#Hit "S" on the keyboard to hit the "Save" button on the download box
$obj = new-object -com WScript.Shell
$obj.AppActivate('Internet Explorer')

#Hit "Enter" to save the file

#Closes IE Downloads window

答案 1 :(得分:0)


$wsh = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
$id = (Get-Process iexplore* | Where-Object{$_.MainWindowTitle -match "YOUR.WEB.PAGE.TITLE.HERE"}).id
    start-sleep -milliseconds 500
    #I don't have IE11 stuck on 8 due to corporate policy you may need a second sendkeys here
    #if so insert a 500 millisecond delay