
时间:2015-02-09 16:18:21

标签: javascript


var merchants = [{
  name : 'Weapons Merchant',
  items : [
    {type: "weapon", cost: 250, name: "Claymore"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 75,  name: "Dagger"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 350, name: "Magic Staff"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 150, name: "Sword"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 125, name: "Bow"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 125, name: "Crossbow"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 5,   name: "Arrow"},
    {type: "weapon", cost: 15,  name: "Bolt"}
}, {
  name : 'Armor Merchant',
  items : [
    {type: "clothing", slot: "head",     name: "Helmet"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "head",     name: "Hood"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "chest",    name: "Chestplate"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "chest",    name: "Tunic"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "chest",    name: "Robe"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "leggings", name: "Legplates"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "leggings", name: "Leggings"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "leggings", name: "Undergarments"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "feet",     name: "Boots"},
    {type: "clothing", slot: "feet",     name: "Armored Boots"}
},  {
  name: 'Material Merchant',
  items:  [
    {type: "material", name: "Leather", cost: 25},
    {type: "material", name: "Iron", cost: 50},
    {type: "material", name: "Steel", cost: 75},
    {type: "material", name: "Mythril", cost: 100},
    {type: "material", name: "Dragonbone", cost: 200}

function findMerchant(merchants, name) {
  return find(merchants, function(merchant) {
    return === name;

function findItem(merchant, type, name) {
  return find(merchant.items, function(item) {
    return item.type === type && === name;

function findWithParams(arr, parameters) {
  return find(arr, function(item) {
    for (var parameter in parameters) {
      if (item[parameter] !== parameters[parameter]) {
        return false;
      return true;

function find(arr, predicateFn) {
  var found = null;
  arr.forEach(function(item, index, items) {
    if (predicateFn.apply(undefined, arguments)) {
      found = item;
      return true;
    return false;
  return found;

function fight()  {
  var armorMerchant = findMerchant(merchants, 'Armor Merchant');
  var weaponMerchant = findMerchant(merchants, 'Weapons Merchant');
  var materialMerchant = findMerchant(merchants, 'Material Merchant');
  var energy = 100;
  var day = 3;
  var money = 1000;
  var armor = ['Mythril Chestplate', 'Mythril Legplates', 'Leather Hood'];
  var weapon = [];
  var intro = prompt("You are a hero who saved your town from a dragon attack years ago. You had fun murdering that dragon, but sadly no dragon has attacked since. Just when all hope is lo, you hear the sirens ring through the city. You know what that means. Do you PREPARE, or IGNORE THE SIRENS?").toUpperCase();
  switch(intro)  {
    case 'PREPARE':
      if(intro === "PREPARE") {
        var decision1 = prompt("You decided to " + intro + ". You need to choose what you will do. Keep in mind, the more activities you do, the less energy you have! You only have 3 days to prepare! What do you do? Do you SEARCH ARMOR STAND, SEARCH WEAPON STAND, GO TO MERCHANT, FIGHT DRAGON, TRAIN, or SLEEP?").toUpperCase();
        if(decision1 === "SEARCH ARMOR STAND" && energy >= 5)  {
          energy -= 5;
          prompt("You check your armor rack, but happen to stub your toe on the way. You now have " + energy + " energy. You manage to check your armor rack, and you currently have: " + armor + " on your rack. What do you do now? SEARCH ARMOR STAND, SEARCH WEAPON STAND, GO TO MERCHANT, FIGHT DRAGON, TRAIN, or SLEEP?")
        else  {
          alert("You don't have enough Energy!");
        if(decision1 === "SEARCH WEAPON STAND" && energy >= 10)  {
          energy -= 10;
          prompt("You go downstairs to search your weapon stand. Your weapon stand includes: " + weapon + ". On your way back up, you cut your finger on the broken piece of glass. You now have " + energy + " energy. What do you do now? SEARCH ARMOR STAND, SEARCH WEAPON STAND, GO TO MERCHANT, FIGHT DRAGON, TRAIN, or SLEEP?")
@import url(;

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.battles img  {
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          <h2 class="header">Dragon Slayer - REBORN!</h2>
          <p class="intro">You are a hero who saved your town from a dragon attack years ago. You had fun murdering that dragon, but sadly no dragon has attacked since. Just when all hope is lost, you hear the sirens ring through the city. You know what that means.</p>
          <a href="javascript:fight()"><br>BEGIN!</a>
          <img class="scenario"  src="">
          <div class="battles">


如果可能,当案例回滚到上一个提示/步骤时,它也应该保持当前的能量/天变量。 如果可能的话,它可以回到之前的提示吗? 如果不可能,我如何尽可能缩短代码以使其符合我的要求?

0 个答案:
