
时间:2015-02-14 06:19:21

标签: f# tuples

//Return a tuple from a text file:
let ExtractFromLine (line:string) =
 let strings = line.Split('\t') //data members are spaced by tab
 let strlist = Array.toList(strings) //each data member is now a list of str
 let year = System.Int32.Parse(strlist.Head) //year is first in file, so Head
 let values = List.map System.Double.Parse strlist.Tail //tail are all values
 let average = List.average values //not part of text file
 let min = List.min values //not part of text file
 let max = List.max values //not part of text file
 (year, values, average, min, max) //return tuple with all info

let rec createList fileline =
 if fileline = [] then
  let (year, values, average, min, max) = ExtractFromLine fileline.Head
  let l = (year, values, average, min, max) :: createList fileline.Tail

let main argv =
 let file = ReadFile "data.txt"

 let biglist = createList file //recursive function to make a list of tuples
 printfn"%A" biglist //This prints the year, all values, average, min, and max for each tuple created

我现在有一个巨大的元组列表,其中包含我需要的所有信息。 我是否保留了访问内部所有元素并对其进行计算的可能性?我使用C ++编程,并且该解决方案可以使用该语言,但在我看来,F#更强大。我确信它可能,我只是错过了基础知识。

例如,如何打印所有年份的所有值的平均值? 我想到了for循环,但我不确定如何迭代。

for(all tuples in biglist)
printfn"%A:%A" tuple.year tuple.average

上述问题涉及在列表中一次从一个元组中提取数据。 如果我想打印最大的平均值怎么办?这将涉及访问每个元组的平均数据成员并比较它们以返回最大的平均数据。我是否必须创建包含这些平均值的另一个列表?

我了解了fst和snd,但我很难将它应用到这个例子中。 如果问题太多,你不必回答所有问题,但是当我开始使用这种语言时,我们非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)





// create sample tuples
let t1 = (2014, 35, 18, 5, 45)
let t2 = (2014, 32, 28, 8, 75)
let t3 = (2014, 25, 11, 9, 55)
let t4 = (2015, 16, 13, 2, 15)
let t5 = (2015, 29, 15, 1, 35)

// create sample list
let lst = [t1;t2;t3;t4;t5]

// a function to return third item in a tuple
let trd (_,_,t,_,_) = t

// process list recursively
let rec prcsLst l max =
    match l with
    | [] -> max
    | hd::tl ->
        if (trd hd) > max then
            prcsLst tl (trd hd)
            prcsLst tl max

// invoke the method on the sample list
// as a starting point use the first item in the list
prcsLst lst (trd t1);;

答案 1 :(得分:1)



let (y, v, Av, mn, mx) = mytuple


