TypeError:'<invalid type =“”>'不支持索引</invalid>

时间:2015-02-14 18:47:51

标签: python function indexing



import math as m
import time as t

def calcExcelDate(year, month) :
    day = 1
    y2 = year - 1900   # The number of years since 1900 with the simple subtraction
    em = (14 - month) // 12 # An early-month correction factor that is either 0 or 1
    y3 = y2 - em # year with early-month correction using y3 = y2 - em
    m2 = month + 12*em  # month with early-month correction
    l = 1 + min(y3, 0) + y3//4 - y3//100 # number of leap years since 1900
    d1 = m.floor(-1.63 + (m2 - 1)*30.6) # number of days preceding the given month in a non-leap year
    d2 = day + y3 * 365 + 1 + d1   # final excel date
    excelDate = d2
    return excelDate

def calcWeekDay(excelDate) :
    """Produce an int from 0 - 6 to represent which day"""
    daysInWeek = (excelDate + 6) % 7
    return daysInWeek

def daysInMonth(year, month) :   
    numDays = calcExcelDate(year, month + 1) - calcExcelDate(year, month)
    return int(numDays)

def formatCalendar(monthDetails) :
    """Return a calandar layout for one month. """

def listMonthDays(year) :

    MonthDetails = [year]
    for month in range(1, 13):
        blanks = ["",]
        MonthDetails.append[monthList[month], blanks*(int(calcWeekDay(calcExcelDate(year, month)))) + range(1, daysInMonth(year, month) + 1)]  
        # problem occures here ^
    return MonthDetails

def theEnd() :
    print "Programed by Gabriel Tsang"
    print "Date: " + t.ctime()
    print "End of processing"

month = 0
year = 2015                             #year to make calander
monthDetails = listMonthDays(year)      #details for each month
print    # not yet finished still only working on the above


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\users\gabriel\appdata\local\temp\tmpdtfhw5.py in <module>()
     58 for month in range(1, 13, 3) :
---> 59     left = formatCalendar(listMonthDays(year)[month]).split('\n')
     60     centre = formatCalendar(listMonthDays(year)[month+1]).split('\n')
     61     right = formatCalendar(listMonthDays(year)[month+2]).split('\n')

c:\users\gabriel\appdata\local\temp\tmpdtfhw5.py in listMonthDays(year)
     42     for month in range(1, 13):
     43         blanks = ["",]
---> 44         MonthDetails.append[monthList[month], blanks*(int(calcWeekDay(calcExcelDate(year, month)))) + range(1, daysInMonth(year, month) + 1)]
     45     return MonthDetails
     46 def theEnd() :

TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


MonthDetails.append[monthList[month], blanks*(int(calcWeekDay(calcExcelDate(year, month)))) + range(1, daysInMonth(year, month) + 1)]  


MonthDetails.append(monthList[month], blanks*(int(calcWeekDay(calcExcelDate(year, month)))) + range(1, daysInMonth(year, month) + 1))



MonthDetails.extend([monthList[month], blanks*(int(calcWeekDay(calcExcelDate(year, month)))) + range(1, daysInMonth(year, month) + 1)])