TableSorter - 外部搜索,尝试从按钮搜索以过滤所有内容,而不仅仅是列

时间:2015-02-18 16:24:04

标签: jquery tablesorter

原谅我,我是新手...我正在使用TableSorter jQuery插件。我有外部搜索框工作,搜索所有列。我还有一些按钮可以加载特定的术语,但是这些按钮只能通过过滤某个列来实现。我试图让所有列的这些过滤器无济于事。请帮忙。看看我如何设置脚本。

    sortList: [[0,0]],
    widgets: ["zebra", "filter"],
    // change the default striping class names
    // updated in v2.1 to use widgetOptions.zebra = ["even", "odd"]
    // widgetZebra: { css: [ "normal-row", "alt-row" ] } still works
    widgetOptions : {
      // filter_anyMatch replaced! Instead use the filter_external option
      // Set to use a jQuery selector (or jQuery object) pointing to the
      // external filter (column specific or any match)
      filter_external : '.search',
      // add a default type search to the first name column
      filter_defaultFilter: { 1 : '~{query}' },
      // include column filters
      filter_columnFilters: true,
      filter_placeholder: { search : 'Search...' },
      filter_saveFilters : false,
      filter_reset: '.reset'


    var $t = $(this),
    col = $'filter-column'), // zero-based index
    filter = [];

    filter[col] = $t.text(); // text to add to filter
    $('#myTable1').trigger('search', [ filter ]);
    return false;



<!--Main Search box - Filters all column-->

    <input class="search" style="font-size:18px; height:35px" data-column="all" type="search" placeholder="Search...">  

    <button style="font-size:18px; height:43px; margin-left:10px" type="button" class="reset">Reset Parts Listing</button><br />

<!--Buttons that load search. Currently they only filter by column 1...I want them to filter by all columns-->

    <button type="button" class="search" data-filter-column="1" data-filter-text="Collision">Collision</button>

    <button type="button" class="search" data-filter-column="1" data-filter-text="Import">Import</button>

    <button type="button" class="search" data-filter-column="1" data-filter-text="Heavy Duty">Heavy Duty</button>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您希望按钮执行&#34; all&#34;列搜索,将查询添加到最后一列加一。例如:



// in a table with 4 columns; set the 5th parameter to any-match
// find orange in any column
$('table').trigger( 'search', [['', '', '', '', 'orange']] );


    var $t = $(this),
        $table = $('table'),
        totalColumns = $table[0].config.columns,
        col = $'column'), // zero-based index or "all"
        filter = [];

    // text to add to filter
    filter[ col === 'all' ? totalColumns : col ] = $t.attr('data-query');
    $table.trigger('search', [ filter ]);
    return false;


*注意2 *此信息记录在"Methods" section&#34;搜索&#34;中的过滤器小部件演示中。
