
时间:2015-02-20 15:40:55

标签: batch-file

我的要求是 - 我需要从输入文件夹中读取文件名 - C:\Encrypt\In并将其传递给命令java.exe -jar D:\ SYS \ src \ PI \ IN \ Cryptage.jar - rc4 -crypt D:\ SYS \ src \ PI \ IN \ Decrypt \ D:\ src \ PI \ IN \ Encrypt \%VAR1 %% VAR2%

我尝试过以下一个 - 但没有运气

set VAR1=FOR /R C:\Encrypt\In %F in (*.*) do echo %~nF

echo %VAR1%%VAR2% (concatenate the filename with "ABCD" as constant)

java.exe -jar D:\SYS\src\PI\IN\Cryptage.jar -rc4 -crypt D:\SYS\src\PI\IN\Decrypt\ D:\src\PI\IN\Encrypt\ %VAR1%%VAR2% 

(在这里传递 - 这样每次文件进入输入目录时,变量都可以通过变量动态获取文件名)

echo %VAR1%%VAR2%无效。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


@echo off
set "ScanFolder=C:\Encrypt\In"

rem The loop runs command DIR to get a list of files with archive attribute set.
rem Directories are ignored even if archive attribute is set on a directory.
rem On each file with archive attribute currently set the archive attribute
rem is removed from file and then the command is started to process the file.
rem After all files with archive attribute were processed, the batch file
rem waits 5 seconds before scanning the folder again. The loop is infinite
rem and can be breaked only by pressing Ctrl+C or closing command prompt
rem window to stop command line interpreter.

for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /AA-D /B "%ScanFolder%" 2^>nul') do (
    %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -A "%ScanFolder%\%%~nxF"
    java.exe -jar D:\SYS\src\PI\IN\Cryptage.jar -rc4 -crypt D:\SYS\src\PI\IN\Decrypt\ D:\src\PI\IN\Encrypt\ "%ScanFolder%\%%~nxF"
%SystemRoot%\System32\ping.exe -n 6>nul
goto Loop

java.exe,因为在这种情况下,命令行解释器并不总是需要在环境变量 PATH 的文件夹中搜索它。



  • attrib /?
  • dir /?
  • for /?
  • ping /?

答案 1 :(得分:0)

非常感谢 - 我通过以下方式实现了: - cd C:\ Encrypt \ In \ for %% f in(。)do(rem echo %% ~nfAPSI set v = %% ~nfAPSI)echo%v%< / p>
