数据表多列排序 - 规范所需的帮助

时间:2015-02-27 06:29:51

标签: jquery datatable



enter image description here


  • 按第三列(Conn Status)desc排序,然后进行二级排序。如果第三列是可排序的,则不需要应用为后续列指定的排序规则。
  • 如果第三列具有所有相同的值,因此无法应用排序,那么我希望它按第5列desc(mdi)排序,然后进行二次排序。如果第五列是可排序的,则不需要应用为后续列指定的排序规则。
  • 如果第五列具有所有相同的值,因此无法应用排序,我希望按第7列(DSM)desc进行排序,然后进行第二次排序。如果第七列是可排序的,则不需要应用为后续列指定的排序规则。
  • 如果第七列具有所有相同的值,因此无法应用排序,那么我希望按第1列(SiteId)asc进行排序。


  $("#storeHealthTbl").dataTable ({
      "bSort": true,
      "bLengthChange": false,
      "bPaginate": false,
      "aoColumnDefs": [ {
          "aTargets": [ 2 ],
          "sType": "string",
          "aDataSort": [ 2, 4, 6 ] /* Want 2,4,6 to be desc but don't know how*/
      }, {
          "aTargets": [ 4 ],
          "sType": "string",
          "aDataSort": [ 4, 6 ] /* Want 4,6 to be desc but don't know how*/
      }, {
          "aTargets": [ 6 ],
          "sType": "string",
          "aDataSort": [ 6 ] /* Want 6 to be desc but don't know how*/
      }, {
          "aTargets": [ 0 ],
          "sType": "numeric",
          "aDataSort": [ 0 ] /* This one is asc */
      }, ]





1 个答案:

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这是working jsfiddle

// function to check our conditions and set the proper sort order
function getSortOrder(sortCols, sortVars) {
    var set = false;
    // loop through our array of columns to check
    $.each(sortCols, function(ind, elm) {
        // create a var to hold the value in this column on the first row
        var firstVal;
        // loop through each row
        $("#datatable").find('tr').each(function(tri, tre) {
            // stop checking if we already found a column with different values
            if (!set) {
                // otherwise, et get the value in this column on this row
                var curCellVal = $(this).find('td').eq(sortCols[ind]).text();
                // row 0 is a header row, do nothing 
                if (tri == 0) { 
                } else if (tri == 1) { // for first actual row, set `firstVal` to its value
                    firstVal = curCellVal;
                } else { // if after first row, check current row's cell value against 'firstVal'
                    // if the values are different, this column can be sorted, 
                    if (curCellVal != firstVal) {
                        // flag as set so the function stops looking
                        // this could probably be done better
                        set = true; 
                         // initialize datatable with the sort order at the current index of `sortVars`
    // default initialization if not caught by our function
    var datatable = set ? null : $("#datatable").dataTable(); 
// `getSortOrder()` takes two parameters
// parameter 1: array: columns to check
// parameter 2: array: sort values (each being a  muti-dimensional array: [column, direction] )
getSortOrder([2, 6, 8, 0], [
    [[2, 'desc'],[4, 'desc'],[6, 'desc']], // sort order to use is column 3 is not all the same value
    [[4, 'desc'],[6, 'desc']],             // sort order to use is column 7 is not all the same value
    [[8, 'desc']],                         // sort order to use is column 9 is not all the same value
    [[0, 'asc']],                          // sort order to use is column 1 is not all the same value

function initDTWithSortOrder(sortOrder) {
        "bSort": true,
        "bLengthChange": false,
        "bPaginate": false,
        "aaSorting": sortOrder