
时间:2015-03-03 23:29:31

标签: node-webkit ace-editor




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	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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	<title>Complex Layout Demo</title>

	<link href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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    <title>JS Bin</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://layout.jquery-dev.com/demos/css/complex.css">
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        #editor { position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;}

	<script type="text/javascript">
 * complex.html
 * This is a demonstration page for the jQuery layout widget
 *	NOTE: For best code readability, view this with a fixed-space font and tabs equal to 4-chars

	var outerLayout, innerLayout;

		// create the OUTER LAYOUT
		outerLayout = $("body").layout( layoutSettings_Outer );
      var editor = window.editor = ace.edit("editor");


		 * Add SPANs to the east/west panes for customer "close" and "pin" buttons
		 * COULD have hard-coded span, div, button, image, or any element to use as a 'button'...
		 * ... but instead am adding SPANs via script - THEN attaching the layout-events to them
		 * CSS will size and position the spans, as well as set the background-images

		// BIND events to hard-coded buttons in the NORTH toolbar
		outerLayout.addToggleBtn( "#tbarToggleNorth", "north" );
		outerLayout.addOpenBtn( "#tbarOpenSouth", "south" );
		outerLayout.addCloseBtn( "#tbarCloseSouth", "south" );
		outerLayout.addPinBtn( "#tbarPinWest", "west" );
		outerLayout.addPinBtn( "#tbarPinEast", "east" );

		// save selector strings to vars so we don't have to repeat it
		// must prefix paneClass with "body > " to target ONLY the outerLayout panes
		var westSelector = "body > .ui-layout-west"; // outer-west pane
		var eastSelector = "body > .ui-layout-east"; // outer-east pane

		 // CREATE SPANs for pin-buttons - using a generic class as identifiers
		$("<span></span>").addClass("pin-button").prependTo( westSelector );
		$("<span></span>").addClass("pin-button").prependTo( eastSelector );
		// BIND events to pin-buttons to make them functional
		outerLayout.addPinBtn( westSelector +" .pin-button", "west");
		outerLayout.addPinBtn( eastSelector +" .pin-button", "east" );

		 // CREATE SPANs for close-buttons - using unique IDs as identifiers
		$("<span></span>").attr("id", "west-closer" ).prependTo( westSelector );
		$("<span></span>").attr("id", "east-closer").prependTo( eastSelector );
		// BIND layout events to close-buttons to make them functional
		outerLayout.addCloseBtn("#west-closer", "west");
		outerLayout.addCloseBtn("#east-closer", "east");

		// DEMO HELPER: prevent hyperlinks from reloading page when a 'base.href' is set
		$("a").each(function () {
			var path = document.location.href;
			if (path.substr(path.length-1)=="#") path = path.substr(0,path.length-1);
			if (this.href.substr(this.href.length-1) == "#") this.href = path +"#";

	* This configuration illustrates how extensively the layout can be customized
	* ALL SETTINGS ARE OPTIONAL - and there are more available than shown below
	* These settings are set in 'sub-key format' - ALL data must be in a nested data-structures
	* All default settings (applied to all panes) go inside the defaults:{} key
	* Pane-specific settings go inside their keys: north:{}, south:{}, center:{}, etc
	var layoutSettings_Outer = {
		name: "outerLayout" // NO FUNCTIONAL USE, but could be used by custom code to 'identify' a layout
		// options.defaults apply to ALL PANES - but overridden by pane-specific settings
	,	defaults: {
			size:					"auto"
		,	minSize:				50
		,	paneClass:				"pane" 		// default = 'ui-layout-pane'
		,	resizerClass:			"resizer"	// default = 'ui-layout-resizer'
		,	togglerClass:			"toggler"	// default = 'ui-layout-toggler'
		,	buttonClass:			"button"	// default = 'ui-layout-button'
		,	contentSelector:		".content"	// inner div to auto-size so only it scrolls, not the entire pane!
		,	contentIgnoreSelector:	"span"		// 'paneSelector' for content to 'ignore' when measuring room for content
		,	togglerLength_open:		35			// WIDTH of toggler on north/south edges - HEIGHT on east/west edges
		,	togglerLength_closed:	35			// "100%" OR -1 = full height
		,	hideTogglerOnSlide:		true		// hide the toggler when pane is 'slid open'
		,	togglerTip_open:		"Close This Pane"
		,	togglerTip_closed:		"Open This Pane"
		,	resizerTip:				"Resize This Pane"
		//	effect defaults - overridden on some panes
		,	fxName:					"slide"		// none, slide, drop, scale
		,	fxSpeed_open:			750
		,	fxSpeed_close:			1500
		,	fxSettings_open:		{ easing: "easeInQuint" }
		,	fxSettings_close:		{ easing: "easeOutQuint" }
	,	north: {
			spacing_open:			1			// cosmetic spacing
		,	togglerLength_open:		0			// HIDE the toggler button
		,	togglerLength_closed:	-1			// "100%" OR -1 = full width of pane
		,	resizable: 				false
		,	slidable:				false
		//	override default effect
		,	fxName:					"none"
	,	south: {
			maxSize:				200
		,	size:					200
		,	spacing_closed:			21			// HIDE resizer & toggler when 'closed'
		,	slidable:				true		// REFERENCE - cannot slide if spacing_closed = 0
		,	initClosed:				false
		//,	onhide_start:			function () { return confirm("START South pane hide \n\n onhide_start callback \n\n Allow pane to hide?"); }
		//,	onhide_end:				function () { alert("END South pane hide \n\n onhide_end callback"); }
		//,	onshow_start:			function () { return confirm("START South pane show \n\n onshow_start callback \n\n Allow pane to show?"); }
		//,	onshow_end:				function () { alert("END South pane show \n\n onshow_end callback"); }
		//,	onopen_start:			function () { return confirm("START South pane open \n\n onopen_start callback \n\n Allow pane to open?"); }
		//,	onopen_end:				function () { alert("END South pane open \n\n onopen_end callback"); }
		//,	onclose_start:			function () { return confirm("START South pane close \n\n onclose_start callback \n\n Allow pane to close?"); }
		//,	onclose_end:			function () { alert("END South pane close \n\n onclose_end callback"); }
		//,	onresize_start:			function () { return confirm("START South pane resize \n\n onresize_start callback \n\n Allow pane to be resized?)"); }
		//,	onresize_end:			function () { alert("END South pane resize \n\n onresize_end callback \n\n NOTE: onresize_start event was skipped."); }
	,	west: {
			size:					250
		,	spacing_closed:			21			// wider space when closed
		,	togglerLength_closed:	21			// make toggler 'square' - 21x21
		,	togglerAlign_closed:	"top"		// align to top of resizer
		,	togglerLength_open:		0			// NONE - using custom togglers INSIDE west-pane
		,	togglerTip_open:		"Close West Pane"
		,	togglerTip_closed:		"Open West Pane"
		,	resizerTip_open:		"Resize West Pane"
		,	slideTrigger_open:		"click" 	// default
		,	initClosed:				false
		//	add 'bounce' option to default 'slide' effect
		,	fxSettings_open:		{ easing: "easeOutBounce" }
	,	east: {
			size:					250
		,	spacing_closed:			21			// wider space when closed
		,	togglerLength_closed:	21			// make toggler 'square' - 21x21
		,	togglerAlign_closed:	"top"		// align to top of resizer
		,	togglerLength_open:		0 			// NONE - using custom togglers INSIDE east-pane
		,	togglerTip_open:		"Close East Pane"
		,	togglerTip_closed:		"Open East Pane"
		,	resizerTip_open:		"Resize East Pane"
		,	slideTrigger_open:		"mouseover"
		,	initClosed:				false
		//	override default effect, speed, and settings
		,	fxName:					"drop"
		,	fxSpeed:				"normal"
		,	fxSettings:				{ easing: "" } // nullify default easing
	,	center: {
			paneSelector:			"#mainContent" 			// sample: use an ID to select pane instead of a class
		,	minWidth:				200
		,	minHeight:				200
        ,   onresize_end:			function () { editor.resize() }

<body style="height: 100%">

<input style="display: none" id="projectDialog" type="file" />

<div class="ui-layout-west">
	<div class="header">Project Explorer</div>

	<div class="content">
		<!-- This is the project structure. We start with the Scripts and Shaders folder and dynamically add the tree structure in code above when they open a project. Starts out invisible until project selected. -->
		<div class="css-treeview" id="projectTree" style="display: none;">
				<li><input type="checkbox" id="projectRoot" /><label for="ProjectRoot" id="projectRootLabel">ProjectName</label>
						<li><input type="checkbox" id="Scripts" /><label for="Scripts">Scripts</label>
						<li><input type="checkbox" id="Shaders" /><label for="Shaders">Shaders</label>

<div class="ui-layout-north">
	<ul class="toolbar">
		<li id="tbarToggleNorth" class="first"><span></span>TODO: Toolbar here</li>
		<li id="tbarOpenSouth"><span></span>TODO: Toolbar icons here</li>

<div class="ui-layout-south">
	<div class="header">Outer - South</div>
	<div class="content">
		TODO: Debug/console/error/warning tabs here

<div id="mainContent" style="padding: 0; height: 100%; overflow-y: hidden;">
	<div class="ui-layout-center" style="height: 100%">
		<div class="ui-layout-content" style="padding: 0; height: 100%;">
			<div id="tabs" style="padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100%">
					<li><a href="#App_lua">App.lua</a></li>
					<li><a href="#AnimationManager_lua">AnimationManager.lua</a></li>
					<li><a href="#AI_lua">AI.lua</a></li>
				<div id="App_lua" style="background-color: orange; padding: 0; margin-left: 0px;">
					<div id="editor" >function App:Start()

function App:Loop()
				<div id="AnimationManager_lua">
					File 2
				<div id="AI_lua">
					File 3

