
时间:2015-03-07 22:28:59

标签: php magento

我有代码可以创建产品,然后为其添加自定义选项。 但是,如果我在管理面板中打开它,则不会添加自定义选项。此外,不会生成任何错误消息或警告。我的Magento版本是1.9.1.0。 脚本有什么问题?

$sku = 'test2';
$name = 'Test Product';
$description = 'Test Product Description';
$shortdescription = 'Test Product Short Description';
$price = '100';
$specialprice = '80';
$specialfromdate = '08/20/2014';
$specialtodate = '08/22/2014';
$categoryids = array(3,4,5);
$taxClassId = 0;    // None
$visibility = 4;    // catalog, search
$productStatus = 1;    // enabled
$createdDate = '08/20/2014';
$updatedDate = '08/20/2014';
//$imagepath = 'C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Chrysanthemum.jpg';    //    absolute path of image in local file system/server path
$color = 7;    //    Dropdown Attribute i.e 7 is attribute option id
$brand = '13,14,16';    //    Multiselect Attribute must be pass as string i.e 13,14 and 16 are attribute option's id

$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
//$product->setUrlKey($data['5']);    //    Uncomment only if custom url type
$product->setAttributeSetId(4); // enter the catalog attribute set id here
//$product->addImageToMediaGallery($imagepath,'image',true,false); // absolute path of image in local file system
$product->setCategoryIds($categoryids); // id of categories
'manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => 100
// assign product to the default website
//$product->setCreatedAt($createdDate);    //    uncomment if add custom date
//$product->setUpdatedAt($updatedDate);    //    uncomment if add custom date
/*  Add custom options */
$sizes = array(M,L,XL,XXL);
if(count(array_filter($sizes)) > 0){
$options = array();
$optionData = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($sizes); $i++){
$options[$i]['is_delete'] = '';
$options[$i]['title'] = $sizes[$i];
$options[$i]['price_type'] = 'fixed';
$options[$i]['price'] = '';
$options[$i]['sku'] = '';

$optionData = array(
'is_delete'         => 0,
'is_require'        => false,
'previous_group'    => '',
'title'             => 'Size',
'type'              => 'drop_down',
'sort_order'        => 1,
'values'            => $options

$optionInstance = $product->getOptionInstance()->unsetOptions();


/*  ------------------- */
echo $product->getId().'  Save Successfully';
catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
//Handle the error

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)


TL / DR: 通过使用$product->getResourceModel()->save(),您将跳过负责在产品上保存自定义选项的代码。如果您使用$product->save(),它将在Mage_Catalog_Model_Product _afterSave()方法期间保存您的自定义选项。

长版: 在产品保存期间保存自定义选项的代码实际上是在Mage_Catalog_Model_Product的_afterSave()(版本1.9.4.3中为第546行)方法中定义的,该方法在$product->save()(在Mage_Core_Model_Abstract中定义)中调用,如果您遵循继承链, ,您将发现Mage_Catalog_Model_Product最终继承自)。因此,直接进入资源模型($product->getResourceModel()->save()),您实际上是在跳过负责保存这些自定义选项的代码。
