
时间:2015-03-16 07:37:36

标签: jquery jquery-bootgrid

我正在使用 jquery-bootgrid 来显示记录列表。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

You will have to use formatters. Below is an example. Here, data is loaded from the database via ajax:

<table id="gridStudents" class="table table-condensed table-hover table-striped">
                <th data-column-id="StudentId" data-type="numeric" data-identifier="true">Student Id</th>
                <th data-column-id="FirstName">First Name</th>
                <th data-column-id="LastName">Last Name</th>
                <th data-column-id="Photo" data-formatter="pix">Photo</th>

Then, in your javascript, do the following (assuming you have a controller named Student and 2 actions named getStudents and getPhoto(int StudentId), which respectively fetch all the students and get the photograph of a specific student based on his or her StudentId) :

$(function () {  
    var jqxhr = $.ajax({
         url: 'Student/getStudents',
         type: 'POST'
    jqxhr.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            caseSensitive: false,
            selection: true,
            multiSelect: true,
            formatters: {                    
                "pix": function (column, row) {
                    return "<img src=\"Student/getPhoto/" + row.StudentId + "\" />";
        }).bootgrid("append", data)

Below is what the server side would look like. Here the photos are stored as binary data in a field named Photo in the database, and another field named ContentType stores the content type (image/jpeg, image/png, etc.):

public class StudentController : Controller
    .... //your other stuff....

    public JsonResult getStudents()
        var data = db.Students.ToList();
        return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    public ActionResult getPhoto(int StudentId)
        var student = db.Students.Find(StudentId);
        return File(student.Photo, student.PhotoContentType);


答案 1 :(得分:1)


    formatters: {
        "imageCol": function(column, row) {
             return "<img src='" + row.id + "' />";

