PHP for循环复制页面刷新

时间:2015-03-17 09:29:43

标签: php arrays foreach


foreach($products as $id => $product) {
        echo "<tr>
            <td style='border-bottom:1px solid #000000;'><a href='./index.php?view_product=$id'>" . $product['Book_Code'] . "</a></td>
            <td style='border-bottom:1px solid #000000;'>$" . $product['Title'] . "</td> 
            <td style='border-bottom:1px solid #000000;'>" . $product['Author'] . "</td>
    echo "</table>";

我目前在我的2d阵列中有两个项目(最终会有20个)。当我加载页面时,我的表正确地显示了两个项目,#1&amp; #2。如果我刷新页面#1&amp;#2仍然存在,但也在下面复制,所以表格看起来像





$db = sqlite_open ("products.db", 0666, $error);

@sqlite_query($db,"CREATE TABLE Books (Book_Code integer PRIMARY KEY, Author varchar(20), Title varchar(20), Brief_Synopsis varchar2(100), ISBN_Number integer, Publisher varchar(20), imgNumber integer)",$sqliteerror);

sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Robin Nixon', 'Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5','Build interactive data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards', 9781491918661, 'O&#39Reilly', '001')");
sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Reiersol et al', 'PHP in action','This book takes on the most important challenges of web programming in PHP', 9781932394757, 'Greenwich', '002')");

$result=sqlite_query($db,"SELECT * from Books");
$products = array();
    $products[] = $row;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



@sqlite_query($db,"CREATE TABLE Books (Book_Code integer PRIMARY KEY, Author varchar(20), Title varchar(20), Brief_Synopsis varchar2(100), ISBN_Number integer, Publisher varchar(20), imgNumber integer)",$sqliteerror);

sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Robin Nixon', 'Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5','Build interactive data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards', 9781491918661, 'O&#39Reilly', '001')");
sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Reiersol et al', 'PHP in action','This book takes on the most important challenges of web programming in PHP', 9781932394757, 'Greenwich', '002')");

或评论它们以备将来使用。您要插入数据库的每个请求。 创建表前面的@符号会抑制表Books已存在的错误。因此,表格不会再次被创造出来。并且记录仍会插入



$tableCheck = sqlite_array_query($db, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='Books'");

if(1 > count($tableCheck)) {

     sqlite_query($db,"CREATE TABLE Books (Book_Code integer PRIMARY KEY, Author varchar(20), Title varchar(20), Brief_Synopsis varchar2(100), ISBN_Number integer, Publisher varchar(20), imgNumber integer)",$sqliteerror);

    sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Robin Nixon', 'Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5','Build interactive data-driven websites with the potent combination of open-source technologies and web standards', 9781491918661, 'O&#39Reilly', '001')");
    sqlite_query($db,"INSERT INTO Books (Author, Title, Brief_Synopsis, ISBN_Number, Publisher, imgNumber) VALUES ( 'Reiersol et al', 'PHP in action','This book takes on the most important challenges of web programming in PHP', 9781932394757, 'Greenwich', '002')");