boost graph library adjacency_list:维护EdgeList,按EdgeProperties排序

时间:2015-03-17 15:45:17

标签: c++11 boost graph selector adjacency-list

我正在尝试在EdgeProperties上使用具有严格弱排序的std :: multiset容器来获取boost :: adacency_list的EdgeList模板参数

namespace boost {

struct propOrderedMultisetS { };
template <class ValueType>
struct container_gen<propOrderedMultisetS,ValueType> {
    struct less {
        bool operator() (const ValueType& lhs, const ValueType& rhs) const {
            return (lhs.get_property() < rhs.get_property());
    typedef std::multiset<ValueType, less> type;

struct MyVertexProp { int v; };
struct MyEdgeProp {
    bool operator<(const MyEdgeProp& rhs) const {
        return this->weight < rhs.weight;
    double weight;

typedef adjacency_list<listS, listS, undirectedS, MyVertexProp, MyEdgeProp,
 no_property, propOrderedMultisetS> PropOrderedGraph;

using namespace boost;
int main() {
    PropOrderedGraph g;

    // ... adding some vertices and edges

    for (auto e_range=edges(g); e_range.first != e_range.second; ++e_range.first) {
        // works! prints the edges ordered by weight
        std::cout << g[*e_range.first].weight << std::endl;

    for (auto v_range=vertices(g); v_range.first != v_range.second; ++v_range.first) {
        // works! prints all vertices (random order)
        std::cout << g[*v_range.first].v << std::endl;

    auto first_vertex = *vertices(g).first;
    for (auto adj_v_range=adjacent_vertices(first_vertex, g); adj_v_range.first != adj_v_range.second; ++adj_v_range.first) {
        // problem: dereferencing causes compiler error, see below
        std::cout << g[*adj_v_range.first].v << std::endl;

    return 0;



/usr/include/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp:293:69:错误:从'const MyEdgeProp'类型的表达式初始化'MyEdgeProp&amp;'类型的引用无效          内联物业&amp; get_property(){return m_iter-&gt; get_property(); }


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